Chapter 8
"Don't worry Kaitlynn we'll tell your dad about this okay?", Steve replied.
"Thanks uncle Steve and aunt Jaynee.", He said enthusiastically.
"Do you want to join us Ate Kaitlynn?", Aiken asked enthusiastically.
Oh my! Is this what is called a blood leap? They're really siblings.
"I-if it's okay with tita and tito.", He said shyly so I smiled at him.
"Of course baby it's okay.", He was happy.
I really want him with me because I call someone baby unlike my baby boy who doesn't even call the baby. Because art feels like a young man, it's a very small person and a child's mind! We walked and entered the Jollibee. It was Steve who ordered and started eating when his order arrived.
"Kaitlynn", Steven calls her so she stops eating spaghetti. He looked at Steve. "Answer me honestly, can you do it?", He asked so I looked at him because he seemed to be scaring the child.
"O-opo tito.", It said.
"Is your mom treating you well?", I looked at her and saw that she was already crying.
"It's okay baby you can tell us the truth.", I wiped her tears that dripped from her eyes.
She's so young for this.
"Mommy doesn't like me. She always tells me that she hates me because all of daddy's attentions are always on me. She said she's jealous of me and that she shouldn't have given birth to me.", She just bowed while I clenched my fist.
How can she do this? Can he even hate his own child because he is jealous of the attention it gets? Is that how a sensible mother thinks?
"Is she hurting you?", I tried to sound calm so she won't get scared.
He took a long time to answer.
"Y-yes. When daddy isn't there, he beats me with a belt, slipper or she will lock me in my room. It's good that the babysitters are there and let me out and then give me foods. Then when daddy finds out he will get mad and scolds mom but she will blame me again and will hurt me again.!
"Don't cry! I will talk to your mom.", I said here.
We just continued eating. It's just that my son is here to lift up the mood with his talkativeness. The many stories are endless so Kaitlynn is very happy with her.
"Ate do you want to sleep at our house?", My baby boy asked Kaitlynn.
"Is it okay?", He asked happily.
"Son, maybe his daddy is already looking for him.", I replied so he frowned.
"Give it to me because Krystal might get hurt again when she comes home now. I'll just tell Reel.", Steve said so I just nodded.
"Okay but tomorrow you need to go home because maybe they're worried. Okay?", He nodded.
We just went home. Steve carried Aiken and I carried Kaitlynn. Maybe the two are asleep because they are tired. I really feel like he's my son!
That's where I put Kaitlynn to sleep in Aiken's room. I dressed them first because I didn't have any children's clothes, I used Aiken's clothes first.
When I came out there was Steve waiting in the living room. The rain has subsided a bit.
“Are you home yet?”, I asks.
He nodded and came over to hug me. Alas, it was tender again, so I hugged him back.
"Lucky the child and my future children.", He said jokingly so I pinched his side. "Aray! The pain is in the abs now!", I knew he was sulking even though I hadn't seen him yet.
"Just your son?", I asked.
"Of course our children.", I laughed at what he said.
"Kapal talaga neto! Thank you I love you if I don't beat you.", I commented but he just laughed.
I know it's just thrilling and just passing by with laughter.
"You're really a different kind. I'll just say I love you with threats.", He shook his head.
"Come home!", I said here but I felt like a fool that I hugged him tighter and then I walked to the door and he nodded.
I heard him chuckles. I just trip really enjoy this guy.
"Why do I feel like you don't want me to go home?", He asks.
"No! You see, oh, we're at the door.", I said but I still didn't let go.
It's up to him I just really want to hug him. I smell his shirt because I'm addicted to his perfume imported from France.
Hope everyone has a budget!
"Fine, I'm leaving.", He said but I didn't let him go. He was still laughing as he spoke. "Oh, are you still in a hug?", He asked teasingly.
"Because you left.", I said, oh my gosh, I'm really attacking again!
"You're free," he said but I ignored him. "Do you want me to sleep here? Do you want us next door? You huh you really have a desire for me eh! I really don't want you to crawl on me", he poked my side so I separated from him and hit him hard on the arm.
"What are you talking about!", I tip toed and quickly kissed him on the lips and ran away from him. I look at him like an idiot and smiling still standing there until now. "I love you handsome!", I gave him a flying kiss and immediately climbed up but I still heard what he said.
"Damn! You're making me crazier and insanely in love with you pretty!"
Krystal's POV
Where is that boy? I've been looking for him for a while and when I couldn't find him, I just went home because I was bored! It's because of the noise and what's going on.
But when I went home he was still gone. I really don't care about that boy! All I want is my husband. He alone and no one else! I don't even care if he's my son. This is also what my real mother did to me, neglected, abused and unloved so I just return to that child what I experienced.
I felt scared when I remembered Jezreel. What if he finds out that that boy lost because I left him at the mall? I hope he doesn't come back or the syndicates take him.
I do not care!
"Krystal tangina where is my son ?!", Jezreel shouted angrily.
"I-I don't know okay!", I tried to speak calmer but I can't. He's so scary when he's mad.
He went upstairs and barged in to that child's room but nothing. I'm annoyed because all his attention is on Kaitlynn, what about me?
Am I just winding up with him?
"Honey please! Don't look for him anymore. I'm here oh!", I hugged him but he removed my hand.
"Where did you take my son?", He asks again but I didn't answer him.
No one knows that I took that boy to the mall. And if ever he'll find her, I'm confident she'll not tell him what happened.
"You're daughter is missing but you don't even care? What's wrong with you mother huh?", He asked angrily.
