This was my daily routine. Get up tired. Bath and eat in a hurry. Run to college. Stay tired throughout college. Go home. Sleep early. And wake up the next morning...tired.
The only thing that pushed me to get up and walk to school was the quality time I got to spend with Alice and Jimmy.
According to my darned schedule, I didn't have any classes with my friends other than Physics. I have to deal with every single torture sessions on my own.
But we would hang around in the cafeteria or in the library, in between classes, just doing our things, in each other’s presence.
It wasn't like I hated all the subjects in my schedule. It was just that the teachers in my college always sported I-would-be-anywhere-but-here look which was heavily contagious.
After our usual chit chats, we headed towards our respective classes planning to meet again for lunch. The class was almost full and I craned my neck hoping to get a free seat.
At last I found an empty seat next to a blonde girl.
"Hey, Is this seat taken?" I asked the girl pointing to the chair next to her. She gave me a warm smile and said , "No. You should take it", she said eyeing a loud guy standing behind our desk.
I sat next to her and I introduced myself ."Hi. I am Bella Hunt", I extended my hand to shaking.
"I am Janet Long. Nice meeting you. And by the way, you have a very pretty name" , she said with a wink.
"Well, thank you, Jane”, I said smiling, “I can call you Jane, right?”
"Yeah. Sure. Most of my friends do", she said smiling back. She seemed nice.
"I've never seen you in this class before . Are you new?".
"Yeah. I just got my schedule changed from Biology to here. I didn’t like the material as much as I thought I would”, she said shrugging.
I was about to say something when the door flew open and professor Reynolds walked in with her trademark smile in her face.
"Morning class", she beamed. The class went well. After asking about each other’s schedule, I bid Jane goodbye and walked out.
Since the next class was a free period, I went to the library hoping to get some work done on the assignment that was due next week.
What would happen when you use your rarely used brain really hard, for the first time in a very long time? Yeah. You get hungry.
I made my way to the cafeteria for lunch break. The worst thing about cafeterias or at least about my college cafeteria was the long queue.
I didn't know if there was magic involved, but that damned line never seemed to move. You have to stand there with I-can-swallow-a-horse-in-one-go hunger and the torturing food smell of the cafeteria, latter was the worst part, for eternity till you could get food within your eyesight.
I grabbed my tray after what seemed like forever and took a burger, a few French fries and soda and went to our table. Alice was waiting for me while Jimmy had already started digging.
Must be raised by the wolves.
I mentally patted myself on the back for the witty pun I could share with no one.
Jimmy was a messy eater. There was a small streak of ketchup smeared on his cheek and more food that you could possibly stuff in a mouth. He didn't pay me any attention as I set down my tray and sat down.
He looked up after receiving a pair of long disgusting stares, he raised his brows at us. He was chewing and swallowing fast, trying to speak.
"Why are you both staring at me like I have grown horns. I am hungry." He said with his most possible innocent face, shrugging.
Alice slapped his arm and said, "You dumbass. I am staring at you not because you have grown horns. As a matter of fact, even if you did, you would look nothing scarier than you look right now. It's just because I have started wondering when you would get satisfied with your hunger. You said you were hungry thirty minutes ago and you are still hungry. I fear whether the cafeteria can even provide us food when you are inside", she said moving her tray away from him.
Jimmy rolled his eyes.
"Woman. You see this muscle? You won't get that unless you eat like I do now. No wonder you look like a twig", he said and flexed his biceps.
"Yeah, I have seen better than that", Alice said sticking out her tongue.
"Not better than mine", he said, smirking.
"Oh. Is that so? You want to talk to John about that?"
That shut his mouth. "I’ll pass", he said and went to mauling his food.
Werewolves have very high metabolism and a perfect physic. One look at those two and you could say that. Alice may look skinny but she could trek for miles and not look like someone who might need CPR.
I started eating my burger to tame my angry tummy but stopped , irritated by the sound Jimmy was making. Alice placed her cup down with an extra force, "Will you stop that? What are you doing ? Trying to bite off your fingers?", she snapped, purely disgusted.
"It's ketchup. I don't want to waste it", he said and went back to lick the ketchup from his fingers. Ewe.
"I know werewolves have got a great appetite. But, I don't think he is a werewolf. He must be something more primitive than that. He eats for a village, for God's sake", I said moving my chair away from him taking my tray with me.
And he just shrugged.
I slurped down the last of my soda and threw the empty can into the dustbin and we walked to our afternoon class. Luckily we three have the same class but not so luckily it was physics.
Noon time. Post lunch. Physics class. A perfect triad for any student like me to doze off. I couldn't help it, but Ohm's law and potential difference sounded like a lullaby to me even with that hoarse voice of professor Benjamin.
I was just about to undress Dylan Ò Brian when a rapid pat on my back woke me. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and stifled a yawn only to see a fuming physics professor by our desk and a fear stricken Alice.
"I tried to wake you", she mouthed guiltily.
After giving several long lectures about classroom etiquettes from prof. Benjamin, which was enough to keep me awake for more than a week, he resumed teaching.
I looked over my shoulder when I heard a giggle. Jimmy the A$$hole.
The remaining class went boring with me blinking away the sleep tears that were formed due to numerous yawns, credits to physics. After giving me a dead glare Mr. Benjamin walked out.
The best thing about walking from one class to another for the next subject was that you would feel awake with all that walking and manage to stay awake for at least ten minutes into the next class.
But luckily for me, my next class was English. The best thing about English class was, you were allowed to do things you loved to do and were good at doing. English gave a God complex I never knew I had. Like creative writing, which I was obviously good at, discussing literature and in particular Jane Austen's. I loved her works.
The class went in a blink and my college was finally over. I walked out of the campus with Alice and Jimmy. I bid them goodbyes and walked towards my apartment.
Finally... got through Monday classes and managed to stay alive.
The weather was surprisingly warm and windy. I was about to turn around a corner when I ran into a woman. I looked up into her green eyes and my breath got knocked out of me. Those emerald eyes reminded me of someone who was once very close to me. I followed her hand to a toddler, smiling at me.
"Sorry", she apologized. "It's okay. I wasn't watching where I was either ", I said with a smile.
The little girl smiled at me and wrapped her little hand around her mom's pinky finger and waved at me. I waved back.
The ray of a particular memory which was haunting me day and night, a remembrance which left a never fading scar, flashed in front of my eyes.
Unshed tears filled my eyes. I remembered my last visit to the nearby ice-cream parlor with my mom.
I ran to my apartment fighting hard to keep the brimming tears within my eyes. I threw myself in my bed, not caring to change and let the warm tears wet my pillow which have witnessed several of my silent sobs and sleepless nights.
My memory rolled thirteen years ago. To that fateful day. To the cursed year of my life.