I woke up to shouts from outside.
What in the world was going on?
“Tell her to be really careful Lucy!”
“We do not want to hurt you but how could she behave like such a whore?!”
“Where is she?!”
I stepped towards the door and saw the crowd that Lucy was trying to handle. There were cameras around and mostly angry looking ladies.
“What's going on Lucy?”
“Sigh.... You should not have bothered yourself coming down. Just handling a little disturbance from the neighbors. Go back and prepare something. ”
“Little disturbance?!”
“There you are you whore!”
“We have come to warn you, stay the hell away from Angelo.. He is not yours and will never be. Throwing yourself at him will not score you any points!”
Wait these people were here to tell me to leave that annoying jerk?!
It should be the other way around!
The dude was on my neck yesterday and was a big nuisance! Well I needed to tell these jobless females that they had boyfriends and crush this nonsense.
“Oh.... So you left your warm beds, your houses and work places to tell me to leave a person alone? I have no business with him! There was simply a spill on his shirt due to my clumsiness and I wanted to clean it up.”
I did not give room for any snarky remarks and continued almost immediately.
“And whoever took pictures of something really simple is such a creep! For fuck sake! I do not even know who that weirdo is! He was just a customer at the bar and I must say though, he's really annoying and about him being yours? Puh leeesee! I know that a good number of you ladies here have a boyfriend if not all of you! ”
I looked at ladies and saw my nosy and annoying neighbour, Jenny. I have been looking for a way to get back at her and she just needed to make the mistake of calling that annoying jerk hers! Ohh she was going to pay. Thank the heavens for the cameras.
“Jenny you called him yours huh? Don't you have a boyfriend? You both came here last week for dinner at Lucy's offer and you're out here, proclaiming an unknown guy as yours? Damn your boyfriend must really hate himself. I feel bad for the poor dude! He's not enough for you huh?”
I paused and the ladies had started looking guilty. Good! Now time to sow even more seeds of guilt!
“I would advise you ladies to haul ass and get yourselves busy! Even the guy you're all here making a protest for is an annoying jerk and is probably sleeping off the scotch he had yesterday! Well if there's nothing else, stay toxic and please, don't have a wonderful day!”
I slammed the door and looked at Lucy.
“How did I do girly?”
“Killed it b. But what are you going to do? That probably went viral and you'll be trolled on the internet for days to come!”
“Pfft I really don't care. But I do hope that stupid guy I met yesterday has his own share of misfortune! I lost good a damn hour of sleep to deal with this noise and shit!”
Lucy looked at me and burst into laughter.
“You never change do you? You never let stuff like this phase you and you always find a way to wing it!”
“Adaptability is my specialty hun. It's my free day. I'm going to sleep it away after some breakfast!”
I burst into laughter and just like that, the peace and ambience was back. The tension we had faced outside minutes ago was gone.
“Angelo wake the fuck up!!”
Angelo got up with a start and groaned to himself as he thought, what the fuck was making Troy shout so loud and did I just hear Damien raise his voice as well and what the actual fuck was happening?
“Get your stupid ass down here buddy or you are done for!”
He quickly rushed down and saw the guys were hunched over Helia's phone. He heard a familiar voice coming from it.
“ Oh.... So you left your warm beds, your houses and work places to tell me to leave a person alone? I have no business with him! There was simply a spill on his shirt due to my clumsiness and I wanted to clean it up. And whoever took pictures of something really simple is such a creep! For fuck sake! I do not even know who that weirdo is! He was just a customer at the bar and I must say though, he's really annoying and about him being yours? Puh leeesee! I know that a good number of you ladies here have a boyfriend if not all of you! ”
That was Astria's voice! The female bartender from yesterday!
She was on the news?
He rushed and collected the phone from Helia's and the guys moved closer to him.
Her listened her talk and personal attacks on her own attackers! And she looked really different in this video without the goth makeup and just as he predicted, she was damn beautiful!
“Well if there's nothing else, stay toxic and please, don't have a wonderful day!”
That last part got to him and he burst into laughter! She saw was fierce. Last night was certainly not an act.
She managed to turn the tide of the conversation from her in such a short period of time?!
Troy then raised his voice.
“Looks like you've finally got yourself a tough broad this time Angelo!