Chris's P.O.V
I quietly tried to sneak Luis out of my room and giggled when he bumped into the corner of the wall.
My mom didn't know that he came to visit me after I called him. Luis was my best friend and I just needed somebody to talk to and he was willing to drive all the way here.
He now knew my pathetic crush for my step-brother and understood all the things that has happened between us.
"Shhh, you're going to get us in trouble." I warned Luis as he rubbed his bruised forehead.
"Why don't you try bumping into the wall and see if you can stay quiet!" Luis whispered back and laughed along with me but it was cut short when we crashed into Royce.
The barely lit hallway didn't let us see eachother very well but I did notice the injury on Royce's arm.
It was badly bleeding and my first instinct was to help him so that was exactly what I did.
I dragged him back to the kitchen and turned on the light to finally see clearly.
"What the hell are you doing, brat?" Royce harshly whispered at me then yanked his arm out of my hold.
"You're bleeding! You need to clean it before it gets infected!" I defended myself.
Luis sat on a chair close to us and watched Royce and I argue. I hated the small the smirk he wore proudly on his face as if teasing me.
"I know that already, but the real question here is who the hell is he and what are you doing sneaking him out of my house?!" Royce yelled back at me, not caring how high his voice was.
I really hope the rest of the family don't wake up to our arguing.
"He's my best friend, Luis, that came to visit me from my hometown." I replied.
Royce rolled his eyes and wiped the blood that was dripping from his wound. I grabbed a paper towel and handed it to him.
He took it without saying a word and pressed it against the disgusting looking cut. I wanted to ask how he got it but I knew what kind of answer I would get.
I learned my lesson from last time.
"Whatever, don't talk about my wound to anybody and I won't say a word about him." Royce bargained as he pointed towards his cut then to Luis.
Luis was almost falling asleep in his seat and I knew it would be dangerous if he drove like that back home.
"Deal, but he's staying the night with me." I answered.
Royce stared at Luis and I felt a little jealousy when he looked him up and down but then remembered Royce wasn't gay..
The comments he made as we watched Brokeback Mountain still replayed in my head and I would be lying if I said they didn't hurt my feelings.
Nothing was worse than falling for somebody you had no chance with.
"Fine, but if you get caught in the morning that's not my problem." Royce argued and left the kitchen.
I sighed and glanced back at Luis. He was sleeping on the chair now with crossed arms and I almost felt bad for waking him up.
"Luis, let's go back to bed." I whispered in his ear and got a groan in return but was glad he stood up.
We walked back upstairs and I let Luis go into my room to get some sleep while I checked up on Royce. I knocked lightly on his door and got no response.
It was 10:45 p.m and I knew he wouldn't be sleeping since this was still considered early for him.
So I knocked again and waited for any noise but got nothing. I went against my own conscience and opened his door.
I stepped inside his dark room and closed the door behind me. His bathroom light was on and I prayed he wasn't naked or using the toilet.
I made my way towards the bright room and peaked inside to see him sitting on his counter shirtless.
I sighed in relief when he wasn't completely naked.
I carefully watched as he roughly scrubbed on his cut and made it bleed even more. The thing that surprised me was the fact that he had no sigh of pain on his face as he did so.
Even though I wasn't the one with the injury I still in a way felt the pain for him.
"Royce?" I stated to make my presence known.
He immediately turned around and got off the counter once he saw me by the door.
"Who said you were allowed to enter my room you freaking brat! Leave before I lock you up in a closet again." he threatened as he stood in front of me.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were okay!" I quickly replied and backed away a little.
Royce froze and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Why do you care so much about me when all I do is treat you like crap?" he questioned.
I bit my bottom lip and nervously thought he was starting to realize I liked him. This was not good.
"I just do." I simply replied and tried to act like there was nothing more behind my actions.
"That makes sense." Royce sarcastically replied and returned back to his spot on top of the bathroom counter.
I followed and stood in front of him. I watched as he started to put some alcohol on his wound.
I cringed at the pain but once again saw no emotion in Royce. What the hell was wrong with him? How could he not feel anything?
Was he accustomed to this? Has he been hurt so much that pain no longer bothered him?
"Stop staring." Royce flatly stated and didn't bother looking at me.
"Do you want me to bandage it up for you?" I offered sincerely and grabbed the white bandages.
