I enter the throne room as one of my dad’s many servants leaves the room in a hurry. It was an immense room with nothing but three thrones and steps leading to them. The walls were painted the colors of our sigil. Sapphire blue and dark grey. Our sigil's sign are black wings. We wear it on all of our clothes, and we wear it proudly. Henria represents black wings because black wings are a sign of royalty. Henria is the capital of the Heavens. I wouldn't want to be brought up anywhere else, that doesn't mean I want to rule it either.
"Son you must know that once you become King everything is up to you," my dad says proudly. I never wanted this. I'd rather have my brother be King. He wants it more than I do. Growing up I cared more about humans and finding a purpose overruling a kingdom. My brother on the other hand saw no other enjoyment then sitting on the throne. He even used to sneak my father's crown at night and pretend he was him. I used to laugh and feel sorry for him. I'm standing in his way and if it were up to me, he would take my place in a heartbeat.
"Yes, father I understand," I say while bowing my head slightly. No matter what I say it wouldn't matter. I was born too early for my own good. My dad won't accept the fact that I don't want to be King. No matter what I tell him, he shuns me away. Sometimes I humor him and act like I care about being King for a week. He becomes so proud of me within days just for me to ruin it and remind him it was all a joke. We have an interesting relationship. The only way we bond is over duty.
"Good. Then we are in agreement," he says while leaving. "Oh, and Axton," the King says like he forgot something. I immediately tense back up. Just when I thought he was out the door he had to get a last word in.
"Yes father," I say politely.
He takes off his cape slowly before extending his platinum wings. They were twice the size of mine and were starting to grey out due to his aging. "Don't forget our arrangement." He turns back around and descends the staircase not waiting on a response. He made a deal with me that if I fulfill my duty as King then he won't tell my brother the truth.
"How could I," I mumble under my breath as he leaves. I take a moment to think to myself. It's rare I get alone time so I'll take what I can get. I should have never betrayed him. He trusted me and I let him down. The one girl he loved, and I had to end her. He still doesn't even know that she's dead. I wouldn't have even done it if-
"Sir your scheduled meeting with the princess is starting in five minutes," my servant interrupts. I sigh and curse under my breath.
"Okay I'll be there," I say waving him off. I'm forced to marry an Angel from Panwia to make an alliance. Don't get me wrong she's beautiful just not my type. I don't want to be forced to marry. I want a real marriage. I know everyone has a partner they're destined to be with. Mine is out there somewhere, and she's not from Panwia.
When I walk into the ballroom there she stood as glorious and beautiful as ever. Yet still I would never love her. I know about her affair with the groundskeeper. I've seen them together. We were at our annual Winged Ball and I had snuck away to the garden for some fresh air. I had heard giggling coming from behind the bushes. I peeked close enough to see and hear but they still couldn't see me. They were making out and struggling to get each other's clothes off. Like an idiot, I tripped over a branch trying to inch closer and they caught me. I promised her that I wouldn't tell anyone, and the groundskeeper just ran off. Caroline just begged me to never speak of it again and I haven't since. I would never want to come between that. That would be too cruel.
"Hello Prince Axton," Caroline says gracefully while curtsying. Normally, around me she acts like a friend. Sometimes we joke about my unloving father or about her lying mother. Her mother is Duchess in Henria and needs her to be Queen. Both of our families are conniving and it's what bonds us together. It bothers me that her family treats her the way they do. I feel like her older brother and it pains me I can't stand up for her until I'm king. When I do become, I will make their lives a living hell. I'm not God so I can't cast them down, but I can ruin the little bit of happiness they do have.
"Princess Caroline," I bow. "Shall we?" I ask while sticking my hand out for her to hold. After she excepts, we stroll out to the garden to talk. On the way there, she begins to tell me her mother is pushing her to marry us right away. She gave a fearful look as she said this. I knew her mother meant business and that we can't stall forever. My father wouldn't be against it if we were to get married quickly. It would only further secure my position as king and make my father believe I'm serious about following my duty.
She goes quiet as I can't seem to respond. We both know we don't want to marry each other but, I don't have someone to go against this for. It benefits me either way if we get married or not. I can't say the same for her but, I'm not completely against marrying her. It would be like marrying my good friend.