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                     ~ANASTASIOS' POV~


“Nooooo” I growled out in pain. My growl echoed round the pack and all other wolves growled too.

I held her head to my chest, crying like a baby.

“Not you too! You can't also leave me. Please, I beg of you, wake up please” I begged.

“Luna Aphrodite, I command you as your alpha to wake up!” I screamed.


“Noooo, please don't go!” I screamed as I jumped up from the bed.

I've been dreaming. The same nightmare again! She still keeps appearing in my dreams even after I left the pack.

It's been seven years now, seven good years now and the memory is still fresh in my head.

It's stuck with me and never goes away.

Coming to California didn't even help me to forget her, but it made me so busy not to think about her all day.

And at night, when I wasn't busy anymore, she came to my dream.

I became a new person when I came to California. I applied some surgical touches to my face and it changed my face enough to give me a new identity, so that my mom and the pack wouldn't be able to trace me.

And even if they trace me down to California, they wouldn't be able to recognize me with my new face, unless, of course, they use my wolf scent.

But I did my best in hiding my wolf and mixing well among the humans that nobody ever would think that I'm a werewolf.

I own lots of companies now and I'm now a billionaire. I made lots of money from the gemstones I sold and used them in buying and building companies. I'm now very wealthy and super popular.

But nobody ever knew the real me. Nobody ever knew I'm a werewolf in the midst of humans. Nobody ever knew I'm Alpha Anastasios as I changed my name to Michael Kendrick and was being known by all as “Michael Kendrick”

I sighed sadly as I stood up from the bed and walked out of my room. I went straight to Ophelia's room, now Andrea, as I also changed her name and identity.

I opened the door and walked in and saw that my eight years old daughter was sleeping peacefully on the bed. She's clutching her favorite doll to her chest with her hair roughly covering her face and her blanket pulled away.

I pulled up the blanket to her chest, arranged her hair properly and kissed her forehead before walking out of the room.


     "Mommy, I don't want to die "

"Save me please. I don't wanna leave you " Derrick cried out.

"Nurse Anna, your husband needs you right now, " Nurse Beatrice announced.

"Darling, please save our son. I don't think I can make it" Fred said.

"Honey, honey, please don't do this. Don't leave me" I pleaded.

But it was too late. His grip on my hand got loose and his hand fell to the bed coldly.

"Noooooooo! " I screamed.

"Nurse Anna. I'm sorry but we lost your son " Nurse Beatrice announced, walking hastily into the ward where I was.

"No, that can't be! " I screamed and ran to her son's hospital bed in the other ward.

"Derrick, no! Don't leave momma. Don't do this, Noooooooooooo!! " I screamed.


          I woke up with a scream, sweating profusely.

Same nightmare again! I've been having terrible nightmares ever since that day.

Am I ever going to escape all these?

I glanced towards the small table beside my bed. The picture of my son and husband was sitting on the table.

I picked it up and gently fingered it.

I lost both my son and husband on the same day! Same fucking day!

My once happy family has been shattered just in a day. Just in a blink of an eye! A terrible incident that I will never ever recover from!

I had withdrawn completely into my shell after the terrible incident and was living life as a broken, depressed widow who still mourns the death of my son and husband. It had taken every restraint in me not to kill myself.

My heart broke for the millionth time when I remembered their scared faces on the hospital bed, faces pleading to live, faces desperately begging for help to survive.  I was a nurse but I couldn't save them. I watched them die.

And now I am going to live with that guilt all my life.

"I miss you both so much, " I said as tears streamed down my face.

"Life without you both is hard, really hard. I don't know what to do without you here”

I stayed, hugging the picture to my chest for a while, lost in thoughts before my alarm rang, startling me.

I had woken up earlier than usual to the terrible nightmare. I remembered setting the alarm to enable me to wake up early to prepare for work.

I had resigned from my work as a nurse after the death of my son and husband. I stopped being a nurse because I felt I couldn't handle it anymore.

So I applied for the post of The personal assistant to the CEO in a big company and luckily enough for me, the job was given to me.

Though it wasn't my field, I felt I could do it. I know how to write down things, take records and all. Being a personal assistant shouldn't be hard for me.

I came down from the bed, placed the picture gently on the table and walked to my bathroom.

I pulled my clothes and turned on the shower to take my bath. I brushed my teeth after I was done bathing.

I came out tying a short towel around my firm, small breasts. The towel exposed my slender laps and held my moderate ass in check. I was the perfect definition of slim, sexy and hot. 

My friend once told me that I should go into modeling but I vehemently refused. I wanted a quiet and peaceful life.

I walked to my wardrobe and started searching for clothes to wear. Finally, I settled on wearing my simple but sexy ash suit.

I creamed my body, wore my underwear before putting on my suit.

I tied up her silky, long brown hair. I don't like leaving it free when going out. I walked to the mirror and stared at myself.

"Just a little touch of powder here and there and I'm good to go," I said to myself.

I applied powder to my face, picked up my bag and left the house, locking the door.

I stopped a taxi cab, entered it and gave my destination to the driver. He drove off after that.

Ever since the death of my husband and son, I had trained myself to be strong, courageous and determined. I had mastered the act of hiding my  feelings, hiding pains inside me and putting on a strong face even if it kills me inside.

And now I can't wait to see what this new job holds for me. I can't wait to know if this job is finally going to give me the peace she's been longing for.

The taxi cab stopped at the company and I paid the driver my fee.

“Thanks” I said as he drove away.

     I took some minutes standing outside and staring at the big company in front of me. I am about to start a new life, meet new people, and probably, make new friends.

When I stepped into the company, I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves down. I have heard rumors on how my new boss is so mean, cold and selfish and prayed I would find favor in his eyes.

“Well, of all the things I heard, none said he's a murderer. He wouldn't kill me, would he?” I said to myself,

“You can do this, Anna” 

I took a deep breath again, then walked confidently into the company.

As I stepped through the imposing little glass doors, little did I know that this would be the beginning of a journey filled with unexpected challenges and life altering decisions.

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