Royce sighed and gave in. "Might as well, since you're so willing to play nurse." he replied.
I tried not to take offence to his comment and instead focused on putting the bandage properly on his injury.
"Are you gay?" he suddenly questioned, catching me off guard.
"What makes you ask that?" I questioned back, avoiding the question.
Royce's stare was burning into the side of my face and I immediately regretted coming here.
"Why are you blushing?" he dared to continue mocking me.
I finished wrapping his wound and started to wash my hands. "I'm not." I replied and not once made eye contact with him.
"Of course you're not." he stated with a chuckle.
I glanced at him and couldn't help but smile when I saw his beautiful dimpled smile as he fixed his bandage.
Why couldn't he be mine? Sigh.
"If I was gay would you have a problem with it?" I questioned and waited for his reply.
He shrugged and ran his fingers through his messy hair. "I guess not." he replied.
I swear I almost cried when he got off the counter and lightly slapped my cheek in a playful manner. He left the bathroom but not before looking back at me and saying something that made me feel a mixture of emotions.
"I knew you were gay before you even said a word, brat."
Chris's P.O.V continued...
Today was the first day of school for me and I already hated it. People shoved by me like I wasn't even here while others looked at me with pure disgust.
And just to make things worse, some of my teachers were complete jerks.
I missed my old school where everybody knew eachother since preschool and anybody could sit anywhere you without getting into a fight.
I adjusted my backpack on my shoulder and headed for the crowded cafeteria. I looked around at each noisy table and saw the usual groups.
The emos.
The barbies.
The choir group.
The wrestling group.
The jocks and cheerleaders.
There was no table I belonged in and a part of me just wanted to go sit next to Royce who was sitting with his own group of friends.
Jealousy overwhelmed me when a brunette was on his lap sucking on his neck as he ate his lunch.
Ughh. School was going to be death of me, I just knew it.
I quickly grabbed my food and started to look for a decent place to sit. I passed by all the tables and just decided to eat outside.
But I accidentally bumped into somebody when I tried to open the heavy door.
"Sorry!" I quickly apologized to the blonde kid as my lasagna stained the front of his white shirt.
"You freaking faggot! You just dumped your whole lunch on my favorite shirt!" he exclaimed like it was the worst thing that has ever happened to him.
"I said I was sorry! I swear it was an accident." I replied and was shocked when the zit faced blonde guy punched me.
I fell to the ground and quickly tasted the sour taste of blood in my mouth. The side of my lip throbbed in pain as I felt a small cut on it.
I held my mouth and didn't realize I had tears in my eyes until my vision was blurry.
But that didn't stop me from seeing Royce in front of the blonde guy and watching in slow motion as he lifted his right arm and quickly collided his fist with the side of his face.
The blondie fell to the ground as students surrounded us. Some of Royce's friends held him back as he tried to brutally stamp his foot on the blondie's face.
Wow, he was aggressive.
Somebody helped me stand up and I was about to thank them until Royce grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the cafeteria before any of the teachers saw us.
He lead me to the boy's restroom and made sure to lock it before he placed me on top of the sink.
I held myself by holding on to the sides of the counter and watched Royce's every move carefully. I had no idea what he was doing but I didn't want to question him.
He grabbed some paper towels then wet one before standing close to me. He stood in between my legs and I swear I almost stopped breathing for a second.
Royce was so close and my first instincts were to wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck but I kept myself still.
His strong cologne once again hit my nose and I tried to enjoy this moment as much as I could.
He started to clean the cut on the side of my lip causing me to tightly close my eyes. I didn't want him to see my teary eyes since it hurt like hell. I was horrible dealing with pain and was basically a crybaby.
I held on tightly to the side of the sink and tried to control my heavy breathing.
"Ouch!" I whimpered out when Royce pressed too hard on my lip.
"Maybe next time you don't mistake Rob for a trashcan." Royce teased as I opened my eyes.
I frowned and looked down at my lap. I just really wanted to go home..
Royce stood still causing me to look back at him but did not expect for his face to be so close to mine.
His hand gently grabbed my chin and next thing I knew his soft lips were on the corner of my mouth where my cut was.
He pressed a quick kiss on my injury and then continued to clean it like nothing happened...