At high speed, the car takes us over the hilly country.
The air is noticeably cleaner than in New York; we pass large tracts of virgin forest. A mild wind is blowing, but the temperature outside is high, more than I can bear. When we got off the plane earlier, I felt the sun burning on my skin, drops of sweat already appearing on my forehead.
Although my jumpsuit is made of thin material, my shoulders are exposed and were directly exposed to the sun. I was not prepared for this, so I did not bring a hat. Gosh, if only I had taken the time to look up more information about this country online. Clyde told me some facts but didn't go into detail.
Fortunately, the air conditioning in the car is on high, which makes the drive to our new home bearable.
Here and there are pastures where small cattle happily roam in search of food. In some areas, farmers are busy tilling the land with tractors. No, this is not what I am used to, but to be honest, everything I see makes me very curious. I hope to make new friends here soon and then explore the land while Clyde is busy preparing to get acquainted with headquarters.
"Are you tired, honey? We'll be there in about fifteen minutes."
Clyde squeezed my hand reassuringly; he saw me struggling in the bright sun and quickly helped me through the check-in. Fortunately, the car was already well-cooled by the time we got in.
" Thank goodness. It's hotter than I expected. And I didn't bring a hat. That'll be the first thing I have to buy, or I won't survive here," I sighed, still staring out the window with interest.
"But I like this country. It's not all trendy and fixed up. There's nature and sand, and the wind blowing through the trees is so comforting as if it promised to be there for us forever," I replied happily. "I just hope to have friends here soon. Then I can start exploring my surroundings while you're at work. And when you have everything in order, we can both continue to learn more about this country."
"Sounds good, baby. And thank you for being willing to leave everything behind to follow me here. Not many women would trade New York for a country like this. It has a lot of luxuries, but it doesn't meet the high standards of home".
When he kisses my forehead, I grab his neck.
"Babe, you are my fiancé. Where you are, I'm happy. What did you think? That we would have a long-distance relationship? No, you're mine, I'll never be far from you. You had your chance to get rid of me, but you chose to ask me to marry you. And now you are stuck with me".
"Hmmm, that is the sweetest curse a man can bring upon himself. I prefer it a thousand times over, my love," he whispers, pulling me onto his lap. "But above all, don't forget that this is mutual. This is forever, my Queen."
A lump forms in my stomach, call it a guilty conscience.
How could I get it into my head to hook up with another man when I had such a great guy on the hook? That night with the Alpha was an adventure. Clyde is my life, there is nothing more certain that I know.
"I adore you, Clyde. I want you to know that no matter what happens, no matter what situation we find ourselves in, my love for you will never fade. There is nothing that can keep me from you."
My words came from my heart, for sure! My struggle with my conscience has nothing to do with it.
"I know, I know, my heart. My instincts didn't just lead me to you, it was fate. That day at the university, I had already canceled the speech. But I believed that the organization had not received my mail and I still had to go, unprepared. And I met you, the person I've been waiting for all my life." He sounds a little emotional, his hand lifts my face.
Our kiss is tender, unhurried, free of sexual charge, but all-telling.
This is the bond between us, it is unbreakable and tight around us.
"I am yours, forever. Nothing can separate us. And we'll weather any storm I haven't already conquered". I giggle at his words. Yes, leave it to Clyde to defuse a highly loaded atmosphere. I still can't understand how a successful, stone-faced businessman, confident and all, could fall for a simple girl like me.
Of course, I am no longer the girl he once knew. Mariam did everything she could, not sparing a nickel, to make me fit into Clyde's world. She wanted to prevent me from feeling like an outsider among all the expensively dressed and perfectly groomed women of my fiancé's friends.
And the swan that came out of all those spas and makeovers is incredible. Clyde couldn't believe his eyes when he saw me later. And of course, he bragged about having good taste in picking me out of the hundreds of students at the prom.
Speaking of storms in our relationship.
We haven't had any in the two years. We know our boundaries, we know where to give in. Clyde and I are perfect.
"You need to set the wedding date soon, baby. I'll leave that up to you and my mom. It's your big day, I want it to be memorable for you. Let me know what you have decided.
Out of pure joy, I fall around his neck again, my hands ruffling his hair.
And then I kiss his neck, suck on it for a moment and bite gently, as he often does with me.
"Aaahhh baby. You know what that does to me. Wait till we get home," he whispers hoarsely into my ear. To my surprise, my own sense of lust is gone. Before, the prospect of being alone with Clyde would have made me dripping wet between my legs. I know what Clyde can do to me; he is a master at playing with my body. And his tongue is amazing.
"I can hardly wait. It's been a long time," I whisper anyway. I let him go and return to my side, smiling.
But the love for my fiancé shines in my eyes, it's still as strong as ever…