Golden retriever
After I hugged maximo again, I returned his gift and you gently opened it.
"Owmayghad is cute !!!" The kisses that naki peek at too.
The dog inside the box sat up straight as he looked up at me. its tail is still moving and it looks even more cute.
He looks really cute with his red bow tie on his neck while wagging his cute little tail!
"Oh my! My baby!" I said and gently took the puppy out of the box.
"Thank you so much maximo !I'm so happy, "I hugged maximo again with the puppy.
I can't explain how sorry I felt while watching the puppy that maximo gave me. We are here again in the field as we are able to walk the little puppy around us.
it ran so far that I immediately called. It ran back and almost stumbled even more at speed.
"What's his name?" Maximo asked if the puppy could get close to me.
It moved around next to me and seemed to be still playing so I lifted it up and squeezed my arm a bit. when I was bitten by him! She's so cute!
"Hey, what's your name?" I kindly talked to the puppy while gently stroking its head.
It looked at me and stuck out its tongue. "What breed is that?" Kisses asked and snatched the puppy from me.
"Golden retriever," maximo replied.
"Is it expensive?" I will ask.
"Nope, no one loves me as long as you're happy."
My cheeks got hot from what he said. "Cooper." I decided to say. "Cooper is his name!"
Maximo nodded and stroked the puppy's head as he released it with kisses.
"Cooper!" I call here. its tail moved quickly and ran at me.
"Do you want the name cooper?" I will ask. It became even more lively with my question.
"Cooper then! Baby cooper," Maximo said and lifted the puppy.
"Come on, maybe we'll spend the night here," he said with kisses.
maximo and I agreed and went straight to his car. He handed me cooper before finally taking me to the mansion.
When I arrived at the mansion, my grandmother and the rest of us immediately greeted me with a happy greeting.
"Happy birthday amanda!" kristina, the most kind and quiet maid here in the mansion.
"Thank you," I replied and we headed straight to the kitchen for the little truss truss for my birthday.
I hugged again and thanked my grandmother and my friends here before rushing to my room carrying cooper who was sleeping soundly in my arms.
I laughed a little because of the sweetness of its sleep. I pinched its small hands and ears before laying down on the side of my bed.
I quickly changed my clothes and lay down next to the puppy. this is the happiest birthday I've had in my whole life ... not only did I receive a gift today, because for me the little things that my grandmother gave me over the years are a big gift to me.
but I can really say this is the most 'the best' and most fun because of cooper. I have someone with me every time I am imprisoned here. I can play something every weekend while watering the plants.
I took a deep breath and squeezed cooper to my side. "I love you cooper ..." I said before finally falling asleep in a deep and peaceful sleep.
This is supposed to be my first sleep that is happy and nothing has touched my chest.
"Happy birthday to my very beautiful and unique child ...."
the next day was saturday, i woke up happily because of cooper's weak growl and barking at me. It seemed to wake me up from my deep sleep.
It stood straight on my side and its tail moved quickly to see the awakening of my eyes.
"Good morning cooper!" I greeted him warmly and then lifted and kissed his head.
I can't help but stop him. Her fur is so soft and so tiny. Miximo said it's only 2 months so I have to drink more milk.
I turned my back on the bad things I had to do today. While I was walking, cooper followed me, trying to catch up with me.
"Your dog is really cute!" Kristina said and touched Cooper's head. The puppy lay down and became even cuter with kristina.
while watering the plants, cooper was busy running and following the flow of water from the hose I was holding, playing games.
"Cooper no !!" I shouted as it suddenly fell into the small fish pond.
I ran and immediately took cooper out of the water. "You're so weird!" I whispered and re -entered the mansion to get a swab for cooper.
Days and months passed slowly as cooper grew. I never thought he was such a fast man. If he used to be naughty, he is even more naughty now!
every time we were locked in the room it was my playmate and I would hang out there. Sometimes it barks loudly for me to hold the neto's mouth.
"Happy birthday cooper ~" I sang. His already 4 months old! Fast weather.
I usually carry it with me whenever we go out for kisses. where we take cooper who is overjoyed at the attention given to him.
It's like my child if I consider it. "It's the size of a big boy!" Maximo when cooper ran from me to him.
I took cooper out so he could walk. this pig has also been alive for a few days.
Cooper wagged his tail and worshiped Maximo. I laughed as he licked Maximo's face.
"Are you a good boy?"
Cooper barked loudly and stood up straight.
"Good boy ~"
maximo and I decided to eat with kisses at the barbeque house. Those we met were overjoyed while looking at cooper. But of course, it's still unavoidable for them to look at me because of the complexion I have.
"Nice complexion !the smoothness is smooth. "I heard a whisper from the woman on the side.
"Son day friend. It looks good because son day."
"Tse! Not so pretty! Looks like a mongoloid!"
I cringed at what I heard. No matter what I really do I still won’t really lose the judgmental people in this world.
I also have nothing to do with what they say about me. If they want to be happy, and their souls will be at peace, let me just ... they only see my outward appearance and not the real me.