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Another death


                  ~ANASTASIOS' POV~

          I was slaying my enemies angrily when I heard it! The loud scream of my wife, Aphrodite. It was so clear that my wolf even reacted to it.

It could only mean one thing. My wife and daughter were in danger!!!

I started running back to her room. I ran as fast as I could in my wolf form.

As I ran to my room, the dark moon pack blocked my path. It was as if they were instructed by the witch not to allow me come in till she's done with whatever she's doing.

Time wasn't on my side and I needed to go and save my wife and daughter.

I fought off the enemies blocking my way. There were too many for me to fight but I was stronger than them. And with a few cuts here and there on my body, they were lying dead on the floor.

I continued running to my wife's room.

"Moon goddess, please" I begged. I didn't know what I was begging for but I need her right now.

I heard the sound of a sword coming from her room, then her loud scream followed after.

I quickly rushed into the room and I was just on time to see Aphrodite raise her sword to strike Witch Phoenix.

But she failed at her attempt, didn't even get close to the witch as she snapped her fingers, emitting dark powers that sent my wife flying to the wall.

Aphrodite hit her back hard on the wall and fell to the ground. She coughed out blood.

She crawled painfully to the bed and carried Ophelia in her arms. Soon, she's clutching our daughter tight to her chest and was bleeding from almost every part of her body. They were both on the floor now.

She's in her wolf form too. For some minutes, I was glued to a spot. I was speechless and couldn't believe my eyes. My wife was looking so weak in front of me. The strong Luna I used to know was looking so weak and almost lifeless.

The loud incantations I started hearing made me come back to my senses. Witch Phoenix eyes were closed now and she's casting a spell on my daughter.

She's standing beside my wife and daughter and chanting some incantations. I needed to stop her!

Anger surged through me!

How dare she!!! How dare she touch my wife and daughter???

With full speed, a speed of lightning, I ran towards her and slashed her stomach hard. I was glad I didn't change into my human form while coming here. It would have taken me time to change to my wolf form and I wouldn't have slashed Witch Phoenix in my human form.

Her eyes opened in shock. It was obvious she wasn't expecting me to cut her with my sword.

Before she could retaliate, I cut her again. This time, it was on her back.

She made a loud , shrill, painful cry and disappeared immediately, leaving traces of her blood on the floor.

Immediately, I changed back to my Human form and crouched beside my wife.

She's still holding Ophelia very very tight. Slowly, I carried Ophelia from her tight clutches and laid her carefully on the bed. 

Ophelia, just like her mom, was looking very pale and almost dead. What the fuck happened here??

I raised Luna Aphrodite's head and placed it gently and softly on my arms.

She changed back to her human form.

“My Luna” I began softly. Tears were slowly coming out of her eyes.

“What happened to you? Why did this happen? Why the fuck are you not healing?” I asked at once. I was panicking and it was so obvious to her. I needed to be calm so I don't scare her.

I placed my hand on her stomach to stop the bleeding, but I couldn't stop the blood rushing out from her chest, her neck, her laps, and her arms.

She must have fought a good fight with witch Phoenix and it's a wonder how she's still alive with the amount of blood she's lost. 

She's breathing rapidly and heavily now, a forced breathing and tears were still rolling down her cheeks.

“Why the hell are you not healing???” I cried out. 

Tears were rolling down my cheeks now.

“She ... .used her …her…her…powers…on me” she struggled to say.

I understood why then. Witch Phoenix used her powers on her, that's why she couldn't heal. It was because Witch Phoenix used her powers on her that my wife got so injured like this.

Without powers, Witch Phoenix was no match for my strong and powerful wife.

Fear gripped me.

If my wife wasn't healing, does it mean she's going to die??

No!!! The moon goddess won't let that happen.

“She….placed…placed….” She broke off, still struggling to force out words from her mouth.

“Don't speak please. You'll be fine. Let me call the doctor” I said.

She shook her head and held my arms tight when I wanted to leave.

“She placed ... ..a curse…on Ophelia and…and…sealed her werewolf powers…I got badly injured because I was trying to protect Ophelia” she finally said after much struggle.

“What???!!” I exclaimed loudly.

That explained why Ophelia was looking so pale and white.

“I don't ... .think I can survive this…I'm dying already, I can …can…feel it” she said and coughed out. Blood rushed out of her mouth.

“No, please…. don't say this….I fucking asked you to stop talking. You'll survive this for me, please” I cried.

“I'm in so much pain, Anastasios,” she cried. “And I'm not even healing”

“I'll call the doctor for you”

“There's no …..no…. need. I'll die before he gets here” she said weakly.

“No please” I cried.

“Please, take care of our daughter…. take….take…good care of her and when she grows, tell her how much… I…I love her” she stammered.

“Can you stop please??” The tears were fast rolling down my cheeks. She weakly raised her fingers up to wipe off my tears. Her fingers were bloodstained

“I’m so sorry for…. leaving you both. I love you both so much. I love you, my darling husband….I really love…..” she broke off.

Her lips sealed tight and her eyes closed. Her hands fell weakly to the ground beside me.

I knew what just happened.

“Nooooo” I growled out in pain. My growl echoed round the pack and all other wolves growled too.

I held her head to my chest, crying like a baby.

“Not you too! You can't also leave me. Please, I beg of you, wake up please” I begged.

“Luna Aphrodite, I command you as your alpha to wake up!” I screamed.

But it was all useless. She's no longer breathing. She's dead and gone for life.

“No, no, no, no” I cried loudly.

“Just why?? Why did you leave me? What on earth do you want me to do without you! Why did you leave me??”

“Please wake up. Wake up, my dear wife. Wake up, my best friend. Wake up, my biggest supporter and motivation. You can't leave me now when I need you the most. I need you right now and I love you so much, just wake up!” I lamented bitterly as I buried my head in her chest.

The sharp cry from Ophelia made me glance up.

I had totally forgotten about her. I carefully laid Aphrodite on the floor. I walked to the bed and carried Ophelia in my arms.

She's crying but quietened down a bit when I carried her.

Poor soul! She just lost her mother at the age of one.

“Princess, your mother is dead,” I said softly to her.

She completely stopped crying and was staring at me with those eyes of hers. 

“I'm so sorry I couldn't protect her. I'm so sorry baby. Now, you'll have to live without a mom. I'm going to miss her so much. I miss her so much….” I broke off and bursted out crying bitterly again.

Ophelia got frightened at my sudden outburst and joined me in crying too. Together we cried bitterly without comforting each other.

I stopped crying and my eyes darkened with rage and hatred.

"Tyson, you bastard, I swear, I'm definitely going to kill you" I swore with vengeance.

And with that the darkness consumed me, leaving me to wonder....what would become of my soul??

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