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Chapter 7 A Sold Love

Keith knew that everything was settled from the greed in William's eyes. Keith fell silent, standing there quietly.

Shirley could no longer hold back and rushed forward, grabbing William's arm. "William, let's go! Let's leave this place. We don't need his money. Let's struggle together, and build our own wealth. We will create more than he's giving us!"

William's gaze, fixed on the money, was instantly blocked by Shirley's presence. Without thinking, without even looking, he pushed Shirley away. "Get away! This is all mine! Hahaha, I, William, am wealthy now! I finally have money and a car!"

Shirley stumbled back from the push, almost falling to the ground.

Keith reached out and steadied Shirley, but she didn't even look at him. She still wanted to run to William.

William, have you been deceived? We don't need Keith's money! We can earn our own money! William, look at me! Look into my eyes and quickly tell Keith that you won't give up on me!

Shirley forcefully released Keith's hand and stumbled towards William. "William, we..." she trailed off.

"You're so annoying!" William once again pushed away Shirley's hand and continued clutching his money, indulging in his own fantasy world.

Shirley felt as if a bucket of ice-cold water had been poured over her, from head to toe, leaving her frozen.

Was this the same man who professed love, care, and affection towards her?

"Alright, Mr. William, it's time for you to make a choice," Keith saw Shirley push him away and walk towards William, and a faint anger surged in his heart.

Without even looking up, William immediately replied, "Of course, I want the money! This woman belongs to you now!"

William's response caused Shirley's vision to darken.

No, it couldn't be like this!

William, you can't treat me like this!

We were deeply in love. Why... did you sell me like this?

What did our past mean to you?

Am I just measured by money in your eyes, William?

"Alright then, this money and this car are all yours," Keith approached confidently, pulling Shirley away.

Shirley's lips trembled slightly, wanting to say something, but she couldn't utter a word.

William didn't even spare a glance at Shirley, happily tossing the suitcases into the limited edition Bentley. He nodded and bowed to Keith, not even looking at Shirley, and drove off in the Bentley, leaving behind a trail of dust.

The sense of honor that he once stood by had become a joke at this moment.

All those sweet words he used to say were nothing but illusions.

With money, what kind of woman couldn't he find?

What was Shirley? There were plenty of women prettier than her!

William happily drove away without even looking back at the woman he used to cherish.

Shirley broke free from Keith's grip once again, trying to chase after William.

But before she could take a couple of steps, William had completely disappeared.

Was she really sold by the man she loved so deeply?

Shirley's heart felt a sharp pain, causing her whole body to shudder. She couldn't even stand up straight and ended up kneeling on the ground.

Until this moment, she couldn't believe that everything she saw was real.

She even thought it must be a dream.

Yes, it was just a nightmare.

Once the nightmare ended, everything would go back to normal. She could surely be happy and sweet with William...

Shirley placed her hand firmly on her chest, and opened her mouth to retch, but nothing came out.

It seemed that even vomiting became difficult in times of despair.

"No... It's not like that..." Shirley's gaze fell on a banknote floating away in the wind, and her heart screamed incessantly. Why wouldn't this nightmare end? Why did it have to continue?

William, William, William!

I hate you!

I really hate you!

All the beautiful fantasies I had about love have been completely shattered...

Enough, it's really enough.

I need to wake up.

The love I always naively believed in was just so fragile.

Even my previous convictions have turned into pathetic jokes.

William, I thank you for teaching me this lesson.

Since your choice is money, then go live with that money!

I must have been blind to foolishly think that you'd choose to fly away with me!

William... take care of yourself.

In the distance, Rose, who had been secretly watching the drama, never expected such a reversal.

She was about to rush over to find Keith. Before she could take a step, two security guards in black uniforms abruptly blocked Rose.

"What are you doing? I'm Rose, Keith's girlfriend, I want to see him!" Rose tried to charge toward Keith.

The two guards immediately stopped Rose.

"Miss Rose, it is the Mr. Keith's order. Since Milan is so good, Miss Rose doesn't need to come back. Mr. Keith has already booked a flight ticket for you, please proceed." The guards answered expressionlessly.

Rose shook her head in disbelief and shouted, "No! You're lying to me! Keith wouldn't treat me like this! Let me through, I need to explain things to Keith! Today, the one who should be getting married is me, not Shirley!"

The two guards showed no intention of stepping aside. Assistant Tony approached and nodded at the guards. They immediately escorted Rose out of the church, directly to the airport, and onto a plane, forcing her to leave the country.


The wedding was over, and Shirley and Keith returned to the villa that Grandma Nelson had given to Shirley. This would be their honeymoon house, already newly decorated.

Shirley sat quietly in the room, still not fully coming to her senses from the wedding. This room would be their room for the wedding night, filled with a sense of romance and nobility.

The sound of running water from the bathroom drew Shirley's attention. She finally snapped out of her daze, realizing that she was married now, cutting ties with her past.

There were a few things Shirley would remember from this wedding. She was completely lost throughout the whole wedding.

The moment William drove away, she knew she had to let go. Maybe marrying Keith wasn't the best choice, but it might not be the worst choice either, right? At least he was her child's father, and at least her child wouldn't grow up in a loveless home.

She had fully snapped out of it now. Even in the face of what happened, Keith, though angry, still went through with the wedding. Maybe he really cared about the child more than anything else?

Rose, I'm sorry, I have to marry Keith! Regardless of whether you gave me the room card by accident or deliberately, the path of fate has already changed. I'm done with William, at the moment he sold me for eight million dollars and a Bentley, my love died.

Since there is no love anymore, I absolutely cannot lose my child anymore.

For the sake of my child, I must stay strong! I absolutely cannot easily give up.

For the sake of my child, this marriage must be established. Even if this marriage is just a formality, I don't care.

To a woman who no longer believes in love, what difference does it make who she marries?

Shirley sat on the edge of the bed, lost in her thoughts. Keith walked out of the bathroom and glanced up to see Shirley in her current state.

She no longer had the madness and despair of the day, her face hiding a trace of determination. It seems she finally knows what is best for her child.

Shirley saw Keith come out with only a towel around him, her eyes shifted unnaturally to the side. Although they were already married, Shirley still wasn't used to sleeping in the same room with a stranger.

Keith's eyes flashed, how could he not understand what Shirley meant? Thinking about how desperate she cried during the day, he felt a little distressed.

"I'll sleep in the study tonight. You've had a long day, rest early." Not only was Shirley not accustomed to it, he wasn't either! Anyway, this marriage only existed for the sake of the child, where he slept was no longer so important.

Shirley raised her eyes to look at Keith, she was somewhat surprised. This room belonged to Keith as well, yet he was willing to give it to her? Well, he didn't love her, so how could he possibly want to sleep with her?

Keith didn't waste any more words, he opened the door and left.

After Keith left, Shirley's tense nerves finally relaxed completely.

This day had finally come to an end.

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