When you have somewhere to be time basically stands still, time goes slow just to annoy you. I watched the clock and counted of the last 10 seconds of school for 2013.
I sprung out of my seat as soon as the bell rang, even slightly before. I handed in my test papers to Mr Joseph, he eyed me as I left the room without saying goodbye which I always do.
I rushed down the hallway towards my locker, once it was open, I just dumped all the books in and took a second glance at my mirror. Long curly blonde hair, tall skinny body, and a little muscle on the arms to fight off any crooks.
With no time to comb my messy hair, which had been a bit of a handful this week, noting worked: Extra shampoo, hair spray and even my Mum's ancient hair straightener. I made my way down the halls and emerged into the fresh air, I take a deep breath and continued my rushed walk across the grass.
I looked down at my feet as I walked straight into someone. "Ouch" I cursed under my breath as I looked up into the eyes of a senior. Only 1 year above me, he was only slightly taller than I was.
"Sorry “I said apologetically, still memorised by his indescribable appearance. "Its fine really" He said, looking up at me for the first time he seemed surprised.
We both continued to stare at each other, as if we were trying to memorise each other’s exact features. One thing for sure I didn't want to forget a face like that.
"I'm sorry I have to go" His expression turned from warm and welcoming, to cold and sharp. He saw my shocked expression, but I refused to look to disappointed.
"Yeah I better go too" I glanced at my watch and walked away without a second glance. I felt his eyes stare at the back of my head as I walked away.
I'm Late...