"Will you please choose me this time Jezreel? I'm the one you're always looking for! If not her, you're pure Aiken! Jaynee! Jaynee! It's annoying, you know?", I burst out crying but he doesn't seems to care.
"The boy you're saying is your child! For God's sake Krystal!", He shouted with so much anger. I can feel his blazing stares at me.
"I don't care about her! I just want you in my life Jezreel and I will never let Jaynee and that boy kidnap you!", I recovered but she didn't listen to me.
He went upstairs and when he went down, he's already wearing a jacket he was also carrying a small jacket. Bowels It! Don't tell me he's going to look for that boy, it's the strength of the rain.
"Where are you going?", I asked and blocked him.
"Isn't it obvious? I'll look for my son!", He replied then passed me.
"No! I can't! You're the only one here with me! I'm the only one who can own you Jezreel no one else!", I said here. I saw him clenched his fist.
"You're crazy Krystal!", He shouted.
"Yes! I'm crazy! You're crazy! So please don't leave me!", I cried again and kneeled I am in front of him hugging his knees but he didn't listen.
"I don't have time for your little drama. I know you did something stupid again and when I confirm, I won't let you go near my child again.", He warns kaya.
He left me there crying. Will no one really love me anymore? All the people around me gave me pains in my heart. Jezreel was the first to show me that I was an important person but he hated me. But no! I will not allow Jaynee and Krystal to take the man I love.
I will do everything whatever it takes just to have him again.
Jezreel's POV
I've been wandering around while driving and I don't know where my exact destination would be. I don't know where to start to find my son.
The rain is pouring very hard and it makes me more worried for my daughter. I didn’t know what I would do when something bad happened to him. I can't forgive Krystal either.
"M-mom is Kaitlynn there?", I stopped first the car and calls at home. I guess he was there.
"My grandson isn't here, why?", She asks.
"M-mom she's missing. I've been looking for her for a while.", Whore, I cried when I said that.
There is too much anxiety I feel right now. I don't know what to do if something something happens to my child. I love my son so much.
"W-what? How come?", Mom asked.
"H-I don't know mom either. When I went home this afternoon she wasn't home.", I explained.
"Okay I'll help don't worry we can find your child.", She encourages.
"Thanks mom. I have to hang up now.", I didn't listen to what mom said and turned off the call.
Even though it was raining hard, I drive again. Not knowing where to go. I also went to the police station to report less than 24 hours. I also called almost all my relatives but none of them knew where she is.
I felt so hopeless. She's only 4 for pete's sake!
It's past 8 pm when I received a call from my cousin. I don't have time for him so I declined the call. I have a problem with my son now and I don't want to add him now.
I'll deal with him later.
I drove again. I’ve been to malls and looking for Kaitlynn. Steve is continuously calling me. I'm bored and though I want to turn it off but I can't because maybe something important call about my daughter's whereabouts. He got a few missed calls when I received a text message from him.
'Meet me here at FCM's food court, I know where Kaitlynn is.'
When I read that, my heart suddenly started beating faster. Fvck! He knew where my son was. Without another thought I immediately drove going there.
I looked for him and there I saw him sitting and patiently waiting. Whenever I see my cousin I can’t stop myself from getting angry. I don't know but I just found myself punching his face. The onlookers shouted but I didn’t care about them. He stood up and motioned for me to sit in the chair opposite where he had been sitting earlier.
"Where did you take my son?", I said angrily.
"Sit Reel, let's talk.", He sat down first so I followed.
"Now tell me where is she? I won't hesitate to sue you for kidnapping if ever something happened to her.", Where I said.
"Don't worry, she's with Jaynee right now.", She said in a full voice.
Suddenly my heart leaped after he said that. My daughter is with her brother and with the woman I love. I smiled out of nowhere and that thought.
"How?", I asked him.
"We were at the mall when Jaynee saw her crying and looking for someone. We took her and we found out that Krystal left her. At Jaynee's house first we put her to sleep because she seemed to like it too. They both really like each other ' t-isa. Just take him tomorrow because he's already asleep. ", he explains.
Her anxiety was replaced by joy. Jaynee is the perfect mother for Kaitlynn and Aiken. Even though Kaitlynn is not his child, but he still wants my child. I was even more encouraged to take my mother back to Steve.
"So how does it feel that Jaynee really likes my daughter huh?", Out of time I smiled. I look at his face, and I can see sadness in his eyes. "Jaynee would be the perfect mother for my children. I'm just the missing happy family. Don't you agree Steve?", I saw her holding her fist folded.
His controlling himself. Steve is very kind so he doesn’t just step on it. He confronted me. I can still see the pain and sadness.
"I-I love them. I-I don't even have Aiken but I love them very much.", He stammered.
I smirked.
"You can't change the fact that I'm still his father. You're just a part of their lives. Sooner or later my mother and I will still fail. Well make a happy family with Kaitlynn and Aiken. So while it's still early better to stay away from them. Stay away just like what you did when we got married. ", I said sarcastically.
"I-I can't. What you're asking is too hard. I love them and I knew they love me too.", I just laughed at what he said.
"For now, how will my son react when he finds out that you are not his father. I still have more rights to my son. And have you forgotten? I was Jaynee's first love. She chose me over you before. so it won't be impossible if she choose me again. Given the fact that we have a child. ", I said.
I really chose the words to say to him. I want him to just give up now. He just nodded. I stood and smirks at him though he can't see.
"I have to go. Thanks for taking care of my wife and children."
When I said that I left him.