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Chapter 3 Her Child Is His

Meanwhile, Keith was in a meeting room negotiating business with an Italy conglomerate. If they succeeded in this deal, the Nelson Family Group would have control over one percent of Italy's economy every year.

"Our boss values family very much. He said that only those who cherish their family and manage it well are capable of long-term cooperation. Mr. Keith, being so young and accomplished, and having such a remarkable appearance, must be someone who values family as well," the Italy representative said to Keith with a smile.

"Of course," Keith responded with a smile, "I naturally value family very much. My Nelson family has strict family values."

Just then, a message from the assistant arrived, and Keith immediately apologized, saying, "Sorry, I need to check an important message first."

The Italy representative nodded in agreement with a smile.

With a swipe of his finger, Keith opened the message sent by his assistant: CEO, the female employee who fainted earlier has been confirmed to be pregnant.

Keith's face suddenly changed when he saw this message! How could this be? Right, it seems like no contraceptive measures were taken that night. And since that day, he hasn't seen that woman again and doesn't know if she used contraception...but now it's obvious she didn't.

Keith's face turned extremely unpleasant.

At this moment, the Italy representative seemed to sense something and couldn't help asking, "Is there a problem?"

Keith immediately replied, "Oh, nothing! Just some unimportant matters."

The Italy representative then reassuredly said, "My boss will come to America in a while to personally visit and sign a series of documents with you. As a representative, I am very satisfied and confident in the strength of the Nelson Family Group."

Keith forcefully suppressed his anger and said to the Italy representative, "I am too! I am honored to collaborate with you, and I am confident that we will have a pleasant cooperation!"

The Italy representative happily stood up, shook hands with Keith, and said, "When my boss comes, he will bring his wife with him, so please bring your wife as well, Mr. Keith."

As Keith smiled and nodded, he shook hands with the other person and replied, "I will be here waiting for your arrival."

After seeing off the Italy delegate, the smile on Keith's face instantly disappeared. His narrow eyes squinted slightly, and the corners of his eyes showed a hint of coldness.

How dare that woman get pregnant behind his back? She almost made him lose control and ruin a multi-billion dollar contract!

It seemed like it was time to settle the score with that woman! Not just any woman could conceive his child.

Keith stretched his long legs and walked outside.

Sensing the sudden change in the CEO's demeanor, the assistants looked at each other in confusion, unsure of what had just happened. Mr. Keith was just having a pleasant conversation with the Italy representative, and in the blink of an eye, the atmosphere turned icy! The assistants quickly followed him, fearing that the CEO might encounter any further trouble.

Keith left the company in long strides, opened the car door, ignited the engine, and drove away! When the assistants chased after him, all they could see was Keith's car disappearing in the distance.

"Hurry, catch up!" The assistants were left dumbfounded. It seemed like the CEO was really furious; otherwise, he wouldn't have driven so fast!

While driving, Keith dialed his assistant, Tony, who was in the hospital, and asked, "Tell me, what exactly happened?"

Tony, holding the phone excitedly, quickly replied, "The doctor just confirmed that she is already six weeks pregnant, and the baby is very healthy."

Keith's eyes narrowed. This woman gave him her first time, and he was her first man, that was unquestionable. And six weeks! Isn't that the night they spent together? So this child is...his!

The pressure surrounding Keith lowered as he thought about this possibility. No wonder she didn't accept the cheque he gave her! It was her plan all along!

Eight million was nothing for the Nelson Family Group. If she gave birth to the heir of the Nelson Family Group, even 80 billion wouldn't be a big deal!

What a cunning woman! He used to think she was innocent! Turns out she had planned it!

Woman, you're done for!

Keith stopped abruptly at the entrance of the hospital.

As soon as Keith stepped out of the car, he saw all the hospital staff and the director lined up at the entrance, respectfully welcoming him.

Keith was taken aback. He came to the hospital on a whim and didn't inform anyone, yet the hospital staff were there to welcome him.

The director also seemed surprised when he saw Keith, but he quickly reacted and approached him, "Boss, what brings you to the hospital personally?"

Keith raised an eyebrow, realizing that there must be another important person visiting the hospital, he sneered, "Who are you welcoming with such grandeur? Such a big arrangement."

This hospital was a private hospital under the Nelson Family Group, so who could warrant such a grand welcome?

The director respectfully replied, "Oh, well! It's the Chairwoman who has arrived, she's inside at the moment!"

Keith's eyes narrowed again, an foreboding feeling crossed his mind. Why would his grandmother come here? She always did her check-ups at home and didn't need to come to the hospital!

Could it be...


Keith dared not linger any longer and walked forward in big strides, asking, "Where is my Grandma now?"

"The Chairwoman is currently visiting a patient in the top-tier ward," the director immediately replied.

Keith hurriedly entered the private elevator and appeared directly in the top-floor ward.

Rather than calling it a ward, it was more like a top-level apartment. Panoramic skylights, floor-to-ceiling windows. Italian handmade customized carpets, crystal chandeliers exclusive to the British royal family, and furniture designed specifically by top Italian artists. Even the most inconspicuous screw was custom-made and polished by hand from overseas.

This ward is only eligible for members of the Nelson family's direct lineage. In other words, only the Chairwoman, Keith's parents, Keith himself, and his future wife and child are eligible to stay in such a top-level ward.

