I woke up with a smile on my face. One of the best things about weekends was, you didn’t have to wake up with the irritating sound of that fucking alarm in your ear.
What a pleasant way to wake up!
No rush to take shower. No rush to have breakfast. No rush to go to college. I wished everyday to be weekend days.
I brushed my teeth and threw my hair up in a messy bun and went down.
Nora was running around the home getting ready for her work. Her work demanded her presence almost all days of the week, and her boss was not exactly a friendly face to look at. She stayed in her job, only because it was her dream job and the paycheck was really good.
"I got it. You go", I snatched the plates she was washing from her and pushed her out of the kitchen.
She packed, corrected, buried all her daily things in her handbag and walked to me. After a mini lecture about the safety of me and how not to burn the home down, she bid me goodbye.
I had the house all to myself today. I went to my room and took a quick shower and slipped into my boyfriend tee-shirt and a pair of comfortable shorts.
I took the breakfast to the living room and settled comfortably on the sofa, remote in one hand and food in the other. After skipping through so many channels, I settled for Grey’s Anatomy reruns.
It was about 1 pm when it suddenly dawned on me. I smirked and did an evil laugh as I rushed into Nora's room and searched her closet for the secret clothing she bought yesterday. An anonymous brown cover. I opened it and it took me two whole minutes to shut my wide open mouth to realize that there were two sets of black and red lingerie.
Okay. I wasn’t expecting that. Why would she buy this? Did she have a boyfriend? Those lingerie were specifically designed to look seductive and sexy. Well, good for her. Those little pieces of clothing looked like it would do its job pretty god. I sniggered and left the bag as it was before and came down.
I took the black stilettos we bought yesterday, with me downstairs and walked in it around the living room until my legs started aching.
Somewhere between the episodes of god knew which season, I fell asleep on the sofa. I woke up to Nora staring down at me with hands on her hips. I blinked at her and sat up, craning my neck to check the time.
“You didn’t move from this place since morning, did you?”, she asked as she walked around clearing the coffee table that was now littered with wrappers and soda cans. “Get up, it’s 5. You have only an hour to get ready”.
“One hour is more than en-", without waiting for my reply she dragged me to my room and ordered me to take a shower. Again. Then I put on the black dress I bought yesterday.
"Now makeup and hair", she said with a sadistic smile on her face.
"Keep it light, please", I pleaded as she pushed me onto a chair. After about thirty minutes of torture, she finished and took a step back to admire her work.
"Open your eyes", she sounded excited.
"Wow", I gasped as I looked at the blue eyed girl staring back at me. My brunette hair was tied in a high ponytail and my eyes were supporting a smoky look. She kept it natural. I looked up at her smiling, “Nice job”.
I opened the drawer in my dressing table and found a small blue velvet box which I haven't touched in many years. I opened it, revealing a solitaire diamond pendant and a thin platinum chain. My mom’s . I clasped it around my neck. I met Nora’s eyes in the mirror and she smiled at me.
Soft knocks on the main door came from downstairs. "He is here", she said and left to get the door. I took one last look at the mirror and went downstairs. Surprisingly and I hate to admit it, but it felt good to walk in high heels.
Jimmy was leaning against the door frame and was talking to Nora, both laughing about something and looked up at me, at the sound of my heels against the hardwood stairs.
"Wow", he mouthed and watched me climb down the stairs.
“You look beautiful”, I smiled at him. “You don’t look so bad yourself”, I quipped back. He looked dashing in a navy blue button down and beige dress pants, completing the look with a white canvas.
“I know it’s all you, Nora. Good job”, he winked at her and moved aside and gestured for me to go first. I rolled my eyes at him and got in the car before he could flex some more of his gentleman skills. He shook his head and got in.
We both waved Nora goodbye and drove away.
It was a sleek white Audi. The upholstery looked expensive and was warm against my thighs as I got comfy in his car. This was the first time he was bringing this car. I opened his dashboard and saw a small photo of a girl, probably a year older than me now, smiling at the camera.
"Who is this Jimmy?", looked at the picture in my hand and his hold on the steering wheel tightened.
"That’s um...... my sister Sarah. Sarah Marrok”, he said glaring straight ahead.
I felt bad. I knew his sister died when he was a small boy, but I never saw her pictures and he never talked about her. He would flinch every time at the mention of his family and I, for one knew, it was a sore subject for him and I never pushed.
He was silent when I stole a glance at him. I couldn’t help but smile at the photo. So looked so young, her eyes so full of life. Her smile gave colors to that old polaroid.
“She was beautiful”, I whispered, unsure of whether he heard me or not.
When I looked up at him, he had a thoughtful smile on his face. He very rarely showed this side of him. Everybody knew him as the famous athletic guy who slept around and partied hard but only a few knew about the real Jimmy. The vulnerable one who knew so many deaths at a very young age.
Among the three of us, Jimmy was the mother hen. He was the type of guy you would trust your drinks with. The type of guy who would make fun of your crying face while lending a shoulder to cry on.
“She was in love. So much in love. But to think that that was what killed her, that she died in the arms of her mate, it just makes it more painful that it already is”, he said, his voice breaking.
I was at a loss for words. Mates were supposed to love each other. Werewolves mate for life. Losing one’s mate usually resulted in agony and life long pain to the surviving one. I looked at him but he avoided me and concentrated on the road.
"He got what he deserved for killing his mate. He went berserk. Started killing his own people until they had chain and locked him down”, he said, his grip on the wheel turning his knuckles white.
“I’m sorry”, I whispered and squeezed his hand, him a reassuring smile. He smiled back and mumbled a ‘thank you’.
