Isay POV
While looking through the memories she had accumulated, she suddenly remembered her friend. She picked up her phone then dialed her friend’s number.
Ring... Ring... Ring...
But her friend did not answer, she pressed the number once again but still no one answered.
"Maybe the gay is busy." she said to herself.
He has a new salon and already lives in Manila. He was really hurt when my older brother Ryan got married hahaha, because he has big crush on him.
But he still visits her often, maybe he's just really busy nowadays. Her friend is very business minded that is why he has now three open salons. She is really impressed with her friend while her, she lost the bet so she is now a failed helper.
We called him babaylan in our language which means he is not openly gay in public. That is why he won't admit it at first that he is a gay before, and we really thought he was a real man when I first met him. He still feels disgusted by the women who make cute face on him.
"Blaargh" its fake nausea when a woman gave him chocolates every valentine. But she was very happy then because she was the one who ate all the chocolates, there were a lot also got jealous of her because she is so close to it.
She laughed when she remembers those memories of them. Then she lowered the picture frame with him she was holding when her cellphone rang, she answered it right away when she saw it was her bestie.
“Hey, beks! Why did you called?” he asked as soon as she answered her phone. “beks” is an endearment between friends.
“Nothing beks, I just missed you. How are you? You are very busy nowadays.” she said while sulking.
"Naah! Don’t be upset about that. You know I’m just busy." he said on the other line.
"I know beks and I support you. I just want to invite you to big brother Dom's birthday." she invited.
"Oh, yes. By the way, when will that be again?" he asked.
"Gosh, you are quite forgetful. It is the same time as our fiesta here, did you forget?"
"Oh, yes! I’m sorry beks I forgot. I remember that your party was always pretentious because it was a double celebration." he shrieked on the other line.
"Yes, so you need to be here."
"Oh my gosh! Yes! I’ll definitely go. I'm sure your cousins will also be there, there will be a lot of fafa so I’ll make time for it hahaha." he laughed. “fafa” means hot guy.
He’s really still a flirt. She didn't know how and why they turned to be besties. They had very different habits but something he and her family had similarities, both of them have rude mouth.
"When it really comes to that, you are so fast. Have you moved on with big brother Ryan, huh?" she joked.
"You know what, you are so irritating beks. Why do you need me to remind of him? I have moved on and my babies now are just my salons."
"Hahaha just kidding. As long as you can attend, that will do. I'll be angry with you if you don't go." she threatened.
"Yes, I'm now assuring you I will go. How about you? How are you being a helper? You really are a crazy girl, why don't you just give in to the mayor? He's handsome and kind, why don't you give him a chance?" he said.
He knew about the deal she had with her family because she only vented her resentment to him when she lost the bet.
"Here, still a maid." she sighed deeply.
"What a deep sigh, can't reach." he also sighed. "You know friend, if you have already given up, just remember that mayor is still there." he added.
“No way! Over my dead body!” she said to her friend.
"Don’t be OA. Maybe when you taste the grace of heaven, you will look for it. So don't talk in advance, you witch." he said laughing.
"You know beks, your mouth is really rude."
"Oh my gosh, I'm sure when you taste it you will roll your eyes hahahaha. You might also tremble." then he laughed out loud.
“You are so disgusting beks! Blaargh." she nausea in fake.
"Nah ah, that's not the right reaction beks. It should be like this ... aaaaahhh .... aaahhh, oh heaven!" he laughed again.
"You're really dirty and naughty. Oh, I need to go already. I need to do my maid duty, make sure you come. If not, let’s just forget each other!" she threatened her friend.
"Yes beks, it's already stamped on my calendar. You take care."
"Yes, you too. Love yeah muaah!"
"I lab yeaaaah … aaaahhh so much too ... hahahaha." then laughed before cutting the line.
She just laughs when it disappears on the other line. She can't imagine that they've been mistaken before being in a relationship because of his actions now. Given that he is more flirt and naughty compare to her but don’t show it to other people and public. But if they are alone, its mouth is very rude that full of naughty and dirty words.
If she has not experienced to have a boyfriend yet, her friend doesn't lose a boyfriend. He doesn't seem to be vacant.
"Oh, Isay. You're just there." said her mother when she met her on the stairs.
"Why Ma, do you need anything?" she asked.
"No, nothing. You were not here earlier and your big brother Ryan was looking for you. He called you but he said you can't be contacted." she replied.
"Ah, I was talking to Geraldine earlier." she said. Gerald was really her friend's name but he wanted to be called Geraldine.
"Oh, how is your friend? Have you invited him to your brother's birthday?" her mother asked her.
“Yes Ma, I already told him."
“Will he come?”
"Yes, Ma, it's already stamped on his calendar." her friend and Mother got along very well. Especially when it comes to green conversations, they were very much alive so they got along very well.
"That’s good to hear! Now, go ahead and go to your brother." she shooed her away.
"All right." she said then left and went to her big brother Ryan's room.
She knocked on her brother's door.
"Big brother Ryan, you are looking for me?" she peeked at the door and saw her brother fixing things.
"Yes, come in," he called her.
"Where are sister Laura and baby Nate?" she asked.
"I left them with father -in -law first and they said they already miss their grandson." he said while continuing what he was doing.
"When are they coming back?" she asked again.
"Maybe I’m going to pick them up next week. I also need to fix something on the farm because our three cows are about to give birth. Maybe I also need to watch out there."
"Why are you looking for me by the way?" she asked.
"Oh yes, this.” a box was handed to her.
When she opened, "Make up kit?" she asked frowning.
"Yes, your sister Laura wants to give it to you. She asked me hand it over to you."
"You're really mean to me. Big brother Dom gave me dress and now you give me a make-up." she shook her head at her older brother's gifts.
"Whatever, don’t be choosy. You need to use it or else your sister will get upset if you don't use it." he threatened her.
“*sigh*, I don’t care. Please tell sister thank you for this." she said then waved the make-up she was holding.
Then she went out of the room. When she entered her room, she just put the make-up kit under her clothes.