As I was lifted off the ground in an unromantic manner as my veins bulged and my heart was pumping all my blood out of my wounds and into a puddle for the wolfs to lick later. My muscles bulged almost as big as my veins; my heart raged like a wild lion.
I laid limp in the arms of the dark human figure; he didn't seem to mind my blood dripping down the legs of his jeans. He just continued carrying my limp broken body across the park, he didn't even look at me, I know at the moment I wasn't much to look at but still no eye contact with him.
My consciousness constantly came and gone, one minute I'd be on the end of Thomas RD, the next I was on Kings cross Rd. Sometime later, I'm not sure what time it was by the time we arrived.
I wasn't sure what I was looking at It was a paddock with 1 humongous barn with about 4 separate doors. He used his foot to push open the door, I was a little terrified because a stranger has taken me into his barn house!
The room we were in was slightly smaller than my room, It had one lamp which was placed on the desk, two doors that most likely led to a closet and a single bed in the corner of the room. He carried me over to the closet, he opened up the doors, there was a clothes dresser and a small bed beside it.
We laid me down on the small bed, still pretending I was asleep I watched him get out his first aid kit. He put some weird green ointment on the inside of the bandage and rapped it around my multiple wounds, which surprisingly barely hurt now.
Once he was satisfied, he reached up to the top shelf of the closet and pulled down a brown and caramel patched blanket, in the light I could slightly see his face, It seemed familiar but I couldn't identify him. He left the closet doors open so I can get fresh air.
He really must have thought I was out cold cause he got changed in front of this desk, which gave me an absolute perfect view. He took off his blood stained top and changed into a single, giving me enough time to stare at his abs.
I quickly closed my eyes as he turned toward me and hopped into bed. I was so exhausted you wouldn't believe, so it didn't take long for me to doze off again.
I slowly woke up one blink at a time, he was sitting at his desk with the chair facing me, still too weak to move I just lie there and stare at him. Instantly I recognized who he was, he was the really cute senior who I bumped into at school.
But now I'm in his room sleeping on his bed! Not weird at all, he hasn't spoken a single word neither have I. There was a loud knock on his door, caused him to jump out of his sit.
He walked over to the closet and closed the doors in my face, then he went to answer the door. He opened it on an angle so the guest couldn't see inside. "Hey Mark " There was a girl outside twirling her hair around her fingers.
"For the last time Rachael, you’re not my mate, so we can't be together" He told Rachael. Mate? He must be one of those people who believe in true love/ mates. "Well you haven’t found her yet, so we can hook up till she comes around" She winked at him with the dirtiest of smiles.
I could smell her desperation from here, and I could smell another weird odour. The smell didn't just come from Rachael, I smelt it on Mark as well as he carried me away. The sound of the door slam yanked me out of GA GA land and back into the real world.
Mark walked towards the closet, opened the door, and squatted down beside my bed, level with my eyesight. He pushed the hair out of my face and behind my ear, which was convenient because it was annoying me to hell, but that's wasn't why he did it.
"Hi" He whispered with a smile. “HI" I whispered back with a weaker smile. "How you feeling?" He asked glancing at my leg.
"I'm OK, just really tired" I replied realizing that my mauled leg feeling fine sounds crazy. He leans over and kissed me the head, which shocked me at first, but fitted with the moment.
He stood back up and reached out his hand, I took his hand and he lifted me up onto my feet. Which caused me to stumble under my mauled leg, he caught me before I fell.
He walked me over to his bed and sat me down, he got out his first aid kit again and redressed my leg, it stung badly when he reapplied that green ointment. He looked at me to check I was alright, I smiled back to reassure him I was fine.
"Thank you" He looked up at me and smiled. "It’s just a bandage" He replied. "Not just for that, for saving me at the park" I replied.
His face went cold and worried, but he quickly smiled again. "I'm surprised you remember that" He replied as he finished off with my bandage. “Can I ask you a question? “I asked him as he said on the bed next to me.
"Sure, go for it "He replied. "Why take me here? Why not the hospital?" I asked really wanting to know. "Because I couldn't do that to you" He replied not looking forward to my follow up question.
"What do you mean" I asked more confused than ever. "How much do you remember about last night?" He asked. "I remember when I was attacked by the wolfs, then they ran away and I turned to look at you, and then a sharp pain struck me, that was the last thing I remember" I answered, looking back at him.
"That sharp pain is why I couldn't take you to the hospital “He replied. "Do you believe in make believe" He asked me, I found his question weird.
"I guess so, how is this relevant?" I answered him and questioned him at the same time. He took a deep breath and turned to face me. "I'm not what I seem to be" He admitted.
"Let me guess you’re a vampire!" I giggled at my sarcastic guess, but his face remained straight and serious. "Don't tell me your serious!" I looked at him really hard but his appearance didn't give away any clues.
"Last night when I found you after the wolfs attacked, you were beyond help Tory not even a hospital would have saved you. So, I saved you and brought you back here, it also explains why you feel fine right now considering half your calf is missing" He answered with a sign of relief of finally getting it out in the open.
"What do you mean by saved me?" I asked him with the most freaked out tone ever. He noticed how freaked out I was and sat closer to me and wrapped me in close, In a bear hug kind of way.
"I think you know the answer to that already" He said to me. He kissed my cheek and I looked at him angrier than I thought I was. "What was that for? “I asked, angry that a guy who turned out to be a vampire, turned me then tries to love me!
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" He apologized and removed his hands from around my shoulders. He looked away awkwardly staring at the barn wall.
"No Mark don't be sorry I'm sorry. I'm just a bit freaked but I shouldn't be mad at you, I should be thanking you" I told him. "You not being mad at me is all I need, no apologizes needed" He smiled as bright as the sun.