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Chapter 14.

Following Talon down a thin hallway, they entered a small kitchen near the back of the house. Gavin wasn't sure what he had been expecting by the time he made his way into the room, but it definitely wasn't a horned Talon blowing into the fireplace in the wall. A large, blue flame roared up, and Gavin suddenly found his arms laden with sticks. "Hey, keep this going while I get us some eggs, would ya?" A large, toothy grin sat on Talon’s face.

"Eggs?" Gavin asked with a smile. “Where are you going to get some at this time of year.” No bird would dare to lay eggs at the end of Autumn, even with Durne having the mildest of Winters out of the three Empires.

"There’s a farm not too far from here. It’s not as abandoned as this old place, but if I run fast enough, I should be able to get there and back without being caught in a half an hour or so," he answered before bolting out the backdoor.

“You know, I could just summon something for us to eat now. I did pack all that chicken for you,” Aeiln mentioned, but Gavin shook his head.

“He’s going out of his way to make something for us. I honestly think he’d be disappointed if he came back to us eating already.”

“Fine!” Aeiln pouted, pulling out a creaky chair and waiting with him. A while later, he came back holding several speckled grey eggs carefully in his arms.

“Sorry for the wait!” he called out cheerfully. “Don’t worry though, I’ll have these ready in no time.”

"I could help if you want," Aeiln offered, and Gavin knew exactly what she meant.

"Sure," Talon smiled, who didn't. "You can help by gathering berries or whatever you find." He handed her a woven basket.

"If you want, Aeiln, you can, but we're still eating our eggs," Gavin sighed.

"Of course." And with that, she left outside. A few minutes later she comes back in with the basket laden with berries. "Here you are."

Talon took one look at the berries she had in her hands and said, "It must be nice to simply -poof- and have food."

Gavin, listening, felt a smirk tug at his face as he pulled the sizzling eggs out of the pan and laid them out on the table. That had been his response to Aeiln too, not even all that long ago.

"How did you know?" Aeiln asked warily, slightly put off.

"Simple. Gooseberries don't grow around here. That's Southern Durne. Also, for this many berries, you sure found them rather fast."

"Ah. I don't usually summon things for other people, but you look like you could use it.” She gestured to the general state of the kitchen around them. The bare cupboards, the empty counters. If Talon hadn’t stolen those eggs, Gavin highly doubted he’d be eating anything at all. I could leave it here for you if you'd like, after we leave." Aeiln shrugged, putting the basket down and leaning on to the chipping wall.

"Well, that depends on if you guys are leaving alone. You’re on some adventure, and depending on what it's about and whether you'll let me, I would like to join. This isn't my house, and if I'm found here then I could get killed, so I need to find a new place soon anyway, whether it's with you, or not."

"I mean, if Gavin’s okay with it, you're free to join us. We’re going to need all the help we can get, and in return I'll protect you as best as I can. As for what we’re doing, I’m going to have him explain it," Aeiln told him, gesturing to Gavin.

"Oh thanks, throw all the responsibility on me," Gavin joked. "All right fine, have you heard of the three Relics of the kingdoms?"

Talon nodded. "That old legend? What about it?"

"Then I'm sure you have also heard that if you bring all three together, they will grant you a wish." Another nod. "We are currently trying to get all three, and wish that there was equality for all of the races. Right now, we only have one piece of it, and will be heading off to Ulnter to collect the next one."

"You already have one? That's incredible! I didn't even think they were real! I'd love to help you out," he paused, embarrassed. "It's just strange because, my whole life, I've been trying to make a safe haven for people outside of the three accepted species, especially after my twin sister was killed by the Angel Inquisitors... That’s why I always admired you so much, with you constantly fighting to survive, I knew it had to be for a good cause. If you can get equality, then I will do everything in my power to help! Honestly, just being able to work alongside you would be an honour, then again that’s if you're willing, of course..."

"I don't have a problem with you coming along. Like Aeiln said, the more help, the better.”

“Just so you know, you'll be required to fight, sometimes even kill. I mean more than just launching a fireball and crossing your fingers that it hits. I've been killing my whole life, so I'm fine," Aeiln looked directly into his mismatched eyes, crossing her arms. "But I want to make sure you're all right with that."

