*"Don't worry so much. You're going to excel. Don't worry so much, you're going to excel." The last words my brother had uttered to me made a steady beat in my nervous mind as I made my way to the schoolhouse for the first time. Human or not, Durne had made it a mandatory rule for all children over seven to get an education long ago, and I was no exception. I saw other children laughing and talking to each other in already formed groups of bodies. I walked alone. I spoke no words. I kept my head down and made my way inside the large, one-roomed building.
I took up a front row seat, resting my small, brown bag besides me, taking a deep breath. I took in the room around me, but it wasn't much. Just four, dirty walls coated with maps of a world I'd learn to deal with, and letters of a language I had yet to learn. A shame we wouldn't be taking any tests on the Demonican alfebet. At least I knew I could already read that.
"You're in my seat."
I looked up to a girl about my height, a childish scowl on her face.
"It's the first day. There are no assigned seats," I kindly pointed out. "You could take the ones on my right or left." In fact, every seat surrounding me was empty.
"Like I'd ever sit next to you," she huffed before moving into another seat in the row behind me. I was shaken. Did she know what I was? What gave me away, or did she just hate me? What did I do? A rapping shook me out of my thoughts as the teacher repeatedly struck a stick against the board. I knew her. She was the one who was the tie-breaker vote to let my brother live. Something told me this was going to be a good year, at least during class.
After failing to draw any letters or ordinals on the sheet of paper placed before me, a small, wooden whistle was blown to announce that it was lunchtime. I made my way outdoors, sitting on a rounded stump as I happily pulled out my meal. I had only taken a single bite before the shadow of a human figure loomed over me. I hoped whoever the owner of it was would say that I took his seat, because I was prepared to tell him that no one owned the stump except for Akasha herself. But instead, the stocky boy called over to some other children, shouting, "Well looky here. It's the brother of that werewolf kid!"
"Say, what's it like having a monster for a sibling?" The boy began to put his hands on his head to mimic my brother's ever-present ears.
"He's not a monster!" I yelled, forgetting that I was never supposed to open my mouth wide enough for someone to see my own fangs.
He didn't seem to notice though, as he continued to jest, "Oh? You support him? Then what does that make you, aside from a sniveling boy? Honestly, you have never left your house, you barely talk, except to yourself." My eyes widened at this. "What, you think I didn't notice you talking to yourself in class? You sound like you're mad." His laughs filled the air as I realized in horror that I had been asking Eldrazi for help with some of the questions... aloud. The whistle blew again, but whilst the other children followed, I was glued to my spot, the sandwich long forgotten.
"D-don't tell anyone..." I whispered, for even back then I knew that the Inquisitors would come and my life would be ended.
"And now you’re begging me to keep a secret? You devoln." Not that he knew, as I came to realize later. The word devoln means a total willing slave, a boot-kisser, as we used to beg to keep our lives, offering anyone anything just to stay alive. It is the worst curse one could utter, unless you were one, and since my brother was, he probably intended it for wordplay. But I was so tired of hearing that word used negatively. My brother was no monster, and I couldn't tolerate this boy standing there, insulting him; not after he had done so much to prove his worth to this village. I was young, I was naïve, and I shifted.
And I, for once in my life, am not going to lie. I loved seeing the fear reflected in his eyes as I easily knocked his body to the ground with my own skinny one. My legs wrapped around him, my arms squeezed his neck, and I smiled as I bit his face.
{Gavin! No!}
That was the day I learned I was venomous. I suppose I have my teacher to thank for saving my life. She had heard the commotion outside, and instead of reporting me to the Elders, she hid me away and summoned my mother. They exchanged a few words before I was taken home.
The boy was reported as having been attacked by a large snake, which, while not native to Duine, could have been transported from the lower islands of Malin and escaped. I was, needless to say, grounded for a while, but not for too long, as I had had no idea I could even do that. The punishment was more in my head, and from that day on, I was even more secluded as my lessons were taught to me by my ridiculed brother.*
Gavin woke up in a strange room, and as he sat up in bed, he had trouble remembering where he was. Having never been in any room other than a tavern's (and that was if he was lucky), waking up to a soft, clean bed was completely foreign to him. The white, sun-kissed sheets and pillow stuffed to the point of no return, had allowed him to awake without a sore, aching body for once, and he realized he had forgotten just how good it felt to get a full night's sleep. Slipping into his Human form, he stood up and tried the door. It was open, thankfully, and he walked out into the hallway before looking at the many doors stretched before him. He knew Aeiln was behind one of them, and the rest... could be for anything. Contemplating on which one to knock upon, his indecisive self was rescued by a slowly turning knob two doors down.
