"Werewolves, witches and elves lived together peacefully in this kingdom seven hundred years ago. In a kingdom of three different kinds of mystical being, there needed to be order of ruling.
So, they all came to an agreement that in a sequential order, each person of its own kind would rule for a certain number of years.
They had started with the witches who ruled for two hundred years, and the city was in peace and harmony. Then the elves took over after the witches reign and ruled too for another two hundred years, until it was finally the turn for the werewolves to rule.
Fahagoth was the first ruler for the wolves and he decided to do it the werewolves way, and made everyone live in the packs for absolute safety. No one objected at all as far as his intentions were good, and his method of ruling worked really well.
Everyone was happy and even went as far as marrying other beings aside from their own, even if it was only few parents that saw that practice as okay.
His son, Aldiloth ruled after, and he was even better than his father at ruling. No one saw it as a problem for one family to keep ruling, so far they ruled the perfect way to the comfortability of everyone. You know, those ancestors were so free minded or will I say, feeble.
Everything went on smoothly until it was time for Aldiloth to relinquish the throne, to one of his two sons, Sethmoth and Ammanoth since he was already on his sick bed. Due to the elder son evil and deceptive ways, his father could never trust him with the kingdom and decided to make the younger one rule."
"That was quite an intelligent father," Giselle pointed out, and Sabina had nodded in agreement.
"If only the father knew, he would have not made his intentions clear until the latter time. A week before coronation of the new king, both Aldiloth and Ammanoth were poisoned to death.
It was a great loss for everyone because it had never happened, for a newly to be crowned king, dying few days before his crowned day. After the long mourning months, they finally decided to made Sethmoth king, since it was still the werewolves reign. He had put on a real pity and sad show, because itt was probably obvious that they did not die naturally.
The people of the kingdom began to have many complaints about the new king concerning his evil ways, but there was no evidence to support their claims and every reported incident, was always swept under the rug. Yet, many people were uncomfortable and stressed out from his rules.
The real misery started few years to the end of the werewolves reign, because Sethmoth began to overtly show his true colours. He no longer did them in hiding anymore.
He began to enslave anyone who tried to advise or correct him about anything, the elders in the palace were not left out too. Anyone who brought an appeal was imprisoned too alongside their family. He took many wolves mates, even married ones and brought them as a wives for himself.
Everything was hard on the people of the kingdom that many died of lack of food and shelter, because no law supported the poor or less privileged again. He even showed an overt hatred for other mystical kinds that weren't wolves.
They all hopefully counted the remaining days left for him to rule in bated breaths. But, little did they know."
Maude stopped her sentence right at that point, and stood up to dust her dress, "It is getting late. I will finish the story another day," she said and smiled at them only to see scary glares.
The manner at which Giselle glared at her in anger and even her cousin, Sabina was so frightening. They were never leaving the place, until she had completed her story till the very end.
Deep in her heart, Azalea knew she had to be home already to help her mother with the herbs she promised to get, but the tale Maude was telling too, was something she might never hear from anyone again.
"Can't you two please, be like Azalea? She is not this vicious towards me just because of an old tale," Maude joked, but they were not finding it funny at all.
She needed to get her butt back on the rock where she sat, and continue the remaining parts of the story at the cliff end where she left it.
Inside the palace dinning room was the entire royal family, sitting around the huge and long squared golden table with beautiful chairs. Above the table on the roofing, were intricate, golden lamp holders that had huge candles burning in them.
There was variety of dishes served on the table in seven places and many other side dishes, including fruits to accompany every bit of meal they took. The dinning table had been set to perfection.
At the left side of the dinning was where the three royal females sat, while the other side was where the three royal males sat. The king sat in the middle of the six just at one of the table ends. They were not really like any other royal family eating during family dinners.
The king had called theirs a personal family time, where they could drop honorifics. He allowed everyone to talk about their bothers, or what they wanted the king to do for them.
Edla, one of the twin talked first as she was eager to tell her father, what she wanted or things that bothered her. She had beautiful blue eyes like her mother, chestnut colour of hair and pretty facial features exactly like her mother's.
"Father, I heard a rumour that I might be getting married to the Alpha son of the Blackstals family. Is that true, father?" She asked anxiously. The thought of it disgusted her so much, that she could never even imagine herself getting married to the rude brat.