At that, Talon turned to Gavin. "See, this is why I'm scared of her."

"It's okay. You get used to it after awhile." Picking up the rusted fork, Gavin put the egg in his mouth. It had a strange, smoky taste to it. *Dragon-fire flavored,* he shrugged.

*{You learn something new everyday.}*

Aeiln only chuckled, "You get used to it, huh?"

"Okay, forget what I said. If she bothers you, throw knives at her while she's sleeping."

Talon looked back and forth between them. "You're making me regret my decision."

"Sorry. Not much I can do about her. Speaking of weapons, what do you use, Talon?" Gavin asked. If he was going to be joining them, he felt that it was an important thing to know, aside from the fact that he was a mite bit obsessed with weaponry himself.

"Oh!" Talon piped up, eager to change the subject. "I mostly use magik, or my shadow, but I have a rapier that I keep on me in case of magik exhaustion. What about you guys?"

"I have a bow for if they're far away and knives if they get too close. Everything is poisoned too," Gavin explained.

"Yeah, I knew that already though. Remember the whole shadow thing?" he playfully narrowed his eyes. "What about you Aeiln?"

"Well my favorite ones are swords, and my magic of course. Basically anything that I can swing around or shoot," she enunciated. "I can summon them whenever I need them, but magik works for most situations."

"Wow, so we'd be the perfect team then," Talon declared, standing out of his seat and slapping both hands on the table. "Aeiln can do all the close combat, I can handle groups of Inquisitors, and Gavin can provide the range with his bow, and magik. Say, what is your magik anyway? What type is it? The wanted posters never mention anything like that."

"Oh... I can't use magik, and especially can't have it be used on me," he shot a fake angry look at Aeiln.

"But wait, then how did you take out half of the Human empire without magik?" Talon nearly shouted, shooting up from the table, clattering a wooden chair in his haste.

Aeiln looked between the two, mostly at Gavin's uncomfortable face.

*This is why I hate people knowing anything about me. Too many questions, and not enough time to think up good answers.* He was about to make up something random, when the hair on his arms pricked up the slightest bit. Choosing to only shift his tongue, he flicked it lightly out of his mouth for a moment.

“{Do you smell that?}”

There was the scent of danger in the air, and even the softest breeze bristled his skin. He looked around to see if anyone else was affected, and he could see Talon taking a moment before nodding, Aeiln soon to follow.

"We should leave. How fast can you go?" She asked Talon, her voice interrogating and serious.

"Depends if we are being subtle or not. However, I don't think our friend here can fly," Talon answered with a smile.

"No, he can't, so I can either teleport us or we can run," Aeiln said.

"{Then let's stick to running,}" Gavin said, beginning to follow her as they turned out of the kitchen door, past the hallways until they were outside. From there, Aeiln started to run at a breakneck pace, and he did his best to stay close. He was not surprised to find Talon right beside him, putting no effort in keeping up with them. His eyepatch was flipped over his orange eye once again, and if it wasn't for his inhumane speed, Gavin doubted anyone would know that he was anything other than Human.

*Doesn't it seem strange to you?*

*{Doesn't what seem strange to me?}* Gavin questioned.

*{How little Talon appears to be Human. With his bright red hair, his speed, Shadow magik, and fire, he doesn't seem very Human at all. If he is a Devoln, as he claims to be, shouldn't he still be at least half-Human?}*

*It is a little odd, but still, he has his eye that's always kept orange, like my fangs. And he has two horn-shaped Devoln marks on his forehead. Plus, his ears aren't pointed. He is obviously Human.*

Each of the three species had different ears. It was one of the ways to quickly tell one apart from the other. Humans were rounded, Demons, pointed, and Angels had their small wings. Even Gavin's became slightly tapered at the ends when they were transformed, but Eldrazi had a point. Talon's always stayed the same, half-form or no.

