I stand in place, watching the man standing at the cooker.
The lion tattoo on his shoulder blade looks angrier with each flex of his muscles.
He's in nothing but sweatpants, Grey sweatpants. And he's so tall about..six- Two? I'm just five-three myself.
I walk slowly toward him but before I can get any closer,I'm yanked back with force
What the-
Before I can process everything,I'm already being dragged out of the kitchen. I pull my hand away from Claudia's hold
"What the hell do you think you're doing hmm? Why aren't you at school?"
I frown
"What do you care?"
"You're right,I don't,but I pay for it and I won't let you drag my name through the mud in the face of society. You think I don't know what you're doing? You want people to say I've made you my personal maid."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
There's movement in the kitchen and Claudia reaches for my wrist,she squeezes tightly and pulls me to a corner
She opens her purse and hands me a bunch of money
"Take this,go for shopping or something, I don't need you here just go."
"What did you say?"
"I said no. I'm not going anywhere,why are you so eager for me to leave?"
"You don't ask questions Naomi, I tell you something you do it. My house my rules. Your father left you nothing remember?"
Anger and rage both slam into me at the same time.
I snatch the money from her hand and storm out.
I sit on the chairs outside a cafe.
"I hate you." I whisper to myself
I hate you so much papa, how could you do this to me? How could you leave me on the streets like that,you've left me at the mercy of a wicked person. All the houses,the resorts and the company, you decided to leave them to that golddigger. What about me? Did you ever consider me?
A tear slips down my cheek and I wipe it away angrily.
How could you have the guts to tell me you love me more than anything as your last words before you took your last breath,only for you to betray me.
I hate you Charles Marshall
"Miss are you okay?"
A guy from the cafe asks with concern
"Yes, I'm fine."
"Uh..I don't think you are."
He points to my hands and I look down. It's then I realize that I've been squeezing my smoothie cup to the point it's lost shape and the contents are dripping down my hand.
"Oh." I quickly loosen my grip and grab a napkin to clean myself.
After I'm done, I check the time and it's past three in the afternoon so I start heading back home.
I throw myself on the bed like a bag of potatoes.
Gosh I feel so tired, I need too much rest and fluids in my body. I'll just go for a massage tomorrow.
I remove my shoes,tie my hair in a bun and put on a t-shirt and start reading a dark Romance book.
It's about 7pm when a knock sounds at my door.
"What is it?" I ask politely
"Naomi,I've brought you your dinner."
"Take it away,I'm not hungry. I already ate out."
There's silence on the other side,after a few seconds I hear retreating footsteps.
I lie flat on my stomach and close my eyes allowing sleep to take over.
I open my eyes and they land on the clock on my bedside table
22:36 pm. I really slept that much?
My stomach chooses that exact moment to growl.
I stretch then fling my legs off the bed. My destination being the kitchen.
I'll just make myself a quick sandwich and grab some water and then I'll be good to go.
I move through the door and shut it behind me. A click, being the only sound in the silent house.
After eating in the kitchen, I grab a bottle of water.
Making my way up the stairs,I round the corner minding my own business when I hear
"Oh this feels so goood.."
Silent slapping of skin against skin.
I pause in my footsteps and step back. The door is slightly open so i look, what I see has me freezing in place,my lips part at the HD scene unfolding before me.
The angry lion tattoo keeps changing from calm to vicious with every flex.
It's the man from earlier, Claudia's boyfriend.
His back is to me again,I can't see his face. His tight ass tightens and relaxes with each thrust and withdraw, his body is like one of a sex god, his muscles are well defined and sharp,oh, they look hard too.
Claudia moans in so much pleasure as the man keeps slamming into her in deep thrusts from behind. Her chest is glued to the matress,ass in the air as her hair sprawls on her back.
Suddenly,the man fists her hair in his hand and increases the speed of his thrusts, making her moan loudly this time. His ass flexes and tightens with each powerful pound.
My mouth goes dry and I swallow,my lips parting as I try to control my breathing. I squeeze the water bottle and clench my thighs.
I can't seem to stop watching the erotic scene,not that Claudia is erotic, eww.
It's how the sex god angrily pounds into her like he's on a mission to rip her apart.
He swears and reaches a hand around her front probably to play with her clit. Claudia goes insane at whatever it is he's doing to her with his hand.
My breathing becomes harsher and my core begins to thump.
I begin to sweat and my fingers become slippery, It all happens in slow motion. The bottle slips from my fingers and drops to the floor,the sound banging in the empty hall.
I don't think fast because the moment I bend to pick it up, the stranger's head turns and I get a glimpse of his face on the side. I don't look twice as I rush to my room and slam the door shut.
I rush to the bed and throw myself on it, my chest heaves up and down in an insane pace as I hear the moans from the other room getting louder.
His side profile keeps flashing in front of my eyes, on and on and on.
What does he really look like? He must be handsome judging by the tiny bit I saw.
"You want me to rip you open my whore,hmm? Now you're gonna take my cock into your non virgin ass."
My eyes widen.
Claudia keeps moaning. It's like hearing porn from headsets.
My clit swells and I'm sweating so bad.
Slowly, I pinch my nipple and moan,then I grab my scrunchie and bite down on it. My hand moves down my stomach slowly and dips into my panties,I start rubbing my clit.
I thrust a finger inside and my back arches off the bed,I moan but the scrunchie muffles the sound.
