In the palace's huge meeting room was the king, his officials and the elders, sitting around a huge table which had stacks of written books on them. The situation at hand was pretty serious that it had everyone, in their serious mindedness thinking about the solution to tackle with. It was a matter about the rouges that had been disturbing the peace, of both wolves and elves in the village consistently.
"Are those rouges not wolves that lost their identity, and have either been kicked out of their pack or left on their own free will?" One of the official, Lucia asked. She was an half wolf and half elf, but she had more of the elf blood running through her veins.
"Yes, they are. And they are being a huge nuisance to the people right now," Xavier, an omega answered her.
"Then we can just stop this problem by making sure no wolf is kicked out of the park right?" She said again cluelessly. Lucia had just joined the team after her father died, and knew not too much about the sovereign affairs.
"Most of the wolves that are rogues as of now, leave the park themselves for reasons we do not know," he explained to her again, and she nodded in full understanding of what he had just explained to her.
"I think the best method is to create adequate awareness to everyone, increase the tight security around, and make sure no one is out after 10:00pm in the city, till we get to the root of all this," Elliott suggested, and more then half of them nodded in agreement. They were truly amazed by his intelligence, fast skills and well reserved nature.
And with that being said, the order became effectively immediately to prevent further problems. It had become the new word around the city, for people to walk in twos and threes towards evening, and also abide by the curfew.
Ayden was really hating the new development that was up around the palace. They had increased the security around the palace, and around were dispatched warriors to every walls of the city. Everything was happening too fast, that Ayden knew he wouldn't be able to leave the palace easily anymore. He just totally hated everything, like the entire universe was against him.
Since all the times that he had not known about the tunnel, and had to risk his back to sneak out of the palace, there were no rouges attack. Now that he had discovered the easiest way to leave and come back undetected, there was rouges attacking and tightened security.
"Back to square one!" He exclaimed painfully, as he stared at the view of the palace compound and entirety from his room. There was absolutely no way he could keep a happy face now, everything had been ruined once again.
Azalea had sat home all day, weary and miserable in her never ending tears. Gazing still at the image of desolation, she let her heart sip in the glowing melancholy that had just barged on her. Her face was pale as bleak and her lips cracked to the point of break. She had tasted not a sip of water or even a piece of food, ever since she had covered her mother feet below the ground. Her heart could not contain the pain that had embedded deep in her heart.
She could only hear the replay of Hama's words in her ears and head, "You are a witch by fate."
Those words felt dumb and stupid to her, because she couldn't understand the importance of an identity, that couldn't even save her mother's life.
Her friends were bothered that they had not seen her in the market again, after they had planned to follow her secretly to her house. They were so worried that their rash actions probably prompted her, to take another route back to her house. After that time, they had not seen her again.
"I am really scared. I said we shouldn't follow her since she wouldn't tell us anyways. Now see what has happened," Giselle said nervously as she bit her fingers.
"Was it not you who kept on quaking as we followed her, arousing her suspicion. We just wanted to see where she always comes from, and be sure our friend is not one scary being," Sabina stuttered as she defended, turning to Giselle.
"Do you think she's probably gotten nabbed and killed by rouges? That is the big issue in the city now!" Giselle yelled in fear.
"Get out negative words from your mouth!" Maude rebuked and frowned. She really hated the way her friends were acting and handling the situation.
"The Azalea that I know, that we know, is not just some kind of weak girl. Not a weak person, that would end her fate as a rouge's dinner. So, we should keep being positive and work together to search for her. Anywhere," Maude suggested, her words flowed out smoothly like calming water of a spring.
"I don't think we can extend our searches to the wilderness or forest. Our wolves aren't even strong enough to fight those beasts," Sabina said and Maude nodded in reasoning to her explanation.
"Then, we can start from the nearby areas she could have frequented, or slipped an information about herself. Something would surely come out," Maude said again, and they smiled at her suggestion. They soon spread out to carrying out their solution task to help their friend.
Right in the room of teaching was Ayden sitting on a wooden chair, across a similar table which had books, papers and a ink and writing feather. In his front was his teacher Matteo standing with a smirk on his face, and holding a huge book which was opened to the last page.
