Then out of nowhere I was quickly ambushed by Royce. Where the hell did he come from?
He pinned me to the bed and hovered above my body with a smirk.
"Were you in here the whole time?!" I yelled and felt like punching him when he laughed.
"Is that a problem brat?" he mocked and gripped my wrists tighter.
It felt amazing being underneath him but I knew he had his little girlfriend in the same position not too long ago so I tried pushing him off.
I was tired of his mixed signals and I just needed to forget him already.
"Stop fighting it. I know you like this position." he taunted some more and started to grind his hips on me.
What the hell was he doing?
"Royce, stop!" I protested and tried to hide the pleasure I felt from his actions.
He stopped moving and just stared at me as if not understanding why I didn't want him.
"Am I not good enough for you anymore?" he questioned with a smirk.
"Why don't you go ask your stupid girlfriend." I replied in frustration and couldn't help but let my eyes swell with tears.
Royce stayed still and sighed when he saw my tears finally falling down from the side of my eyes.
"You are such an annoying brat, you know that?" he quietly questioned and wiped my tears with his thumbs.
I pushed his hands away and wiped my own eyes. Royce aggressively moved my hands away and grabbed my face.
His lips were soon on mine and I almost melted into the rough kiss. It felt so good and just right. I parted my lips and let his warm tongue slip into my mouth.
His kiss was a desperate one and I knew why. He hated that he was kissing me but at the same time loved it.
He had the same emotions I did at the moment but that didn't stop us from getting into a heated makeout session.
I sucked on his tongue and groaned when he rubbed his lower half on to mine. He pressed open mouth kisses on my neck and I could tell he was trying to leave a hickey by how hard he was sucking and biting.
This all felt like a wet dream I hoped I would never wake up from.
Royce's strong cologne took over all my senses and made me grab on to him in want. I felt his soft skin and was glad when he allowed me to suck a bruise on to his collarbone.
"Royce?" we heard Cymphony call out in the hallway.
I groaned in hatred and waited for Royce to start cursing at me. Once his common sense came back to him and realized what we were doing, I was sure he would ignore me once more and pretend this never happened.
Royce looked at me with a blank stare and stayed quiet for awhile. I bit my lip and couldn't help but glance at his bruised lips.
I wanted them on my neck again.
"Don't tell anybody about what happened or I swear I'll run you over with my dad's car." he threatened and caused me to frown.
The normal angry Royce was back again.
I nodded and heavily sighed as I waited for him to get off of me and go attend to his perfect girlfriend.
But what I didn't expect was for him to give me a quick kiss on my mouth before he fixed his clothes and walked out of my room.
My lips tingles with excitment as they curved into a small smile...
Chris's P.O.V continued...
Today was Mark's birthday and I was surprised it was two days before Christmas. I was able to get him a jacket he wanted and even wrapped it myself.
The stores were packed with people gift shopping so it was a real pain but it was all worth if when he opened his gift and kept thanking me for it.
Pablo bought him a fancy looking pocket knife while Royce gave him a simple gift card.
It was nice celebrating Mark's birthday and now was time for the best part. Going out to eat to Olive Garden.
Food was probably the best thing ever and I loved it more than I loved people sometimes.
"Royce, Chris, hurry up! We're leaving!" Pablo yelled from downstairs as I fixed my hair a bit more before leaving my room.
I stopped when I saw Royce exit his room as well but with his slutty girlfriend. Who the hell invited her?!
How am I suppose to enjoy my food with her there. ugh.
"I forgot my wallet, go wait downstairs." Royce told his clingy girlfriend causing me to roll my eyes.
I walked by him without a care and felt his hand wrap around my waist. He quickly pulled me into his room and pinned me against the door with his body.
"Quit looking at my girlfriend like you want to burn her alive, brat. She's coming with us and I don't want to see your jealousy." he scolded like I was a child.
I pushed him off of me and tried to open the door but was roughly turned around again. Royce grabbed my chin and aggressively collided his warm mouth with mine.
I couldn't even react to the kiss because I was back in the hallway in less than five seconds.
What was going on here? Was I dreaming all of this?
Royce just kissed me again and he didn't seem bothered by it. Were we in a secret relationship now?
"Finally! I'm starving." Pablo exclaimed once we were all in the livingroom.
My mom giggled at Pablo's comment and held Marks hand. I glanced back at Royce and saw him kissing Cymphony's cheek in a loving matter as she smiled.
I was definitely dreaming and it was a horrible nightmare...
We all got into Mark's truck and I was not happy with my seat. I sat next to Pablo in the very back while Royce and his little slut sat in front of us.
They flirted non-stop and made out the whole car ride to Olive Garden. Was Royce only playing with my emotions?
Once we finally got to Olive Garden we were seated in a large table. My mom sat in between Pablo and Mark while I sat further away.
Royce and Cymphony sat so close together I almost thought she was going to sit on his lap.
I stayed in my own little world and just tried to enjoy this time. I sipped my sugary drink peacefully and ignored everybody until our food arrived.
I ate my pasta and only glanced up when Cymphony excused herself to go to the bathroom. That's when I felt Royce kick me under the table.
I moved my legs from his reach and continued to ignore him. I didn't want him to think that I was okay with his plan of having me and his girlfriend at the same time.
I was nobodys play toy and I would rather be with somebody who made me his main priority not his object.
Royce tried kicking me again and I could tell he was trying to get my attention but I didn't even give him a glance. Instead, I ate my tasty pasta until it was gone.
Once our stomachs were full, we headed home and ate some cake before my mom decided on having a movie night but Cymphony was still here so instead I went to my room for some needed sleep.
I fixed my bed and changed into some clean pyjamas before brushing my teeth. I turned off the light then climbed into bed.
I tried to fall asleep but I kept thinking about Royce and I hated it so I got up. I decided to leave my room and went downstairs instead but was surprised to see Cymphony by the counter with a glass of water in her hand.
She seemed deep in thought and looked very upset. Her mascara was running down her face. I poured myself a glass of water and didn't bother asking her what was wrong since she did it herself.
"Royce cheated on me!" she sobbed into my chest causing me to stand awkwardly in the middle of the kitchen.
I patted her head with the tip if my finger and got curious as to who Royce cheated on her with?
But once again Cymphony answered my question without having me ask.
"He had a hickey on his collarbone and I confronted him about it and you know what he told me?!" she cried and wiped her disgusting runny nose.
"What did he say?" I questioned and lightly pushed her crying mess away from me.
She let out one more forced sob before she answered. I kept quiet at hearing her words and then noticed Royce by the doorframe with a tanktop that exposed the hickey I gave him.
His smirk was proud and I was left speechless...
'A hickey is a person's way of marking their territory and I would be lying to you if I said I didn't belong to somebody else now...' -Royce's words to Cymphony.