Rose, Ash and Monika turned as the tall figure entered the café followed by two smaller figures.
"Sitting on the couch isn't very productive for a coffee shop." Lane said in a joking tone.
"It's a slow day. Everyone is busy with the Mating Run." Jenny replied as she sat down next to Ash on the love seat.
Simon walked to Rose, behind the counter and started to make himself a cup of espresso and poured Lane a large cup of dark roast coffee. The pleasant atmosphere and sound of light banter made Rose happy to be a part of this group of friends, but she still kept on thinking about the Mating Run and about her love life, or more so lack of. Sure, she told everyone that she didn't mind having been single but in times like these, where both Monika and Ash were with their significant other, it was hard to not feel a little left out.
"Well, I have to go back to the station so have fun kids." Lane said before walking to the door with his cup of dark roast in hand.
"We're not kids anymore Lane." Replied Jenny.
"You're always going to be kids to me." He replied while walking out the door.
"Well, since it's the end of the school year and we worked our asses off this semester, we should go out and have a night of intense partying." Monika said completely out of the blue.
"Monika, we finished our semester two to three weeks ago. High school students are finishing right now, not university students." Rose replied.
"Details! It's never too late to celebrate. So, Ash and I heard about a club in our city called 'DDL' and their holding a huge party since it's under new management. It's the new 'it' place. We have to go."
"You're all underage..." Rose started.
"We have fake IDs." Monika interrupted her.
"And when is this big party?" Jenny asked feeling a catch coming up.
"Well, that's the thing it's tonight and starts at 10h30 but there's going to be a huge line so we should try to be in city at 8h. We'll eat close by and then go to the club."
"Monika it's almost a two-hour drive from here to downtown main city." Rose groaned. "I really don't want to go. I'm not a club person. Hell, I'm barely a social gathering person."
"Come on Rose it's going to be fun and don't say you have something planned I know for a fact that you have nothing. Ash and Jenny were willing to come."
"Wait so all of you knew about this event but me?" Rose asked while looking at her friends in stupefaction. "Why was I the only one not informed?"
Everyone avoided making eye contact except for Monika who told her that it was because had she known before, she would have planned something else to avoid going, so telling her last minute was the only way to get her to go.
After a lot of complaining and being pressured by her sister with speeches of responsible driver and need to let loose, Rose finally gave in and agreed to go to the club with them. Monika was trilled and was already planning out her outfit for the occasion.
"Wait. If we're going to be there so late and you'll all be drinking, that means that I have to drive back. No way! You and Ash are horrible drunks and I'm not driving for two hours with you two in the car."
"I already booked 3 hotel rooms so that's not a problem. You have no excuses so give up and just agree."
Rose tried to come up with reasons not to go for the next hour, but Monika always found a counter and it was finally time to close the café and go home to get ready.
It took Monika half an hour to find something decent to wear. All Rose shirts were old and worn out and not the fashionable kind. Her black shirts were becoming grey, and her jeans were all plain. It took digging into the back of her closet to find some of the clothes Monika and Ash had gotten her for her birthday and Christmas to find something new and appropriate. The outfit was simple for most people, but this wasn't part of Rose comfort zone. The skinny jeans were black but too tight in her opinion and the dark grey t-shirt had a V-neck instead of a round one and was clinging to her body unlike her "one size to big" regular ones. Still, she got dressed and waited after Monika who was talking for ever to choose what she was going to wear. She apparently didn't want to wear her original choice of a black body con dress. Then there was a red jumpsuit, a forest green mini dress, a few other outfits and after what seemed like forever, she settled her choice on a silver mini dress. Ash, Jenny and Simon arrived just as Monika was finishing her makeup and a few minutes later they were all packed into Simon's van, on their way to main city.
"We're here! OMG people are already waiting in line and it's barely 8h30. We should go wait in line, but I don't really want to wait for two hours and I'm hungry." Monika whined.
The whole group agreed. None of them were willing to wait for two hours on an empty stomach. They were trying to figure out what to do when a man in a well-tailored suit past by them, bumping Monika in the process.
"Forgive me Miss. It wasn't my intention to bump into you." The man said in a very polite tone.
"Oh no it was my mistake we were blocking the sidewalk. We were just debating something, sorry."
"What could you be debating in the middle of the sidewalk?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.
"We wanted to go to 'DDL' tonight, but the line is already forming, and we were hoping to grab a bite before going but we think that the line will reach around the block by then."
"Ah! Yes, indeed. The line will be very long in about an hour. Well, I think I can fix your problem, I'll just add you to the guest list and you won't have to worry about the line. As an apology for running into you." He said walking towards the door of the club. "Please follow me."
"Ram. Please add these fine people to the guest list for tonight."
"Sure Mr. Ray. What names do I have to add?"
Getting over the shock of having their dilemma solved each gave their name to Ram and showed him their (fake) IDs.
"Thank you so much! Oh, I didn't get your name."
"I'm Ray. I'm friends with the new owner of the club. Well, I must take care of the finishing touches for tonight so goodbye and hope to see all of you later. As for a good place to eat, I would recommend the Thai restaurant, two streets down."
Ray entered the club, leaving them at the door with Ram, completely bewildered. What were the odds? They then went to eat at the Thai restaurant he had recommended and had a blast. They then went for froyo across the street because Jenny and Monika wanted a cup with plenty of toppings and once, they were finished, it was 10h45 and they headed back to "DDL".