Mofadesewa hurried out of the Uber, running into the skyscraper building with high heels on. She was late to meet her boyfriend, Lanre.
She had to meet up with the commissioner of police, Port Harcourt first to settle the deal she had with him but was delayed when he asked for a quickie in his office.
She had to rush back home to take her bath and look clean, fresh and presentable to Lanre. He didn't know her as Jasmine James the high class runs babe but as Mofadesewa Akanni.
She had met Lanre two years ago in Opobo, when she attended the governor of River State party. They had shared a table together and soon got into one or two chats with another.
Then they exchanged numbers and she told him her real name which she found surprising that she had told him her real name. They didn't see each other until two months later and that was when the real relationship between them started from being friends to lovers.
Sewa likes Lanre but she couldn't leave her bad lifestyle for him considering they might not end up with each other but she values him like an egg.
She knew the consequences if he found out about her other self, so she hid her lifestyle well from him.
"I'm so sorry dear, I forgot something at home and had to get it back," Sewa rushed her words out as she panted walking toward the table he was seated at.
Lanre turned to look at her, happy that she was finally here. He stood up and engulfed her in his arms. "I missed you." He kissed her on her cheek.
"I'm so sorry," she whispered. Sorry that she wasn't a loyal girlfriend to a sweet man like him and sorry for the fact that she just fucked someone before coming to see him.
"It's fine." He told her.
She always felt bad about her character, felt bad that she constantly lied to him and cheated on him. She didn't expect their relationship to last neither did she expect herself to start falling in love with him but she never told him that even when he said he loves her.
He pulled back a seat for her to sit and signalled the waiter to come. "What do you want?" He asked her.
"I need water first."
Suddenly her phone beeped, signaling she had a message and when she looked at it, it was from one of the biggest chiefs in Rivers State. She sighed.
She raised her eyes to meet Lanre and the look he gave her melted her heart. There was no way, she'd ditch him again to satisfy an horny man.
"Don't worry, I'm going no where." She clasped her fingers with his. "It's our day today." She whispered to him.
"I love you." He said to her but she smiled. She had no right to tell him so and still fuck other men, she thought.
She needed to break up with him before things got out of hand because she knew she'd get hurt at the end. She needed to start giving him a bad attitude.
"So how have you been? How is work?" She asked as she looked through the menu.
"It's been fine so far, being a doctor ain't an easy task." He sighed.
"Don't worry, it will be fine." She smiled.
"So Sewa, have you thought of what I told you?" He asked her. Sewa remembered their last conversation and it was about furthering her education.
Sewa sighed. "I'm still thinking it through and besides, education isn't my calling, I've got other things I can do to earn money." She shrugged.
"But you know education is life and a certificate is needed," he said, trying to make her understand the essence of education.
Sewa scoffed. "Are you ashamed of me?" She asked him. She was starting to get angry.
"It's not..." She cuts him off.
"Are you trying to say I'm not worthy of you considering you are a specialist doctor and I'm just a diploma holder? You know what Olarenwaju..." She trailed off.
"I think we will have to end out meeting here!" She spat out, getting up on her feet.
"You know I never meant that!" He spoke. "I just meant..."
"Save the speech, if you want a master degree holder girlfriend, then go find one because I am not that girl and if you think I'm not..."
"Will you just listen to yourself Sewa!" Lanre raised his voice.
"Why are you changing everything I said and why are you taking it the wrong way? I only meant well for you and why would I think you are not my type and still be in a relationship with you for almost two years?!" He asked.
Sewa knew he didn't mean it that way but she wanted to break their relationship, she couldn't keep lieing to him, fucking other men and fucking him too.
She couldn't also stop her life for him because it was one of her hobbies. "Whatever!" She spat out sarcastically not staring at him.
"I'm sorry and I promise to never bring up this issue anymore." He said.
Sewa sat down back but couldn't look at him, she felt guilty and she was emotionally hurting him. "Good because you are the one trying to bring an issue out of nothing!" She spat out.
Lanre sighed, he didn't know what was wrong with her and the reason for her behavior but he wouldn't bring up anything related to school anymore.
"When do I see your mother?" He asked her.
"You will see my mother soon, maybe when I have enough time." She spoke.
"You don't have to sound this way, I'm sorry okay," he said to her.
"I've heard." She replied but with an attitude.