Aeiln casually walked out into the hallway dressed in a fresh white T-shirt and small black shorts as if it wasn't under fifty degrees. "Morning Gavin. How did you sleep?" she asked.
"Rather well actually, considering I haven't slept in a real bed in months," he told her. After last night, he decided to try to be more open with her, or at least try to be friendly. Otherwise, she would most likely give up on him entirely. There were simply certain things... she didn't need to know. "You?"
"I am glad to hear you slept well. So, about this deal..." she began, completely ignoring his subtle prompt to converse, whilst leading him toward the kitchen.
"Yeah, I have no idea what you wanted to do. I thought that was why we were here, to talk to Rowan and figure out a plan?" If he was to be honest, he did have a plan of exactly how they were to gain 'equality'... but again, that's if he was honest.
"Did someone call my name?" Rowan cooed as he walked in and sat down. "Now, how about we eat something before discussing this so-called deal Aeiln has been going on about." He clapped twice and food of all kinds suddenly appeared on the wide table. Gavin jumped back in surprise at the sudden display of magik, falling out of his seat and onto the floor. "What the Hell?" he yelled as he pulled himself back up shamelessly.
"I do apologize if I startled you. It's simply easier to summon it, rather than bring it all out by hand," Rowan soothed him.
"No... It's fine... I'm just not used to magik," he explained. Well, at least, not used for such an ordinary task.
"Oh, all right. Sorry to surprise you then. Feel free to eat as much as you like. We always have more." He winked with a smile.
Starving from weeks of little to no food, Gavin grabbed any meat or egg related items he could find, making sure as to not to grab so much that it was awkward, but definitely enough to tide him over for the next two weeks. He noticed that everyone was staring at him and he blushed, hoping it wasn't because of how he was eating. Spending four years in the wilderness didn't exactly teach you table manners.
Aeiln opened her mouth, as if to finally address the issue, when Sera entered the room. Even though it was already quiet, Gavin couldn't help but feel the tension rising, until Aeiln promptly closed her mouth before getting up and leaving.
"Guess that's out the window then," Rowan annoyedly sighed, throwing his hand up in the air as she left the room.
Stuffing another hard-boiled egg in his mouth and swallowing it whole, Gavin got up and began to follow her. He was hoping to catch her alone to ask her what had happened, but she was too fast, turning around the corner and disappearing right before his eyes. Breaking into a full sprint, Gavin ran back to the dining room. "All right, somebody explain to me what's going on. I'm so tired of this!"
Sera looked up at him and walked out, only saying, "I don't know what you're talking about". Thanks a lot, Gavin thought in reply.
Rowan glanced up from his bowl. "She's a lot like you in some ways, you know. Aeiln, I mean. Maybe that's why she wants you to help her. The deal she wants to make has the two of you working together; the both of you getting what you desire. Gavin, you have to understand, more than anything, Aeiln wants to be equal to everyone else. With the Inquisitors chasing her, and the Holy War practically forcing her to pick a side, all she wants is for it to stop; for Demons, Angels, Humans and anything else to all be on the same level."
Gavin nodded. The Holy War had started four years ago, when a wild Demon broke the peace treaty and ravaged the lands. Since then, it had been Demons against Angels against Humans, and even though he was just a Devoln, even he had felt the peer pressure to join a side. The way society viewed it, you were one thing, or another, and those that dared to trod the borderline, whether by want or by force, were taken out by the Inquisitors. At least Gavin was in his own little group, however small it may be... but Aeiln...
*{She's all alone, and she probably feels the weight of the war on her shoulders everyday, forcing her to make that choice.}*
"Sera however," Rowan continued, "is only an Angel. She doesn't exactly agree with helping both sides. The last time they fought over it, Aeiln left without so much as a note. She hasn't returned home until now. As their guardian, I've tried to explain to Sera that Aeiln is free to make her own choice, but she sees me as 'just a Demon'. It's so hard to get through to her about anything political," pushing up his glasses, he continued. "It's hard enough to have them share a house without a fight breaking out. Sharing a room; impossible."
"That's all well and good, but where'd she run off to?" Gavin said.
"Oh...," Rowan trailed off. "She's usually under the willow tree far out in the woods. That spot is special to her. If you follow the trail in the backyard, you should be able to find her."
"Thanks. If you need me, that's where I'll be." Grabbing another couple eggs for Eldrazi (Eldrazi was always hungry) he fumbled around the house, eventually finding the back door. Closing it behind him, he saw said trail and began to follow it, determined to find the willow tree.
Rowan watched him go. "They are going to go far together. I have a feeling."