Before Keith reached the ward door, he could already hear his grandma's laughter, "Great, as long as this child grows up safely, our Nelson family will treat you well!"

As soon as Keith appeared, the medical staff immediately saluted respectfully, "Congratulations, Chairwoman, congratulations, Mr. Keith! Mrs. Keith is in good health, and the baby is developing well."

The doctor's words suddenly changed Keith's expression dramatically!

"Grandma!" He suppressed his anger and swept his eyes over the others, his powerful aura forcing them to involuntarily take two steps back. "You all can leave now. I have something to discuss with the Chairwoman."

Keith's tone was calm and unquestionable, carrying an air of authority. Those people promptly exited, leaving the space to the two highest authorities of the Nelson Family Group.

Grandma Nelson looked up at her grandson, the one she loved most and was most proud of in her lifetime.

Since he took over as the CEO, the market value of the Nelson family had risen by a whopping 30%, securing the Nelson Family Group's unbeatable position. But his marriage had yet to be settled, and countless people were watching the position of the fourth generation of the Nelson family with covetous eyes.

In the eyes of outsiders, he was a powerful and imposing CEO. But in front of his grandmother, he was merely a junior. So when there was no one else present, Keith's presence suddenly became much gentler.

"Grandma, why are you here?" Keith asked gently after everyone else had left, "If you're feeling unwell, why didn't you call the doctor to come to our home?"

"What do you think you're playing with me, Keith? Don't think I don't know," Grandma Nelson couldn't conceal the joy on her face, happily saying, "It's about our Nelson family's fourth-generation heir. Such an important matter, how could I not come?"

"Grandma! What fourth-generation heir are you talking about? Are you misunderstanding something? Rose doesn't want to get married yet, how could there be a fourth generation?" Keith immediately replied, refusing to admit any connection with that woman in this hospital.

Grandma Nelson angrily tapped Keith's head and said, "Stop talking nonsense! Since Rose is so ignorant and insists on pursuing her career, let her do so. As the dignified Nelson Family Group, do you think we can't find a woman willing to have your child?"

"Grandma, you're not planning to let that woman inside have this child, are you?" Keith's ominous premonition grew stronger, and he involuntarily frowned, saying, "No, absolutely not!"

Grandma Nelson's eyes turned cold. "Are you still waiting for Rose? Keith, you love her, so I haven't said anything all these years. But look at yourself, how long has she kept you waiting? After all these years, when did she agree to have a child with you? Does our Nelson family need her money that badly? If she wants to continue modeling, she can do it after giving birth! And what's the result? You're already thirty this year, how much longer can you wait?"

"But, Grandma, didn't you promise me? Once I become the CEO, you won't interfere in my marriage!" Keith was also getting a little angry, his narrowed eyes showing a hint of fury.

"But you also promised Grandma that you would get married by the time you turn thirty!" Grandma Nelson's voice also escalated, getting angry, "What's so good about that Rose? Making you wait all these years? She keeps stringing you along, but won't give you a commitment or an outcome. Since she can't carry on the Nelson family's lineage, why should I accept such a woman as my granddaughter-in-law?"

The temper of both people outside was growing, and Shirley, inside the room, woke up in a daze. Shirley slowly opened her eyes and saw everything unfamiliar before her. Exquisite decor, and luxurious furniture.

Where...where was this?

Just now, it seemed like she heard someone mention Rose? Could it be that she was ill and experiencing hallucinations? Rose was clearly in Milan, how could she be here?

Just as Shirley was about to get up from the bed, she immediately heard faint voices outside, "She is awake, go prepare."

The next moment, Shirley saw the door open, and a refined old lady, despite the marks of time on her face, still exuding unparalleled beauty, calmly walked in from outside. A group of doctors and nurses in hospital uniforms followed behind her, making a shuffling sound.

Shirley was astonished, completely unaware of what was happening. She only remembered fainting at the company; she had a meeting to attend!

God, she had forgotten such an important meeting! As Shirley was about to get up, the refined old lady abruptly stopped her movement, her eyes filled with joy and satisfaction

"Don't move, let the doctor examine you again." The old lady smiled and said to Shirley, "You are now the hero of the Nelson family. Let others take care of things."

Shirley looked at the lady in confusion and asked, "I'm sorry, may I ask who you are... How did I end up here?"

The old lady laughed and replied, "I am the Chairwoman of the Nelson Family Group and Keith's grandmother. What's your name?"

"I'm Shirley," she hurriedly answered, "Chairwoman, I... I didn't mean to... I really didn't know... I will go back to work and do a good job, please don't fire me! I promise I won't make any more mistakes!"

Grandma Nelson raised her index finger, gesturing for Shirley to be quiet.

Shirley looked at Grandma Nelson bewilderedly, not understanding her meaning.

"You rest well, don't worry, with me around, no one dares to fire you!" Grandma Nelson looked at Shirley's face, and a hint of satisfaction flashed in her eyes. "As long as you successfully give birth to this child for the Nelson family, I won't treat you unfairly."

After saying these words, Grandma Nelson turned and walked away, leaving Shirley sitting there in a daze.

Giving birth to a child? Where did this child come from?

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