*{He also hasn't spoken in Common the entire time. And neither have you. I honestly think that’s why Aeiln keeps having you explain things and do most of the talking.}*

*What?* Sure, Gavin could easily interpret both languages, but he thought he could at least tell which one was being spoken, or at the very least which one he was speaking. It wasn't hard to switch back and forth, but to not even know... and why would a human speak Demonican? *Well, we don't know his past. He might have had to live in Ulnter for awhile so as to lay low.*

It wasn't really a reason, more of an excuse so Eldrazi would stop talking. Gavin didn't want any reason to doubt his new friend; it was hard enough to find one as it is. What kind of friend doubted the other? He ignored him.

Out of nowhere, Aeiln stopped and let them run past her. "You two keep going. I'll catch up in a minute." Whipping around, she turned back to the direction they came from.

Gavin barely noticed as she left, only praying that nothing happened to her occasionally reckless self, as he leaned against a tree, letting his exhausted body take a short break. He suddenly felt a twinge of energy next to him, and looked over to see Talon's shadow jumping from tree to tree, like a clump of the night had come alive.

"You two keep going. Yeah, right. Like I'm going to listen to that," Talon laughed, closing his other eye. His shadow had now taken to the many shades on the thick forest floor, and was almost impossible to see as he sent it to follow her.

"{Doesn't it hurt to have it so far away?}" Gavin asked.

"Nope. And if I close both my eyes, I can see what it sees. No sound though, sadly, but I can't complain." They waited in silence for her return, with Talon holding a hand to his eye, when he suddenly mentioned, “That’s not good.”

“{What is it? Is Aeiln okay?}” Gavin asked hurriedly.

“There is what I’m assuming is the Inquisitors out to find you, and a small brigade of Crusaders both heading in this direction. I don’t think they’re together, but when Aeiln saw them, even she knew that was too many for her. She’s heading back now.”

He was about to suggest that they go look for her, when the sound of feet in time thundered in the distance. Looking at Talon, he could see he held a finger to his lips, and Gavin nodded silently as they made their way to the top of the nearest tree, Gavin with the scales on his hands, Talon with a set of wings the color of lava. A few minutes passed before they could actually see the group beneath them, a decently-sized army making their way through the forest. A quick glance at them told Gavin that they were Angel Crusaders, if the sky-blue, rose-covered cross emblem on their cloud white robes meant anything.

*They're all the way out here? I thought the armies were currently battling in the Angel Empire. I didn't think the Holy War had stretched into neutral territory yet,* Gavin thought.

*{They have to be sending in a sneak attack to the Human Empire, while all of their troops are focused elsewhere,}* Eldrazi replied calmly. *{We'll have to be more careful if you plan to keep everyone uninvolved in your own war.}*

Aeiln was suddenly next to them, trying to not bend their shared tree branch too much. Seeing the Angels already there, Gavin heard her curse under her breath.

'It's fine,' Gavin silently mouthed to her, 'they don't know we're here.' Staring down at them, the Crusaders had passed in no time, heading in the direction they had just left from.

"I didn't expect soldiers to be all the way out here," Talon said, his voice becoming strangely serious for him. "While I don't think they are here for us, we should probably keep moving."

"They aren't here for you, Talon. They are here for us," Aeiln assumed, jumping down lightly onto the grassy Esternia floor.

"Actually," Talon interjected as gilded back down from the tree, "They're not here for anybody. As far as I know, we're all neutral in the war, right?"

Gavin nodded. He was the last person that could take any sides. It was better to just stay uninvolved.

Aeiln, taking note of Talon's transformation, flashed out her large, gray, feathered wings. "Right. That being said, are we ready to go?"

"You guys seem to be forgetting that I can't fly," Gavin sighed, putting his hand on his face. *Why am I so useless sometimes. I suppose I could run fast enough to keep up with them, but it would be hard to do as a Human, and if I’m seen...*

*{And your time will run out eventually,}* Eldrazi reminded him.

"I know, I know!" he shouted back aloud, resulting in a confused look from Talon that he ignored.

"I could carry you," Aeiln offered. "I know you're not completely comfortable with flying..."

*That's a nice way to put it.*

"But for now it is probably the easiest way to get to Ulnter. It’s fast, and there’s too many people on the ground to risk anything else."

