I rolled my eyes on my twin brother before heading inside his car.
“Gross my foot. Your puke is much more grosser than mine.”
I put a sanitizer on my hands and rubs it before punching my twin brother’s face not so hard.
“What the fuck? Can you just be grateful that I fetch you there? I’m still sleepy because of our long flight but I sacrifice my supposed to be sleep because of you.”
If only Fritz wouldn’t bother me the whole time I’m in their so called Rooftop Bar, I should still be there partying with Kim until now.
I drunk a lot before leaving so Kenzo wouldn’t going to ask me why I went early than he expected.
The whole ride is hell, Kenzo is still nagging and complaining to me how he sacrificed his sleep just to fetch me and I he said that I should be thanking him.
When we arrived at our house I didn’t wait for him to park his Car. Instead I run into our front door and quickly run into my room. I also heard my dad calling me.
The next day, I woke up late just what I expected. My head is in pain and the same as my ears. My mom woke me up through her nonstop lessons of the day because of what I did last night and my lovely twin brother is just smirking at me while hiding behind our mom.
“I told you not to drink a lot Kendra. Your brother—-“
“Kenzo is also like this Mom every time you and dad were going on a business trip.” I looked at my twin brother and smirked. “He invited all of his friends in Los Angeles and they were like partying the whole night in our house while I’m stuck in my room cause he said I can’t join them.” I rolled my eyes on my brother who’s now shocked from what I’ve said.
“Wha—WHAT?!” Mom shouted. I smiled widely when my mom is now facing my brother and she is so ready to scold him.
“Mom she’s lying—“
“Mom I can show you some pictures if you want a proof.” I said showing them my phone with a hidden victory smile.
“Kenzo!” Kenzo’s eyes widen when our mother pinch his ears and dragged him out of my room.
I laughed and closed my curtains so I can go back to sleep again. I won again!
Exactly 3pm when I decided to go and eat my late lunch, my mom cooked steak earlier but I’m on a diet so I asked my dad who’s just watching a movie in our living room to cook an Oatmeal for me.
“Your 18 Kendra you should know how to cook basics.” He said and I just smiled on him. “I pity your future husband.” He said while mixing the oatmeal.
“He’s not pitiful dad, If I love that future husband so much that I let him be my husband then I will do everything just to make myself a good and outstanding wife.” I said while smiling.
“Good and outstanding wife my foot.” I rolled my eyes and looked at my back. There he is. The villain of my life and I am the villain of his life.
“Well I think Kenzo is the one who’s gonna get married first. Who knows dad?” Kenzo sat beside me and pinch my cheeks so I slapped his hand.
“No one is deserving to be my wife as of the moment.”
“As of the moment—what?” He just smirked at me and our dad placed the two bowls in front of us with full of oatmeal.
“Are you on a diet too?” I asked Kenzo and he just shrugged. Okay?
“So the two of you will going to study Diamond University like what me and your mother planned.”
Of course, like what I’ve experienced. My cousins from tita Evie is studying at other school somewhere in Cavite and the 80% of my relatives are all in Diamond University.
“I already enrolled you guys so you just need to enjoy your remaining one month before going back to school.” We both nodded in sync that makes our father laugh.
“My twin babies are already an adult, I feel like I’m going to be a grandfather sooner or later.” He said emotionally that makes me and Kenzo choke on our food.
“I’m just kidding, I know your priorities.” Our father said while laughing and giving us water.
The next day, my mom wants me and Kenzo to accompany her with her board meeting in our grandfather’s company. I heard that it’s about some shares and stuffs so I told her I’m not going because I know it’s going to be boring but she insisted that they need my presence there so here I am sitting awkwardly beside my twin brother while getting sleepy listening to Fritz’s Father, Mr.Perez offers.
“What am I really here?” I whispered to my brother and he just shrugged.
“How about your son? Is he going to take over? He’s in 3rd year college right?” My mom asked.
Fritz on the other hand is smiling at my mother. He’s also here, he’s far from me but he can still annoyed me by staring at me the whole hour.
“Yeah, My Son is taking up Business Management and I also trained him when he’s 16 so i think He’s ready.” I look at Fritz who’s proudly noosing his head. I just realized that he’s 2 years older than me and my twin brother but he’s so close to Kenzo despite of their 2 years gap.
“Do you have a girlfriend Fritz?” Mom asked. Fritz acted like he’s surprised hearing that question for the first time in his life.
“I don’t have one Ma’am.” He answered my mother politely. My mom being a softhearted she is smiled warmly because of Fritz’s Attitude.
“I told you just to call me Aunt or Mom whatever you preferred. You’re like a family to me, who knows...” Mom looks at me while raising one of her brows so i did the same while looking also at her.
“Sooner or later you’ll be introduce by my daughter as her boyfriend. I’ll bet on that!”