I'm distracted the whole day, I can't get those beautiful dark eyes out of my head. The way he handled that witch's body like he owned it. I clench my thighs together at the memory of his rough thrusts.
I startle at Bree's screeching voice.
"Have you been listening? You're becoming such a bore now."
That statement makes me think of what Claudia said to me last night.
What if they find out that you have nothing.
Would they still be friends with me? I look at both of them as they continue chatting, Jessy has her elbow on the table with her chin resting on her palm. She's so invested in whatever Bree is saying.
No. They can't know,they simply can't know that I have nothing.
I join in on their chat about Brandon the new guy being Bree's boyfriend.
"Hey Esther?"
I turn to face her. We're in the kitchen baking cupcakes.
"Do you think it's not true that papa didn't leave anything for me but instead trusted everything rightfully mine to Claudia because he thought she was trustworthy?"
"Oh child. I don't know for sure but there's one thing I am sure of."
"What's that?"
"Your father loved you so so much my dear,you were his light,never doubt that."
"Oh nanny, I don't know,if he loved me so much then his decisions are raising questions at that."
"I don't know why he did it,I can't explain it to you but I'm sure there's a solid reason."
"A solid reason to leaving your child homeless and penniless? I don't think that's love."
She stares at me,taking in everything I just said
"I hate him nanny. I hate him so much."
"Oh don't mean that."
She wipes my cheeks and it's then I realize that I'm crying.
"It's going to be okay."
I shake my head
"No it's not."
A BMW parks in our driveway, I stare through the window and a man steps out.
He looks to be in his late twenties,he has sandy blonde hair,a moustache and he's tall too.
I watch him for a very long time.
Nate steps out and they seem to be having a serious conversation. He hands a file over to him and he flips through.
After some minutes the blonde looks up probably out of instinct. His eyes hold mine, nervousness grips me so I lift my hand and bite on my pointer finger.
He must take it wrongly because he smirks up at me.
Nate turns his head and follows his colleagues line of vision. My eyes move to his and I don't know why I drop my hand from my mouth.
My eyes move back to the blonde's.
There's something about him, something that pulls me to him. Maybe it's because I'm into blonde guys? Yeah probably.
He turns and climbs in his car then drives off.
I watch as the car disappeares out of site, I turn and find Nate watching me. My heart starts beating fast.
He enters the house and I release a deep breath.
I stand at the window again, it's becoming a habit everytime I feel the questions overloading my head. Every single time I feel the floodgates open, I stand here as though that will give me answers.
Kai takes me out for ice cream, I'm not a kid anymore but I'll make an exception because's Kai, it's not everyday I get to relax and talk to him. We used to do that a lot when papa was still alive.
"So,Art huh? Just like your mother."
He's smiles softly
"Yep. I really love sculpting, I want to be the best. It's my passion,I want the world to appreciate my work,I want to share the beauty of art with souls who are enchanted by it. Do you get it?"
He smiles
"Spoken like a true artist. You're just like your mother."
"How was she? When you met back in college?"
"She was always happy,she was smart and had a glowing aura that pulled everyone in. She was the best art student,her love for scalping was beyond anything,she'd glow evertime she was at it."
I smile
"You're just like her Nao. From looks to intelligence and down to the heart."
I get emotional at his words so I place a hand on top of his
"You must miss her a lot."
"Every single day. It's the reason why I'm here with you Nao, I want to protect you and always be there when you need me."
"I know. I'm glad I have you Kai."
He lifts our hands and places a kiss at the back of mine.
The past week was very stressful. Claudia kept watching me like a crow with sharp eyes. I'm not allowed to speak or dare look at Nate, even if he says hi I shouldn't respond. I've been avoiding him like the plague,I honestly don't want any nagging and constant insults.
"Nice flowers." A deep voice says from behind me. I turn to find Nate watching me with his hands in his pants pockets.
I stare at him for a second and then stand,I'm about to move past him when he grabs my forearm.
"Why are you avoiding me like I have some sort of a contagious disease?"
I frown and try to snatch my hand but he tightens his grip and turns to fully face me.
"What's wrong Naomi?"
"Nothing,just let me go."
"Why are you so afraid of me?"
"Let go of me Nate."
"So you do know my name after all."
My eyes lift and meet his.
"We are not friends, whether I have a problem or not that shouldn't bother you,now,let me go."
He slowly legs go of my arm and I round the house and get in.
I close the door to the library and graze my fingers on where he touched me. I close my eyes and all I see is how he looked at me,like it bothered him that I've been avoiding him. Not that we were friends or anything,but the attitude I've been giving him might worry anybody.
"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"
Anna asks,she's actually the only real friend I have.
"Of course,I wouldn't want to keep you waiting anyway."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course,it's just a bimanual exam not an operation, You should probably do it too for your own health surety."
"Nah..I'm not letting anybody stuff their fingers in my vagina."
I laugh at the face she makes.
"Okay ms virgin Mary, it's probably going to be a woman anyway,so no stress there. I should get going now."
She walks me out the door and promises to check up on me this weekend.
"Ms Marshall." The nurse steps out with a board in hand
I stand
"I'm here."
"You're up next,please come with me."
I grab my purse and follow her, a lady steps out of a door on the left
"So? How was it?" Her friend whispers,
"He was hot,but I was hoping for it to be doctor Kingsley instead, he's like way hotter."
She looks kind of disappointed
"Well you can come back next time when they can't remember your fa....."
Their voices fade as they walk around the corner. I roll my eyes.
Oh please, who comes to a hospital in hopes of getting a chance to flirt with a doctor? How lame.
"In here." She opens the door wide "you can undress and put this on."
She hands me a cloth gown.
"Thank you."
"When you're done you can lie down over there. Doctor Kingsley will be with you in a short while."
My eyes widen. wait.
"A-a he?"
She turns to face me again
"I thought the female doctor was going to examine me, Dr Alyana Gomez?"
"Oh. Sorry,Dr Gomez has an emergency so she handed you over to Dr Kingsley."
She must see the uncomfortability written on my face because she tries to make me feel better
"Don't worry,he's a professional. You're in safe hands."
I gulp then whisper
After the nurse leaves. I undress and lie down on the table tapping my fingers on the gown nervously.
The door opens and I keep staring at the wall on the opposite side.
"Good morning ms Marshall."
I snap my head to the side and my eyes land on Nathaniel. Nathaniel as in Nate. Nate as in Claudia's boyfriend.
I catch my breath,I don't dare breath as we stare at each other in deafening silence.
God No.