"{Are you sure?}" Gavin asked. He wasn't sure what he could tell her to persuade her otherwise. His skinny frame certainly wasn't too heavy for her, and his motion sickness probably wouldn't bother her... there was no reason she had to not carry him, and it was the fastest way... "Fine," he reluctantly agreed, although he knew he was going to regret it. Closing his eyes, Gavin felt his mark tingle as he back into a Human, the familiar feeling of warmth spreading underneath his skin. He walked over to Aeiln, who was hovering in the air as she scooped him up like a small child. Only a foot off the ground, Gavin already felt uncomfortable, and he quickly wrapped his arms and legs tightly around her. Without the comforting feeling of strong wood to support him at this rising height, his breathing began to quicken. "Aeiln, please understand that if I am squeezing the life out of you right now, it isn't because I am trying to kill you."

Aeiln only nodded, saying "Let's go Talon." With that she shot up into the air and then sped towards the demon kingdom.

High up in the air, Gavin could feel the cold, unforgiving wind whipping his blonde hair in all directions, along with the gusts of air being pushed at him by Aeiln's wings. The cold air began to sink into his skin, and he could feel his blood start to slow as his body temperature dropped drastically. Even as Human as he could make himself, he was still cold-blooded to some extent. Continuing to take huge gulps of air, he focused on keeping his heart beating in this climate, while using his numb fingers to hold on tightly. He didn't know if it had been ten hours or ten minutes of hell before she slowed down greatly.

"What did you say?" He heard her call out to Talon. He hadn't even heard him speak the first time, Talon's voice most likely having been lost in the wind.

"I said, I think this is where my old house was! You know, where I was living before you met me!" Talon reiterated, his form bobbing up and down as a cloud passed by him. “We should probably check it out, see if it’s empty of Inquisitors by now, and then stay there for a while. I don’t think Gavin can take much more to be honest.” With that he began gliding down to the ground with Aeiln right behind.

She landed gently on the ground. "Off," she told him.

*{Thank the Five Gods!}* Eldrazi thought as their feet touched the ground, and Gavin had to agree. They knew they couldn't have reached the Demon Empire yet, and they might have to go through that awful experience again, but for now they couldn't complain as their body warmed to a stable temperature once again.

"It is my house," Talon whispered, practically in a daze. "I can't believe it's still intact."

It was a small, quaint house on a cliffside overlooking the ocean, which meant while they weren’t officially in Ulnter, they were on the coast right before it. Every now and then a wave would rush up the rocks, reaching towards the house for a moment before backing down. It was on the very edge of the rocky terrain, and Gavin was not sure that intact would be the word he'd use to describe it, with its water-logged walls, full of holes, and shattered windows. Even so, Gavin could tell this place still meant everything to Talon.

Following Talon's lead as he opened the front door, Gavin decided to not even bother staying Human. It wasn't like either one of them was going to judge him, and this way, there was no way he could overwork himself. Talon however, changed back immediately after closing the door behind them, as if he wasn't comfortable in his own shared skin. Then again, Gavin didn't know much about his past, and he decided not to question it.

"If I recall correctly, here are two rooms with beds in them, one down the hall, and the other upstairs," Talon informed them, pointing at each of the doors. "Mine is right across from the one downstairs, and you can pick which one you want. I'm going to check to see if my stuff is still there."

“Hey Talon?” Aeiln called out. “Could you maybe stop finding us places that are absolutely disgusting?”

“What are you expecting?” he yelled right back. “A freaking tavern every night?” Gavin couldn’t help but snicker. “Just go check if there’s any food in the kitchen.”

Three slammed cupboards and an angry spider later, Talon groaned. "Aww, it's empty... Aeiln, can you summon your food?"

"Of course," she yawned, most likely tired from carrying Gavin the entire way. Talon set the table with a few chipped plates, and Aeiln clapped, pulling the food through some portal from Rowan's house to here... Gavin wasn't completely sure how it worked, nor did he honestly care.