The king smiled and took a forkful of a meat piece into his mouth, before he turned to reply his daughter.
"You will not get married to someone you do not love," the king assured her and she smiled brightly, the image of the person her heart lounged for, began to play in her head.
"Father, I need new set of gold jewelries and ball gowns," Eadlin the second twin told him, knowing she had told the wrong person who knew no affairs of such, but she needed to say something anyways. And she was talking about things she loved and cherished so much. She was an exact replica of her sister, with green eyes and the same colour of hair.
"Don't worry child, I'll ask everything be done for you," he told her. And then turned to look at his sons.
"I have nothing much to say father, training has been going really well and there are no problems at," Elliott his first child and son said smoothly.
He was going to be the Alpha after his father, and had succeeded in every hurdles he had been given and trained for. He was given the award of the most skilled and fairest among men of his age.
"Very well, then," the king nodded satisfactorily, inwardly proud of his first son.
He turned to the second son Zachary who was a total opposite of his brother. His calm and gentle look was a sharp contrast to his demeanor and actions, that only few people like Ayden knew about very well.
"Father, I would like to get married quickly," he said hurriedly, causing the entire family to burst into laughter especially the twins. They knew he was just joking and was in no place to get married at all. He was the popular among young ladies of his age, and loved the attention he received.
"If you choose from your many female friends, then we would get you married to her," the king grinned, hoping he would not cause any problems with many ladies.
The king lifted his gaze from Zachary, as it fell on the youngest prince who bowed his head, and just focused on the food he was eating. He showed no slightest interest in whatever was going on around him.
Knowing fully well that his father was expecting him to talk, he decided to act oblivious.
"What would the young prince like to say?" the king finally said, knowing Ayden would not say anything until he had asked.
"It is not like you would grant it to me anyway," he murmured grumpily and continued eating his food, to the mild shock of his siblings and the queen.
The cool atmosphere of the family time became tense, and the awkward feeling that suddenly erupted from the prince was palpable.
Maude had no choice but to sit back, and continue her story.
"When it was time for him to leave the throne at the end of the werewolves reign, he refused to relinquish it to the witches and continued to rule......."
"What a devil incarnate!" Giselle hissed angrily and was shut up quickly, by the look on Sabina's face which signified 'Stop talking to prolong time.'
"He ruled with great power and tyranny for another fifty years, that caused so many problems for the kingdom, everyone was in dismay and pain because they were powerless. No one could fave or challenge him, he was formidable...."
"I thought there were witches, they would have been able to overpower him, if they had chanted some spells or something," Giselle asked again, this time the question everyone would have wanted to ask too.
"He had the most powerful of witches and wizards working for him, if they refused to do his bidding, he would either killed one of their family members, or cut a part of their body, leaving it sore to decay for the ones who had none. They had no choice.
There was languish and forlorn in everyone's life, that the witches finally got to their breaking point. They decided to plot against him and retaliate hard, but little did they know again that, he already had a hidden army of thousands trained to kill.
The most historical of all historic days was a bloody one because, all the witches in the city had gathered together to kill the merciless king. It became a blood bath because he ordered his armies, to wipe everyone of them from the city and make sure no one escaped.
The witches tried their best to kill as many as they could. And as they did, many of their own lives had been lost too, but still, the battle could not end without the king dying.
They had killed most of the armies and the armies had almost eliminated most of them too, still they were unable to bring down the monstrous king. Suddenly from nowhere, a young lady who had stood up amidst the battle hubbub, the most skilled, gracious and fairest of all young ladies.
No one knew how she did, but she had killed the king and brought his head out to the fighters outside the palace gates to claim their victory. Sadly, there were no more souls left out because, everyone had died and the ones that had not, were struggling for their lives which would soon be cut shut by the arrowed poison. There was no way to save them.
Even the wolves and elves who had joined in the fight too, could never survive the poisoned arrows as I heard. Many people of the city would be in a great grief, of having lost many people from their families and friends.
The sight she had seen, made her so weak and sentimental, that she lost guard of herself. A rouge who had not seen her with the king's head, hit her with a targeted arrow from the back."