Waking up, groaning, I felt a pair of hands snaked around my waist in a tight grip, his face snuggled up on my neck. Being careful, I try to slip out but the grip only tightens, "mmmm" He groans, "Marco, you need to wake up for work and I need to pee" I plead, groaning before releasing me, now laying on his back, looking down at my attire I realize my t-shirt has risen right above my stomach, feeling embarrassed I quickly fix myself and remove the duvet off me, limping my way to the bathroom, after doing my business I made my way out to the guest room, I took a bath, and put on some sweats.
Limping over to the kitchen i find Marco in a white dress shirt, and black pants, "i made you some breakfast, if you need anything AT ALL don't hesitate to give me a call, don't go out walking on that leg it will take some time for the swelling to go down ,inteso ?" (Intenso : understood), not really sure what it means, but whatever it is it sounded really sexy, giving him a light smile, "inteso", he lightly chuckles before grabbing his keys, making his way out, " more thing, don't cook or clean, let that foot heal" he hollers before walking out the door......
Not having anything to do I gave someone i knew from my past a call, I had googled his contact details and to my surprise they work, "hello" his voice fills my ears, "hi Rick, it's Liz, from college, re-", "Hey Liz!" He beams in excitement, "how have you been, I haven't seen you in like two years!" He laughs, "I've been okay, uhm..I need to see you to speak to you about something, do you think it's possible I know you're a busy person, any day is fine with me really" "oh no you actually called right at the perfect time, I'm not busy now" he says, remembering I can't leave the house, "uhm okay, do you mind coming over to me?", "no I don't, you guys haven't moved right?" , oh gosh, "actually it's a different address, I will text you the address in a moment", " okay great hun, see you in an hour" he beams, smiling I quickly text him the address....
Hearing a knock on the door, I limp my way towards the door, opening it, "Lizzy!" He beams reaching out for a hug, "Rick" I screams throwing my hands around him, squeezing the lives out of each other, "oh God I've missed you so much babe, the other day Ridge and I were just talking about you", laughing "oh and you still didn't bother to call, how are you guys and how's little Cassie" I ask in awe, "oh she is growing up, she's so sassy, you need to come over for dinner some time" he beams, getting in I close the door, "oooo nice place, in fact beautiful place, but I never made Miles for a guy who would do apartments", sighing, "you are correct, he doesn't, this isn't Miles', it's not even mine, it belongs to a friend of mine, and that's exactly why I called you here" his eyes widen, "please have a seat, can I get you anything?", "you got juice?", "yes, it's grape juice", "that would be perfect", pouring him a glass, I make my way over to him handing him the glass, taking a seat next to him. "Sooooo....I wanna get a divorce" I blurt out, "what!" His eyes widen, "I thought you and Miles were fine, what happened" he asks, "well....not everything is as it seems, Miles and I were not good for the past 3 years, he was abusive, emotionally and physically" I say as tears now brim my eyes, sadness fills Rick's eyes, "honey, why didn't you ever tell anyone", sighing, "I guess it was hard, you know as it happened it started out slow, insults there and there then it intensified as time went on, insults turned into slaps then apology the next day, then after sometime there wouldn't be an apology instead there would be "you shouldn't have done this or that" I whisper as a tear slides down my face. Pulling me into a hug, "I'm so sorry for not checking up on you all this time", releasing him, "Rick, please don't blame yourself, now you can help me" a smile appears on his face "yes I can" he says letting out a laugh, frowning, "but remember I signed a prenup, which technically states that since I came with nothing, I leave with nothing" I say, "I'm sure we can work around it considering the circumstances" Rick argues. Rick is a lawyer, one of the best in the city, he's one of those people I've known since College and yes he's gay. Shaking my head, "no, I don't want his money or anything that belongs to him, I just want to start over" . Looking at me for a moment, "okay, I'm not agreeing with what you are saying, But,we will discuss it later on in the process so I will see you on.....Thursday, will text you the time later on, and I will bring you all the documents and papers you will need in order to actually file for the divorce, Okay?", smiling, "perfect, thank you so much" I say reaching in for a hug, "you welcome my love, please do give me a call if you need anything" giving him a smile, "I will", at that i accompanied him to the door and we said our goodbyes......
"So what are you making?" I ask Marco, he came back from work earlier today, and decided he's going to cook. "Mushroom risotto", "I still can't believe you can cook" I say in amusement, "tesoro, I've been living alone for a long time now, what do you think I've been eating?" He laughs, "I don't know, maybe takeouts" I shrug, "anyways how come you single?" I ask suddenly curious, "well I was married" he shrugs not making eye contact with me, my eyes widen at his statement but how can I be shocked he's 38 for god's sake. "So you got a divorce?" I whisper, "no, she died in a car crash 6years ago " he says coldly, "after she died I just buried myself in work and never made time for relationships, one night stands yes, but never anything serious" he shrugs. "I'm sorry for asking" I whisper, "it's fine, dinner's ready" he says with a strained smile.
We were now having dinner, " I had a friend come over and he's a divorce attorney, I've decided to file for a divorce" I blurt, clearing his throat he takes a sip of his wine, "wow, don't you feel like you moving too fast?" He asks, his voice laced with concern, "no, there's no room for Miles and I to work anything out anymore" I say lowly, "can I ask you something personal, you don't have to answer it if you don't want to", nodding my head, "do you still love him?", thinking for a moment, "I think I fell out of love with Miles 2years ago, to be honest living there I would always try to convince myself I love him or else I wouldn't stay with him, but now I realize it was just because I knew I had no where to go and he held so much control over me and my thoughts" remaining silent, he placed his hand over mine, "you know if you need to talk....I'm....I'm here for you" he says, "thank you, you've done more than enough for me anyway" I laugh lightly, changing the topic, "oh by the way this Risotto is delicious, best I've ever had actually" I say honestly, he laughs lightly, "I know" he says arrogantly, making us both laugh....