Gosh what is wrong with me? When did seeing two people fucking become a turn on to me.
My thrusts match the angry pounds of the man next door,the images flashing clearly in my mind.
Finally I come and tears roll down my cheeks.
I try to catch my breath as I lift my hand from between my legs.
My eyes wide as I stare at my own fingers. They're wet and my arousal drips and slips down between them.
She turns to face me as I sit on top of the counter next to her.
It's a old habit, I like watching her cook and she loves my company.
"How old is Claudia's boyfriend?"
"He's thirty, why?"
"Nothing just asking. So she's three years older than him then? And what does he look like?"
She turns around with a spatula in hand.
"He's tall, built in a good way, bless him, children these days are ruining their bodies. Anyway he's a handsome young man and very successful."
"Oh yeah?" I dip my finger in the flour she's mixed to bake a cake
"He's a famous doctor and he's very polite too,that's rare with successful people nowdays you know."
A doctor..hmm interesting.
I jump off the counter and carry the tray to the oven
"I wonder what he's doing with lady Tremaine then."
"Shhhh. Don't call her that,she might hear you"
"Oh come on Esther, I'm used to it,what more harm can she do."
"You need to stop provoking her Nao,I'm serious."
"Okay okay, I won't call her that. When she's around though."
Esther scolds in a motherly tone. Without her and Kai, I would've gone crazy a long time ago.
"Good morning."
A deep manly voice speaks from behind us.
My heart starts beating fast at the reminder of how raw and hot that same voice made me wet last night.
Slowly,I straighten from my bending position and turn.
In the doorway stands a man with: dark hair,dark eyes,full lips,a straight nose,sharp cheekbones and a lord save my eyes sexy body.
I've never seen a man as handsome as him,black sweatpants today,and the top,well.. it's a shame he's covered in a t-shirt front view for me.
My stomach knots and my mouth goes dry. He's looking right back at me, examining me the same way I do him.
Esther clears her throat breaking whatever spell we were both stuck in
"Good morning sir." She says
"Nate is fine Esther."
That timber voice. How does a voice turn someone on in just a second,
"I made you breakfast, there's everything you need ready on the table." she addresses him
His eyes focus on me again and I feel like he's burning me. Then I remember I'm just wearing a spaghetti and tiny boy shorts. The heat of his stare alone does insane things inside me.
"Nao..can you help me with something in the library?"
I break eye contact and find Esther looking at me with... panic?
"Sure,no problem."
She literally drags me out of the kitchen.
Why the hell did she look like she was going to faint back there?
"What's wrong Esther? You don't look so well."
She touches her neck,her forehead and then he chest
"N-nothing honey,I'm just a bit stressed out."
That makes sense, she never acts this weird.
"Can you do one thing for me?"
"What's that?"
"Please avoid that man,stay way from him, please Naomi."
"Wait..this is about Claudia's boyfriend?"
I place my hands on her shoulders
"What's going on,why am I not allowed to be in the same room as him,let alone speak with him?"
"Just..just do as I say okay,just do as I say."
I frown
"Calm down,it's not like I'm gonna try to steal him."
Esther visibly tenses.
So that's why? Well that's not going to happen,I won't touch what Claudia has touched. I'm not sharing anything with that woman.
I change into jeans and a tank.
I'm going out to see Michael tonight.
I don't plan on staying cooked up in this hell the entire day.
"Hey Kiddo." Kai steps closer to me and places a kiss on top of my head
So I've heart there's a little wallflower in this house, I just don't get why she's being hidden away from me. I'm not stupid, I know when someone isn't around and when they just hide or are forced too.
Claudia has a stepdaughter,and if we're talking about Claudia, I know the entire reason is because of her insecurities. I feel absolutely insulted, I mean she's just a child so what's the big deal if I get to see her anyway?
A young girl who without a doubt wouldn't even cause a single twitch to my partner down there. She's probably a rich little spoilt daddies girl who still fixes her hair in pigtails and rainbow colors shit.
C'mon,the poor girl practically fainted when she peeked through the open doorspace while I tore into her stepmother's cunt.
I look at the body sleeping next to me, quite understandably, she's exhausted from all the fucking we did.
I'm a doctor,I examine tons of different types of women,every category. But I've never once felt sexually attracted to them during the process, even if I get to dip my fingers inside them during examinations.
Sometimes I even get so many patients with zero problems who just want my fingers inside them or coming with the motive to seduce me.
Hasn't worked,won't and never will work.
I shower and put on some black sweatpants and a t-shirt and then I go downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee. My coffee plans are thrown out of the window the moment my eyes lay on thick long legs with smooth skin and a descent butt.
I know I'm being a pervert which I actually am not because I see such things every day but fuck me. I want to bite that skin. I force myself to say something despite the drool in my mouth.
"Good morning."
I say to Esther,a sweet fifty something year woman who reminds me so much of my grandmother but a bit older
The lady straightens and stands slowly,she then turns to face me.
If I thought her legs were attractive, Lable me a liar because well..fuck.
She's the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on, her round brown eyes,small plump lips and very thick eyebrows have me hypnotized.
I don't want to look away, I can't even if I wanted to.
She must be the daughter of Esther the help if I'm not mistaken.
She shamelessly scans me from head to toe and I don't want those eyes of me. My dick twitches at the parting of her lips, it's just a small reaction but I see it.
I take my time too, passing my eyes on every part of her body.