Marco POV
"Last night I decided to look at the statistics myself and according to me they are quiet lo-" I'm interrupted by Miles walking in looking like a wrack, he's always late, "Mr Howard, I would much appreciate it if my COO understood the importance of being on time" I say making eye contact, sending me a glare, "my apologies" he says, going back to what I was saying......
Getting in the apartment I rushed in the bedroom , silently crying I went to bed and just slept setting my alarm to wake me up when it was time to prepare for dinner...
Marco POV
Going through some files the door flies open, looking up I see Miles making his way towards my desk. "They said you wanted to see me", looking up at him, "yes I did, have a seat" handing him a pen and a document, "I need you to sign this", grabbing the papers, he scans through them before his eyes widen in shock and what I assume is anger, "A written warning! What for?", "well 1: you always late, I will not tolerate any sort of incompetence. 2: today was the second time I saw you manhandling a woman within the premises, which caused disruption as all eyes and our clients’ eyes were on you ,I will not tolerate abuse in this building, it actually should be an immediate dismissal" I say calmly. Grabbing the pen, he angrily signs the papers, quickly getting up from his seat, "hold on" I say making him sit back down, "I really don't care who you screw as it is none of my business but please don't let it interrupt our work, the lady employees have been complaining about you locking their bathroom because you are too busy screwing your former secretary instead of working, please take that to your house and not in my offices. One more thing, you do not ever and I mean ever, raise your voice at me in my own business are we clear?" I spit, his eye twitching, he looks at me for a moment, his breathing hitched, "crystal", "good, you may leave now, and I would like my files for the sales by the end of tonight, not any later" at that he walks out, lightly slamming the door. "Stronzo" (asshole) I whisper.
Waking up I was so shocked I didn't hear the alarm going off, gosh I must have really slept, rushing downing the stairs , suddenly missing a step making me fall, bending and putting my whole weight on my leg making me scream out in pain, gosh as if things cannot get any worse
Marco POV
Walking towards the door I hear a scream coming from my apartment, quickly rushing in, I see Liz sitting on the staircase tightly holding onto her foot
Lizzy POV
"Liz?" I hear Marco rush towards me, "what happened?" He asks reaching towards me, "I think I broke my foot?" I cry, squatting down, he reaches over gently removing my hand from my foot, he slightly presses my ankle making me wince, "shhh" he coos, getting up, sighing, "okay I'm not sure if it's broken I'll just call the doctor" at that he bends over, placing his hands under my knees and his other hand around my waist I feel myself being lifted off the ground, "oh my God put me down you down you'll drop me and break your back!" I scream, a soft chuckle leaves his mouth, "ah mio belle you obviously underestimate me" (my beautiful), realizing he just past my room, "by the way you just past my room" I mention, "I know" he shrugs, making his way into his bedroom, he places me on the large king size bed, digging in his pocket, he reaches for his phone, quickly scrolling through his Contacts he makes the call.....
"Okay, it's just a sprain I'm sure it's not broken, just don't put pressure on it and try to keep it elevated, if it gets any worse please do go to the hospital" he says after wrapping the bandage around it. "Thanks" I smile. The doctor left leaving Marco and I alone, "so what are we gonna ea-" interrupting my sentence is the sound of a knock on the door, "that must be the pizza" he rushes out, oh I guess that's been answered. Rushing back into the with two plates and a pizza box, "figuring you can't cook and I'm too tired to cook I just ordered pizza, hope you don't mind", "thank you" I smile.we ate in complete silence, and were watching a movie I wasn't even concentrating on, "soooo....what are we gonna about me being here, I need to go now" I say trying to get up, "no" he said gently grabbing my hand, "the doctor said not to put pressure on it and you will need help with going to the bathroom" he shrugs, "well where are you gonna sleep, in the guest room?" I pray silently, "orrr.....we can just share?" He shrugs, "we can just Sleep right, and be adults" he smirks, my cheeks heating up at his question, he chuckles at my embarrassment as he places his hands around me in a protective stance as we continued to watch the movie, making me drift off to sleep.......
Feeling someone gently shaking me, "Liz" opening my eyes, I look deep into those piercing hazel eyes, "you fell asleep, I brought some clothes for you to change into, l'll be in the bathroom and you'll call out for me once you done" nodding my head, he goes to the bathroom. Looking beside me I see a large t-shirt that belongs to him I guess. Reaching over I started quickly undressing leaving my underwear on, I put the t-shirt on making sure it covered everything properly, " you can come out now" I tell him, after a moment the door opens, walking out, his hard abs and biceps on full display, oh gosh his arms, his pants pajama pants were hanging so low I could see the V shape that led to....., looking up to his face i see a smirk playing on his lips, oh gosh he just realized I was gawking at him, my eyes go wide in embarrassment, quickly crawling I make my towards the duvet, slipping inside, he lightly chuckles switching off the lamp, I close my eyes, feeling the bed dip, he slides inside the duvet, "Goodnight tesoro" (sweetheart), "goodnight Marco" I respond before drifting off to sleep.........