“Fritz is really something.”
I sip on my milktea before nodding my head to my cousin. Kim and Mira, the only girl cousins that I have. Mira is my Uncle Dwight’s Daughter and Kim is Uncle Kendrick’s Daughter. Mira is the younger brother of Jeff who’s the oldest son of uncle Dwight while Kim is the twin sister of Keb and the oldest children of uncle Kendrick.
“You know what, my father told me that she didn’t expect us to be twin.” Kim said. Mira is busy with her phone but I know that she’s listening to us.
“I know right. Like everyone in our family are close friends right? They thought that my dad and mom will going to have a twins but instead mom produced a Demon out of her precious tummy. What a waste!” Mira exaggerating said. She’s referring to her older brother, Jeff Smith Lewis.
I actually love their bonding. They’re always fighting and hating on each other but i know that they’re protecting each other secretly.
I suddenly remember when they’re in our house in Los Angeles. Mira grow up in Chicago with her mom’s parents while Jeff is in the Philippines with his parents.
Jeff isn’t aware the He is already an older brother and for 16 years he thought that he’s an only child. But when his parents introduced Miracle Smith Lewis, their hidden child, Jeff felt that he’s betrayed by his parents by hiding his younger sister. That’s why he did all to make fun of his sister and Mira being a brat and grew up in state spoiled by her grandparents did all pranks to her brother.
It’s been 4 years and Mira is went them. It’s also 4 years already since the love and hate relationship by those two Lewis.
“Jeff is a lowkey protective brother while your twin is a showy over protective brother. When will my brother...” Kim took a deep sigh before rolling her eyes.
“Why? Keb is overprotective too. He’s just lowkey like Jeff.” I said to her. Mira nodded and went back to her business on her phone.
“How I wish Kendy! When I introduced him my boyfriend, Lux. He’s like okay whatever I gotta go.” I laughed a little. “I thought he’s going to confront him or what but whatever I think I expected too much.” I just smiled at him.
Little did he knows...well lemme say that I should thank Fritz because he’s talkative. When he’s in America, staying in our house I’m watching some Netflix documentary when he suddenly popped out from nowhere and talks nonstop. I’m not paying attention to him since I don’t care but when he mentioned that my favorite girl introduced a boyfriend to her parents he caught my whole attention that time.
“Keb was like cool about it but I’m so shocked when he asked me about Lux whereabouts. You know, Lux is my close friends so I know him and he’s a great guy but Keb isn’t contented about it. I feel like he did a background check on Lux. I also heard from Lux that Keb confronted him one day after our basketball practice.”
That’s what I remembered last year from Fritz. I think Keb is just like Jeff, Protective begins your back and lowkey affectionate.
After our Miktea and gossips we went shopping and bought a lot of new outfits for me. It’s my last year in Señior High and I’m going to take up Business Management next year since I don’t really know my plans for my future.
I bought my mom a new bag from her favorite brand, I also bought something for my dad and twin brother and of course I asked Mira and Kim to accompany me to buy a gift for my little brother.
I bought him a lots of toys and a hoodie from a luxury brand. My brother is 6 years old and he’s so clingy and lovely. That’s why when people asked me whom I preferred between my twin brother and my younger brother, I always chose Kendrick. Kenzo also chose him when people also asked him the same thing.
After that we went on a parlor, I have a very long hair but i decided to cut it a little and we also decided to dye our hair so we did. Mira went full Light brown, Kim also but with some highlights while I decided to dye my hair ash blond.
This is not actually the first time I dyed my hair into ash blond. When I was 14 without my parents approval I dyed my hair like that because of one of the modeling offers in Los Angeles.
I’m a model, but I stopped last week when my mom and dad decided to live here in the Philippines. I already have my own money because of that job and they really paid me a lot because of my reputation and of course my look. So every-time I went shopping I didn’t use the card that my parents gave for me.
“I just saw you with that hair color on a magazine before, but you look so stunning with that. I’m so excited!” Kim said. I smiled at her.
Meanwhile Mira is still busy with her phone. She looks angry while looking at it. What’s with her?
“Little Girl, are you pissed with your brother again?” Kim asked her because Kim is in the middle so he can freely talk to the both of us while Mira and I are kinda far.
“I’m always pissed to him Kimmy!” She said. “You know Uncle Stephen’s Son right?” Kim nodded. “She courted that girl from my class and I hate that girl so much. Why her?” I raised my brow.
“Don’t get me wrong okay? I don’t like him or what. But that girl is really getting on my nerves! Ever since I arrived here in the Philippines 4 years ago she’s been annoying. I don’t really like her period.” Mira rolled her eyes.
I just nodded. Well, Uncle Stephen’s Son Steven is just 1 year older than Mira. Mira is 3 years younger than us.
“How about you Miracle?” I asked a little louder so she can hear it.
“What about me Kendy?” She asked back.
“What type of boys do you like?” I asked her. She let go of her phone and thinks about it.
“I like boys my age, instead of hot I prefer cute and smart.” She said while smiling.
Okay? I didn’t expect that. I was actually expecting that Mira’s type of boys are the flirty and bad boy style. I mean yeah whatever.
“There’s this boy from my class really caught my attention.” I raised my brow once again. “He’s thin but he’s so handsome. He’s actually the top 1 of our batch and...he’s a scholar under Uncle Kenderson’s scholarship foundation.” I nodded at her. Seems like a very smart person since dad’s scholars are all the best.
“But you know sometimes, I always did my best so I can caught his attention. But I always look like a dumb because he won’t just take a glance at me even for a second.” My eyes widen and also Kim.
“You like him?” Kim asked.
“I don’t think so? But he’s challenging me. Like all the boys from our batch is so easy to get but when it comes to him. Argggh! I want him.” I unbelievably laugh a little.
“Don’t laugh at me Kendy! Fritz is also like this when it comes to you.” I just rolled my eyes and distracted myself using my phone.
I thought I’m the last one since I’m going ash blond but Mira did a lot on her hair. Is this also a way so she can be notice by that guy? I wonder who is he? How did he make a Miracle Smith Lewis to want him.
“Oh my gosh let’s took a mirror shot!” Mira said so we did. I have a hundred thousand followers since I’m a model while these two are so close to it since our family is a public figure in this country. Well I’m used to it.
I only followed 59 people on my Instagram account and my Facebook account is just exclusive for my family and friends. But I have a fan page managed by my agency company in Los Angeles.
When I reached our house, mom is happy with my hair color and my dad said it suited me the best so I’m glad. Kenzo just rolled his eyes at me and Kendrick hugged me.
I gave them my gifts, I’m actually thinking twice if I should give my gift to my twin brother...but in the end I did.
No boys can treat me like how my brother treats me.
And of course I remember that freak Fritz. He also treats me like that so okay he’s counted.