I knew what it was like to lose people close to us. Alice and Jimmy have a fair share of loss in their life, and I thought that was the thing that brought us together in first place. Three little kids, scarred for life, and been through things their other classmates could never think of.
We sat in silence for the rest of the ride as he drove deep into the woods. It was about a 45 minutes drive when we arrived at the gates of a huge mansion. It had a fountain at the front, for crying out loud .
He parked his car and ran to my side and opened the door for me. He held out his hands which I gladly took.
"M'lady”, he did a gracious bow, his boyish grin back on his face.
“M’lord”, I did a somewhat gracious curtsey and laughed at each other’s antics.
He offered his arm which I gladly took and together, we crossed the main door and entered a very big hall. For an old-fashioned mansion from outside, it had a very modern interior. Tall ceilings and glittering crystal chandelier took the word grandiose to another level. And there were many people, werewolves in their human form, in stunning evening attires, filling the huge in the hall.
Sensing the presence of a human, many heads turned towards me, making me painfully aware of everything. I slid close to Jimmy and sensing that, his grip on my hand tightened reassuringly .
"Is everyone here werewolves?", I whispered in his ears, not wanting to draw even more attention than I already have.
"No.", he said and craned his head, searching for someone in the crowd.
"Of course. Not including me"
"Still no", finding that someone he was looking for, he gently guided me through the people, causing throwing winks and nods, here and there.
I gave him a care-to-explain look.
"Can you see a dark haired, pale skinned girl by the pillar?", he pointed at a petite girl in a pixie haircut talking to someone, a few feet away from us. I nodded my head.
"She is a vampire”, I looked back at him in pure shock. Weren’t they supposed to be enemies?
When I looked back at the girl, she was already glaring in our direction and started walking towards us. She came to a stop in front of us and was glaring at Jimmy while I was literally holding my breath.
"You are Bella, right?", she asked me, smiling. I nodded and gave her a tight smile. Her reaction changed to a serious one. Did she smell me?
"He told you I’m a vampire, didn’t he?”, she asked glaring at Jimmy.
“Um…”, I looked at both of them, gauging their reaction.
“I’m not”, she turned towards me and gave me a warm smile, “I’m just pale”, she went on her tip-toes and dragged him by his ears to her height, “and Jimmy here thinks that’s funny and walks around telling people that I am a vampire”.
My face reddened in embarrassment. Of course she was not a vampire. She was partying with a room full of werewolves, for god’s sake.
“I’m Stacy and nice to meet you Bella”, I gave a sheepish grin and shook hands with her, “ Nice to meet you too and I’m sorry about that”, she shook her head and said alright and went back to the group she was previously talking to.
I turned around to Jimmy, who was rubbing his ears and glared at him until he looked up. A slow smile formed on his lips which then grew into a grin.
“C’mon, it was funny”, he said and jumped back when I smacked his arm with my purse.
“No, it wasn’t”, I took a step forward to smack him again when I heard Alice over the crowd’s noise.
She was moving through the crowd, elbowing people out of her way, dragging a fine-looking tall guy behind her, towards us.
“You came”, she crushed me with her trademark hug and stepped back but kept me at arm length and said, “and girl you look smoking hot”, she said checking me out.
“But you are the one stealing the show here. Where did you get that dress, damn”, I took a step back to give her a once-over. It was a floor length emerald gown that did an amazing job in making her eyes pop.
“Oh, John bought it”, with that she remembered something and turned towards the tall guy she had left hallway to hug me and dragged him by his arms towards us.
“Bella, John . John, Bella”. Her mate. John Connor. He stood tall, a few inches over Jimmy, incredibly well built and high cheekbones about which Alice should write a thesis. His longish blonde hair was slicked back, and he looked like he’s just been out of a fashion show in his black suit.
“Finally”, we both said at the same time as we shook hands. He laughed and gathered Alice into his arms and said, “She talks about you all the time. It’s good to finally put a face to the name”, looking down at her.
She fit perfectly in his arms and their height difference was literal goals.
“Is that you complaining?”, she narrowed her eyes and raised her brow at him. He held his hands in surrender, clearly playing along.
“Come with me”, she pulled me with her to a group of people at the center of the hall and introduced me to them.
I didn’t remember half of the people’s names I’ve met. Too much socializing for a single day.
"And.... where is he?", she mumbled to herself. Alice was searching for someone in the crowd when I felt someone come up from behind me.
"I hope you are looking for me”, I looked to my left and took a step back when I realized how close he was standing to me.
“There you are. Bella, this is my cousin, Danny”.
"Daniel Welkins. Pack's Delta”, he gave me a smirk, what I was pretty sure he thought was charming and said, “And I’m single”, I internally cringed at his blatant flirting. Alice rolled her eyes at him.
“Put that in a T-shirt. It’ll be easier that way”, I gave him a smug grin. He was caught off-guard but tried to play it off by feigning hurt.
"Until next time gorgeous”, he winked at me and walked away leaving behind a chuckling Alice.
What the hell was that?
John came up behind her and said that it was time for the cake.
“Where’s Alpha?”, she asked him, slightly worried.
“I tried to mind-link him, but he wouldn’t respond. I think he’ll sit this one out”, she huffed and murmured something under her breath about her Alpha being an adamant jerk.
We moved to the center of that hall. Jimmy joined us, already a drink in his hand. The party started earlier for some people.
I felt a hand in the small of my back, and looked around to see Daniel. I rolled my eyes. Someone just didn’t know when to quit. I was about to tell him off when a thunderous voice shook the foundation of the building.
"Mine" , the voice growled.
Among the many gasps and murmurs, I barely heard the word ‘Alpha’.
I stood there frozen, rooted to my spot, when it finally dawned on me.
The MINE was me.