Delighted, I cuddle up to him and inhale his scent deeply.
His body scent of fresh dew mixed with musk is so addictive. Basically, I learned this habit from Clyde, every time he sees me he sticks his face into my neck to inhale my scent.
Sometimes he licks that special spot in my neck, igniting a scorching fire that gets us right into bed. The delicious shots that his tongue sends down my neck to my triangle don't stop until I feel my fiancé deep inside me. Clyde is a fantastic lover, not that I have any comparison, but I can't imagine anyone else being able to make me feel so completely satisfied.
Suddenly I feel my temperature rise, like I am on fire.
This is new, this isn't the familiar fire I get when Clyde gets me so excited that I can't think of anything but him. This is a more meaningful feeling, ignited from the outside and forcing me to look for it.
No, I am not drunk, before I went downstairs with Clyde I only had one glass of liqueur and that can never have this effect on me. But this external hot spring is pulling on me as I fight it with all my might.
And my fiancé is here with me, I want nothing to do with others who can tear me away from him. So I wrap my hands around his neck and pull his face towards me.
My lips find his in a hot kiss, causing Clyde to groan in his throat.
The last week has been hectic with the takeover negotiations and we were both exhausted. We had no energy for sex and now that everything has reached the final stage, I feel how much I have missed him.
I notice his heart beating faster as his hand tangles in my hair. The kiss deepens, we can't get enough of each other.
"Hey, is this a cocktail party or a make-out session? Come on, try the bedroom," Alessandro calls loudly. The room laughs and it dawns on us that we are being very inappropriate. I blush like a sailor and hide my face in my fiancé's chest. All smiles, he strokes my hair.
"Later, baby. Let me finish this last meeting and then I'll have all the time in the world for you," Clyde whispers in my ear. "Carlo and Alessandro are waiting for me to make the last preparations. Stay here with our guests, if it gets late, go home with Mariam. I'll pick you up later". I nod, knowing that sometimes these meetings can drag on so long because the men still have a kind of bromance afterward.
It's not the first time Clyde has had to pluck me from his parents' guest room and drive an all sleepy me back to our place. He refuses to go to bed without me, and sleeping outside our house is not what he likes to do.
A quick kiss on my forehead and he walks with his brothers and two other men through the wide doors of the study. I turn back to the group of women with a flushed face. My mother-in-law smiles contentedly while the rest of them stare at me with raised eyebrows.
"Joanna, that was hot. I'm going to try it with Rick tonight, but only when the kids are asleep and I can finish the whole thing." We laugh out loud at Sarha's comment. This beautiful girl is the wife of one of the vice presidents of the estate.
Mariam raises her glass in a toast.
"What Sarha is trying to tell you is that this is how the babies come, Joanna. In a few months, you will marry my son, and I don't expect you to wait too long for my grandchildren. I'm not getting any younger."
And now we all roll our eyes.
We know she is angling for a compliment, Mariam looks absolutely stunning, but she would like to hear it more often.
"I'm working on it, Mariam. But don't complain if you have to babysit a lot. Clyde and I work, and a nanny is not really my choice."
Immediately five hands go up.
"Me. I am happy to do the babysitting for the little prince. Count on me". I smile at Sarha's nickname for my yet-to-be-born baby.
"It could be a little princess. Not all firstborns are boys," I point out to my friend. But she shakes her head.
"The first one is definitely a boy. It's always like that. Look around, we all have a boy before the girls arrive."
I cast my eyes over the mothers in our midst and indeed, Sarha is absolutely right. They all have a son as their firstborn. Is this a mere coincidence or is there an underlying rationale?
Clyde is the eldest son of Mariam and George.
"What is the explanation for that? Now that you mention it, I actually noticed that."
Now they all start laughing, this is the moment when I feel like an odd duck. It's like they're having fun among themselves about something I just can't understand. No one bothers to provide me with an answer. I make a mental note to ask Clyde more about it later.
Somewhat disconcerted, I make my way to the buffet, greeting a few guests along the way.
But even before I reach the aromatic dishes on display, I feel it again.
A warmth that wraps around me and takes hold of me. And this time Clyde isn't around; I can't draw strength from him to resist it all.
As if my legs have a life of their own, I walk away from the buffet to a corner of the room. A man with his back to me begins to walk away, out the back door of the hall. Unwillingly, I follow him into the illuminated garden until we reach the pavilion.
Standing in the middle of the overgrown space, he turns.
A gasp leaves my mouth as I stare into a stunningly handsome face with the deepest blue eyes I have ever seen in my life. His sharp jawline is almost feminine, but the angle with his throat is extremely masculine. His raven black hair is sleek and shiny. The earring betrays his naughty side.
I swallow a few times, regain my composure, and put a smile on my face as befits the perfect hostess. Never before have I seen him in our social setting, he must be from the company we took over.
"Sir, don't you like the party? Let me take you to the buffet. There must be something you like to eat." I still study his face, not knowing why it attracts me so much.
"My appetite disappeared when I heard my mate was planning to start a family with someone else. I will never allow that".
His words stir something incomprehensible in me.
And then I look up to ask him for clarification.
Wrong move!
His deep blue eyes held mine the moment they met.
As if hypnotized, I stare at the man, my jaws opening and closing like a fish on dry land. And then his eyes turn into dark orbs, his face tightens.
"MATE!" …