Sewa adjusted her dress as soon as she entered Lanre's apartment in port Harcourt. His apartment in port Harcourt wasn't as big as the one in Lagos State as he didn't base in Port Harcourt.
It was the nature of his job that brought him to port Harcourt. Being a specialist, he moved back and forth depending on his schedules.
His mother is an origin of Port harcourt while his father is an origin of Ekiti state. That was one of the first common things both Lanre and Sewa had. Lanre's mother's older brother is the governor of Rivers state.
Sewa pulled her heels, placing her bare foot on the cold tiles. "I am starved!" Sewa blurted out following Lanre's trail.
Lanre chuckled lightly, "I'd order pizza for you first before you eat the main course, my older brother won't be here till..." He trailed off as he looked at his wrist watch, "An hour's time," He spoke.
"After I eat that, what do we do next?" Sewa asked, staring at Lanre in a seductive way. Lanre chuckled, he looked closely at Sewa who had always looked alluring even without trying.
"How about we play whot?" Lanre suggested. Sewa rolled her eyes playfully, "Another suggestion?" Sewa said.
"I don't really know, I am exhausted as it is and I have to go to Abuja tomorrow too, that's what I wanna treasure today very well," Lanre said moving closer to Sewa.
"Ola," Sewa whispered as soon as his fingers grazed her skin; there was always this immense feeling Sewa felt at the pit of her gut whenever Lanre was close to her or when he touched her.
She didn't know how she started falling for him but when she did, it became the best feeling for her. She never expected more than friendship from Lanre but the more she pushed, the more he pulled and before she knew it, she had started to give in to his demands and started creating time for him.
Lanre caressed her cheek and she leaned unto his touch, "I really love you so much Sewa," He whispered, Sewa heart skipped.
Here he goes again with the L word, she sighed, licking her bottom lips, she wanted to tell him she loved him back too but she knew the repercussions were going to be bad when things turned sour.
She shook her head lightly then feigned laughter, "I'm starved, get me something to eat," She pouted.
Lanre sighed, he knew what she did was to dismiss the word she heard him say just now. He was going to wait until she returned the L word back to him one day.
He didn't know why she hesitated but he knew and he was sure, she felt whatever feeling he was feeling for her for him.
He pulled her closer to him by the waist, resting his chin in the crook of her neck. "I want to sleep, promise we will go to sleep once you are done eating?" He muttered.
He was addicted to her, anything he wrapped his arms around her, he never wanted to let go, all he wanted was to keep her in his embrace and sleep forever with her by his side.
He knew when she started to fall for her was the beginning of his weakness but he let himself fall because that was what love was about, getting hurt and getting strong.
He remembered the first time he saw her after two months in a restaurant, She was the first to recognise him; he remembered how sarcastic she was when he tried recollecting who she was.
"You don't really recognise me?" Sewa asked him, taking a spoonful of food in her mouth.
Lanre knew her face but he wanted to recollect where he saw her from.
"Are you the kind of guy that uses the word; 'I don't keep things that are not useful in memory?" She spat sarcastically and that got him.
He chuckled, "Nah, I do know your face and everything and everyone I encounter in this life stays in my memory always. I was thinking of where I saw you," He said.
"Sewa right?" He asked and she nodded.
"Ah ah! I finally remembered, at the governor's of Rivers state party at Opobo!" He exclaimed.
"Now you remember, that's quite a good memory."
That was how their friendship began, getting to know her was amazing as she was funny and wild in many ways.
Sewa placed the pizza in between her lips and gestured for Lanre to take a bite from it, Lanre leaned in with a smile and took a bite. "Hmm," he moaned.
They were both seated on his bed eating.
"It's good but I'm sure it'd taste better from your mouth," Lanre said and sewa blushed.
Sewa drank the orange pulpy drink from her cup, then moved closer to Lanre, she caressed his lips with her fingers.
She looked deep into his eyes, She wished she didn't have a messed up life, maybe she'd be able to love him without holding back.
She did what he hated a lady to do. She smoked which was what he hated considering he was a doctor, She wasn't faithful and he hated to be cheated on, She was a liar and he has never lied to her before.
Her eyes got teary from thinking of the so many disgusting things she did that were going to jeopardize her relationship with Lanre in the future, she knew when the sun sets, there would be darkness no more and the light was sure to triumph.
"What's wrong? Why does it seem like you want to cry?" Lanre asked, staring deep into Sewa's eyes.
"I don't wanna cry, it's just that..." She trailed off, I love you so much! She wanted to say out loud but she couldn't.
The sound of the bell snapped the both of them back and Sewa got up from the bed to adjust her dress. Lanre pecked her lips before walking out of the room to get the door.
After using the bathroom, Sewa prepared herself to meet Lanre's older brother. She walked to the living room to meet them.
"There she is," Lanre gestured to Sewa who made her way to him. Lanre's brother raised his head to see Sewa.
Sewa's eyes widened when her eyes came in contact with Lanre's older brother. Lanre's older brother was shocked to see his younger brother's girlfriend.
Sewa heart began to race, she was finally caught up in her mess!