Where are you, little sister? Is there a sound over there? Over the other line, my big sister Kelly questioned me.
Hello, big sister; give me a call later. I replied, looking around the exclusive club's exterior. "I'm just going to check on something."
I'm assuming you're not at a bar or club right now. Again, she questioned
"No. Yeah, I guess. However, I only came here to see something; I had no other purpose.
Who are you gazing at, by the way? Is this the person you often mention to me? You'd better leave right away since that man doesn't deserve you, and you never know what can happen.
You remember how he always disregarded you? As a result, kindly ask Elle to refrain from being so stubborn this time.
As she spoke, her voice was filled with fervent cries.
My big sister's earlier statement made me squint and almost laugh.
Seriously, big sister?
My age is not that of a five-year-old. My actions are well-informed. I promise not to do anything that will hurt me, so please stop worrying about me.
I consider everything before I act. I'm an intelligent lady.
I give her my word of assurance.
"Yeah, you're smart, but sometimes... I interrupted her.
My older sister, Kelly Gibb Grosvenor, is pictured there. I'm Ellesa Peregrine, by the way. Despite not being related by our mother, we are siblings.
Even though we are only half sisters, we care deeply about each other. She is the only family member—with the exception of my mother—who genuinely loves and accepts me.
Because he claims that my mother is the reason why he and his wife split up, my dad doesn't accept me.
People who refuse to acknowledge
Their own sins are that old-hag sonsuva bitch. How is it that my mother is the only one at fault?
They had fun together and performed a miracle.
But as long as my older sister is there, even though our father doesn't accept me,