"I think we can sleep in tomorrow, and then leave for the capital. If everything worked out for us, Alasdair contacted someone after he left who should help us find the Relic easier."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Talon shrugged. He had been excruciatingly quiet since they had landed, and Gavin could swear he had seen him sniffing around the house, but for what, he had no idea. His seemingly aloof, controlled attitude was the complete opposite of his typical happy-go-lucky self, and it made him uneasy. "If that's it, then I'm going to go to bed. Good night."

"Yeah that's a good idea. Goodnight Talon," Aeiln agreed, taking the room downstairs.

"{Well fine then, I guess I'll go to bed too. Goodnight self,}" Gavin said, climbing up the stairs to the other bedroom.

*{Goodnight Gavin, Eldrazi replied,}* knowing full well Gavin hadn’t been talking to him.

He closed the door behind him and, taking off his cloak, he hung it on the door before laying face-down on the rotten mattress.

"Well hello Gavin..." someone murmured from the opposite side of the room not even a moment later.

Startled, Gavin shot upright to see a dark figure resting in the shadows behind him. Immediately, he grabbed the knife resting in his belt with his left hand, ready to strike. "{Who are you and why are you here?}" he hissed.

"I'm Necromancer, remember? The person you didn’t want anything to do with? Rowan astral projected me here to find you. I’m here to warn you about something," the wolf apparition explained, taking the knife out of Gavin's hand faster than he could see.

Gavin narrowed his slitted eyes. "{What are you talking about?}" he questioned. If he had been tired before, there was no sign of it now. His voice was devoid of any traces of fear, but his stomach sank as he awaited Necromancer's foul news.

"The Demon Empire is much more secure, much more protected, with both traps and magik, then the Human Empire. Though I cannot fully enter that area, I can tell you the outside of the capitol’s cave is covered with Inquisitors expecting you."

Gavin sat up on the bed, which produced an ancient squeak, in order to fully comprehend the information given to him. "Then why are you telling me, and not Aeiln?" *Especially after what I said to him, I'm the last person he should trust. Scratch that, no one should trust me.*

"Because if I told her, she would leave you behind, and possibly put herself in danger in order to protect you, and you need her, if you want any chance of getting the last two Relics. Not only that, but right now, she’s the bigger target."

Warily, he nodded in response, reaching over to retake his knife back. "{Why are They mostly after her? If meeting Talon taught me anything, I’m even more well renowned than I thought.}" While he wasn't proud of it, that fact had always ensured that in at least one small way, he could protect Aeiln in return for all her help. But now, if they were coming for her... he couldn't make sure of anything.

"Because countless men have lost their lives trying to capture you, but if They get her, then you might come along willingly. Two heretics with only one stone," he answered without hesitation.

His head reeling, he put his hands on his face, sighing. "{I'll protect her, and Talon too. While I can't promise them everything, they're safe.}" With that he lay back down, avoiding any further eye contact. "{Now go, Wolf. I barely trust you here as is.}"

"So I’ve heard. However, you not being fond of Tachir’ shouldn’t affect your judgement of me. I’ve done nothing to warrant that."

"{Not fond of him? He's the one who nearly killed me as a kid!}" Gavin yelled. "{He killed my mother, almost all of my family. He's the one who ruined my entire life! The reason I can't just live in peace, the reason I have to run and outwit others every second of my life is because of him. Without him and me, thousands of people could have lived, but it's all my fault for interfering. And you have the audacity to call that ‘not being fond of him’?}"

Necromancer let go of Gavin, with a look of both understanding and disgust. "So that's why you're bothered by me. You were that child all those years ago... You know, I would have expected you to be a bit more open-minded towards others, given your background, but I guess not." Necromancer closed his mouth, pausing for a second before opening it again. "I came to give the warning, not to talk about my brother's history or mine. However, you should at least understand this. I may despise him and his actions, but I don’t wish anything to happen to him. He is the only family I have. Don’t do anything to the contrary," he warned before disappearing completely.

"{Not do anything? Ha! If I ever see that bastard's face, I'll kill him.}" Gavin turned on his side, pulling the blanket up to his chin. "{He's the monster...}"

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