Rose was pacing in her room. She had agreed to go to New York to meet up with Sebestian but now the realization was starting to dawn on her. She would go to Sebestian's apartment and be alone with him.
Alone! They would be alone. In his apartment. What would they do? What will happen? Did he expect something?
She should cancel right now! But that would be rude. Sebestian would get offended. The thought of Sebestian being upset at her made her even more nervous. No, she couldn't cancel. What was she going to do?
"Rose! It's time to go open the coffee shop." Ash yelled from outside her door.
Rose grabbed her jacket and her phone and joined Ash into the living room and they both left to open their business.
At the café, Rose wasn't much better. She paced and went on a cleaning frenzy when there was no client. Ash eventually got sick of it and cornered him in the back-store.
"Ok! What is wrong with you today? You've been pacing and fidgety all day long."
"It's nothing. It's just, I'm meeting with Sebestian tonight and I'm getting nervous."
"You're meeting up with him tonight? Since when you had this planned?"
"Last night. It was last minute. He invited me to get a drink."
"Well, why are you so nervous? It's only a drink. You did that last time."
"The thing is, we'd be at his apartment, not the club."
"So, you're nervous about being alone with him."
"Well, yah. I don't know what to expect. Is it only a social thing or is he expecting something?"
"I never met him, but as for tonight, it's up to you. If you just want to have a chat with him then it's up to you. You don't owe him anything. Just see how you feel about it at the moment and follow your gut."
"You're right. I've got nothing to worry about. We'll just have a drink and talk about stuff and then I'll go to the hotel, easy."
With a little more confidence, Rose continued her shift at the café, while Ash messaged Monika about Rose's date. Monika was thrilled about the news and rushed to Rose's room to start finding an outfit for her and to pack her bag.
* * * * *
Sebestian was having a late lunch with Ray in his apartment. Both were discussing the plans for DLD when Ray brought up Rose in their conversation.
"So, I saw you with the black-haired girl at the party."
"Rose was a surprise. I didn't think I would meet a someone like her at the party. She's so calm and more of a quiet type. I wonder how she got in."
"I bumped into her sister on the street before the club opened and put their names on the list."
"Well, I'm glad you did. Fate was in my favor that night. I can't wait to see her tonight."
"So, she's really the one for you? I thought you would go for a Beta or an Alpha, considering your past relationships."
"Oh yes, I didn't have much luck with those so a change wouldn't be a bad idea. Anyways, I didn't think I would find anyone with such a scent. No other Omega scent ever made me feel this way."
"Does she know you're even an Alpha? If you met at the party, she wouldn't have been able to know."
"Sigh. She doesn't even know that I'm a werewolf so no. I was just going to let her notice once she's here. I don't know how she'll react once she knows that I'm an Alpha."
"If she's like the others, she'll be all too thrilled about it. The last Omega you met was really 'too friendly'."
"Yes, but I have a bad feeling about this one. I have a gut feeling she's more likely to run for the hills then be happy about it."
"Well, you'll see tonight."
"I guess I will."
* * * * *
Rose arrived in her room to find Monika already there, with three different outfits placed on her bed.
"What are you doing in my room?"
"I have outfits planned for tonight and for tomorrow. I already packed a few outfits and..."
"I'm just going for one night, not a week-long vacation."
"I want to make sure you have an outfit for any event."
"Monika, I'm just going for a drink, then I'll go to the hotel and come back the next day."
"Well, I guess we can go with only two outfits plus the one you're going to wear."
"Fine. So, what do you have planned for tonight?" Rose agreed, not wanting to argue to end up with the same results.
"So, I was thinking that a dark grey V-neck t-shirt and a black skinny jean with these black leather casual dress shoes I bought you and you can wear your regular leather jacket with it."
"I'm never going to wear does shoes ever again. It's a waste. Return them."
"I'm going to give them to you for your birthday anyway so just take them now. It's no use arguing, and you know it."
Rose sighed. She knew that there was no changing her sister's mind when it came to fashion. Monika mentioned that Sebestian was a well-dressed man, and that made Rose wonder how she knew. She didn't have any pictures of him so how did Monika know what he looked like?
Seeing her questioning look, Monika opened her Instagram and after a few seconds, she showed her all of Sebestian's recent posts. Most of them were of him with different people, having some intense parties or great pictures of him modeling different outfits. As she scrolled down, Rose had to admit that Sebestian was a well-dressed man. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw how much of a difference there was between the two. Two total opposites. Determined to make that difference shrink, she turned to Monika and agreed to wear what she had planned. It was a small step, but it was a good beginning.
* * * * *
Rose was finally at Sebestian's apartment. Well at the door really. It was a plain building that didn't seem very fancy. It kind of looked like a warehouse from the outside. The door was a solid black metal door and the only indication of it actually being a house was the mail sloth and the intercom next to the doorbell. Rose was once again pacing. She was trying to get the courage to ring the bell but every time she got close, she would pause before actually pressing on it. After a 10-minute wait, she heard a voice calling her from the roof. As she looked up, she saw Sebestian leaning over the balcony, looking down at her. Immediately, Rose started to worry about how long Sebestian had been up there looking at her. Sebestian opening the door pulled her out of her chain of thought and before she could even say 'Hi', a strong scent filled her lungs. Alpha!
Rose's mind was racing. The strong scent of an Alpha surrounded her. The smell of peppermint and sandalwood, with a dash of cinnamon. It was a strong scent, and Rose was studded to find out that it was emanating from Sebestian.
'This couldn't be.' Rose's thought. 'It's clearly a werewolf scent.'
Rose's mind was reeling. No human could have such a scent, but it was clearly coming from Sebestian. The situation didn't make sense. Last time Sebestian smelled like a regular human and now he was a werewolf? That didn't make sense but there was no other explanation. Sebestian was now a werewolf. Someone must have turned him! That was the only explanation.
Rose, worried about how the transformation had affected Sebestian then asked:
"Sebestian are you ok? How did it happen? Did you shift yet? Are you feeling strange?"
"What are you talking about Rose? I'm fine. I was worried about you. You were pacing at the door." Sebestian replied clearly confused.
"No, I'm talking about your change. You're a werewolf now. How did it happen? Were you bitten? By whom? When did..."
"Rose, I've always been a werewolf."
"What? But at the club, you were a human. You smelled like one. How is it possible?"
"I take a pill to cover up my gender when I'm at the club. It prevents unwanted attention from human. Now let's go inside and have that drink. The doorway isn't the most comfortable place to talk."
Sebestian made his way inside, waiting for Rose to follow. Rose was stunned and confused. She stood still in the alleyway, not sure what to do. She didn't like that Sebestian had kept such a secret from her. Sebestian knew she was a werewolf but had kept quiet about himself. Rose felt betrayed which didn't make much sense since they had barely spent time together and in no way feel this betrayed.
"Are you coming in?" Sebetsian asked.
Rose looked up at him and debated with herself what to do. On one hand, she really wanted to spend time with the gorgeous caramel skin man, but she also didn't like being in the presence of an Alpha that she didn't really know. In the past, she didn't have much luck with Alpha males. Adom's face popped up in his mind. Clearly, Alpha males weren't a good mix with her. Still, her guts told her that this time it could be different. She had gotten along with Sebestian at the club. Building on that strand of hope, Rose's stepped foot inside the building, closing the metal door behind her.
Sebestian let a sigh of relief pass his lips when Rose stepped into his apartment. He had expected her to turn and run. He could see the dilemma still lingering on the younger woman's face as
her brow was still furrowed. Sebestian led Rose threw another set of frosted doors that opened to a modern living room.