Ayden was trying his best to remain calm in anything that would happen, or that the man would say that would infuriate him. Every of his guts was screaming pure hatred and revulsion, but he was going to make the last day of his teaching a really good and amicable one. He really wished he had not acted fine after a day, that showed he was now strong enough to hold his classes.
"It is amazing, how you have managed to finish everything you needed to learn, even in a very hostile environment," Matteo remarked with a smug across his lips, as he continued to stare meaningfully at the last page of the book he was holding.
Ayden answered in a rather unfriendly tone, much worse than how he had intended to say it calmly, "Are we finally done as teacher and a student? If that is the case, I would like you take my leave and never see you again."
Matteo just smiled in reply to what the young prince had just said. A warm smile that Ayden wondered if the irritating man, had probably lost some screws in his head.
'Maybe he is near death and wants to atone for his sins,' Ayden's mind told him, which did not sound nice to him at all. He could not die yet without paying for his sins of draining the life out of him.
He just placed the last page of the book in front of Ayden, who still had irritation around his eyes and could not read the letters immediately. He read slowly the huge written letters in black ink, 'Tenacity' in his mind, he wondered what was up the sleeves of the grumpy man again.
"Do you see those words?" Matteo asked calmly, making Ayden scream loud in his head, that he was not blind or an illiterate.
"Yes," Ayden replied heavily with a grunt, that portrayed so overtly that he was holding in him, a vast amount of unsaid anger and resentment.
"Those are the words that should keep you going. The fact you have endured this class so well, means you can do better in anywhere else and as you move in with life. Just remember the word you just read today, and you will be, that wish you cannot see."
Ayden's head almost blanked for seconds as he watched his teacher, walk out of the class after his heart felt words. It was so annoying that such meaningful words where flowing out of his teacher's lips. Someone who had told him to give up whatever ambitious thoughts he had, was now telling him that tenacity would keep him going through his journey?
What a joke!
'How can he be calm and unbelievably nice on the very last day?' Ayden's heart asked painfully.
Now it was probably going to be hard, to continue hating him.
The issue of the rouges had become a constant topic around the walls of Casera. Any person who was not ready to face a vicious rouge, would make sure they were inside their homes before curfew started.
Only one person who had not been out in the city for days, had not heard anything about the news and new development. To make matters worse, she was dwelling exactly in the easiest hide out for them.
Azalea just locked herself in all day and only came out in the evening, to either get water to bath or picks some herbs around. The room looked more scantily then ever, as everything that belonged to her mother she had buried with her. Her book of herbs was the only thing she didn't bury.
The only thing she did all day was read the book of herbs, as it had diagrams of numerous herbs and their uses. It was so detailed that everything concerning being a good healer was in the book.
Even if her mother couldn't read words, she would see the diagrams and was why it went with her everywhere. But Hama being gone, made her feel no wherewithal to do anything. She just did anything that would help her keep sane.
It was a rainy and cold night with every ends of the city in silence, especially for the fact that there had being done pour for hours, which seemed like it wouldn't stop anytime soon. Azalea who had tried to sharpen needles for the first time in her life, had fallen asleep after she had tried, without getting the sharpness and width of needles she wanted.
But the strong impact of the rain against the loose roofing of the house, made her so restless that she kept on rolling on her bedding.
Azalea could hear slight movements around the closed window just close to her head, that she thought that she was probably dreaming, or it was as a result of the rain.
The loud movement continued for a while and abruptly, and the next thing she could hear was a loud bang on the door. Immediately she picked herself from the bed to see what had happened, she was staring face to face with three drenched werewolves, in their wolves form staring at her dangerously and prepared to attack as they moved closer.
Even if she had not seen any werewolf in their wolf forms before, Maude had talked about how beautiful her mother's fur was than her father. Sabina had also talked about seeing her sister too shift once, and how soft and how nice the colour of her fur was. But the wolves Azalea was staring at, had wet and drenched fur which had a dull colour, she could even head point which colour it was.
There was no need for anyone to tell her what those were, she had also heard Maude talk about them lots of time. But staring at three of them face to face, felt like it would drain every fighting strength she had in her. Their long pointed teeth looked so sharp that she knew she would probably not survive, if those sharp claws of theirs touched her body or pounced on her.
But still, she stood in an alert position with one of her legs backward and one forward. She glared at them in pure disgust and fiercity evident from the glint in her dark blue eyes.