I watched as the annoying jerk fled from the bar and half of the customers left with him!
Well a part of me was glad that he was gone but who was he and what did he do that pictures of us were being taken?
I shrugged it off and continued with my shift. Lucy had left earlier to go home and sulk about missing the concert.
My phone began to ring incessantly. I was even more annoyed. I turned it off and focused on finishing my shift.
I was bone tired and this dramatic shit was way too much for today. There was nothing I won't see in City D. It was a crazy place!
“You fucking what!”
Angelo tried tuning out Troy's yelling as he kept going on about the uproar Angelo had caused. Troy was the band's drummer and like an annoying big brother. Despite the fact that Angelo was the eldest and he was the youngest, Troy always behaved like the former and Angelo the latter.
Damien shook Angelo's shoulder and he snapped.
“Jeez, mate! You're going to pull off my shoulder ”
“You are not listening to Troy, are you? Who is she?”
“Bruh I did not get anything aside from her name. She's so...... Weird and difficult. I'm going back tomorrow and could you believe she had no idea who I was? I swear when those photos were being taken, she had no idea and looked so surprised and confused. She's probably pushed it out of her mind and her makeup looked really........ ”
“Woahh dude you're thinking about her makeup already. Pfft, what's gotten into you? Smitten already?”
“Naa of course not! Iris tried to do the same thing and she succumbed within two days. If I could win her over that fast, this one should be a piece of cake!”
“Sigh... You'll never change, will you? Always thinking girls are tripping over you.”
“They are tripping bro. I can have anyone and I am going to get her. Want to bet?”
“You sick idiot. Do I look like Troy to you?! You better pretend to listen now. He's coming and he's going to chew your ears off!”
Angelo immediately changed his expression to something more serious and grave. He looked at Troy.
“Forget it buddy. I'm not falling for that sh*t. You managed to drag a good number of people after you and cause a storm on social media! You do know we just got back right? You can't just take advantage of the fact that our manager is really lax with us and our contract is not so binding!”
“Well I do have the media on me. That's more press and it's to our advantage I think?”
Helia snickered and Damien shook his head trying to suppress his laughter.
“You really think we need that much attention do you? Have you forgotten about all the let's not draw too much attention thing?”
“Troy calm down! Besides, do you really think that don't draw attention thing would work? We have a huge fan base and it's only natural we are followed around jeez!”
“I do hope this girl is worth it dummy. You won't like it if you turn this into a hot media case. We may need publicity but nothing negative!”
He tuned out Troy's noise again. It was no big deal to him and his main focus was Astria.
“Just who was she?”
Finally! I had wrapped up my shift and gotten home. I had hardly opened the door when Lucy flew at me.
“Oh my goodness Astria! What in the world. You never told me you knew Angelo from Extremes!”
OK I was confused what the hell was she talking about and who was Angelo?
“Girl don't play dumb with me!”
She whipped out her phone so fast and begun to show me pictures of the annoying jerk and I that were taken at the bar.
“Jeez why is that on the net? It's just a photo. Stop bothering about it Lucy. ”
“Girl do you know who this guy is?”
“Yep! He's an annoying jerk, who comes on too strong, thinks he's every ladies dream and a terrible flirt! Like who the fuck calls a girl baby? Sounds so lame and old fashioned. ”
Lucy looked at me as if I had just said a set of forbidden words. I brushed last her and begun to set the groceries I had gotten in the right places in the kitchen.
“Astria look at this.”
She then shoved her phone in my face and the comments I saw were horrifying!
“The bitch! How dare she try to flirt with my hubby?”
“Is she trying to force herself on him?”
“Such an idiot! To hell with her! She looks fucking ugly!”
OK now I was pissed! It was that annoying jerk that tried flirting with me and now all this? I wanted to comment on the post but decided to check who made it first.
It was a famous blogger.
Iris Stanguard. She was a really popular blogger but what was her business with all this?
Dear God what sort of problems have I gotten myself into! I looked at Lucy and motioned for her to collect her phone.
“So..... ”
“Just so you know Lucy. I don't know who that idiot was but he was the only one doing the flirting not me! I can't imagine someone being that annoying and I'm the one being trolled? Well I don't give a fuck anyway. I'm beat and I want to sleep!”
Lucy looked at me incredulously but she knew this conversation was over!
My head hurt and I needed a good night's rest.