Isay POVs
Since his still my older brother's guest, she had to accompany him to tour around the place, even if I was annoyed at him.
"How did you learn to ride a horse?" his sudden question.
"I dreamed about it... so when I woke up I knew it already," she answered meaninglessly.
He just scratched his head because of the answer I gave.
“I really don't have a sensible answer that I can get from you. right? ” he complained.
"Well, your question also has meaningless at all , of course i probably practicing," she said.
She just heard his sigh.
"Your not good being a tour guide ... you are also not good at making bond," he shakes his head while whispered to me.
“Who even told you that I am a tour guide? Then, who also told you to bond with me, you're the only one who following me."
"Is that really how you talk to your boss visitor?" he said over and over again.
"It's not just you," I said, not noticing him smiling, while shaking his head.
It will going to be lunch so I told him that I will going back and if he will going to come back with me, and it's a good thing that he didn't refuse and requested to go around more.
When they returned to the mansion she saw his older brother Dom restlessly circling in front of the house holding his cellphone.
"Oh, there you are, your boss is looking for you!" he said while pointing at his older brother.
"Why didn't you explain it, I won't stay there for too long if you didn't keeps following me," then she widened her eyes.
"And why would I defend you, you didn't do anything but hostile on me," he also widened his eyes.
"I gave you a mango!" then she widened her eyes even more at him.
He just staring at me and then suddenly burst out laughing, causing my older brother to turn his attention to us, and frowned as he approached the two of us.
"Isay, I've been looking for you for a while, where did you go?" my older brother asked as he shift gazed at me and to his friend.
"In the stable," she said while bowing her head because she was definitely torn.
"Aren't you not allowed to go there in the stable?"
"I'm sorry bro, I ask her to accompany me to go to the stable because I was bored here," he said to cover up me.
"I been keep calling you, but you're not answering my call?" my brother said to his friend.
"Because I left my phone in the room, what's the news?" he said.
"I already talked to our client, we also need to come back tomorrow because we might not be able to reach him because he is leaving for America," explained the older brother.
she felt sad that it would go away immediately, I was annoyed to him before, she couldn't understand herself why she feel regret.
"Oh! it's so quick, it's a pity I haven't been around properly yet," he said while looking at me.
“Isay... Go to the kitchen and help Nanay Mirna cook lunch, ”my older brother said with a wink and smiled at me.
"All right, I'll leave you first." I said and went to the kitchen.
In the afternoon, my older brother also left with his guest, that she didn't even ask his name before he leave.
She couldn't understand why she was so annoyed with the man, but now that he had left and her surroundings were quiet, why did she always seem to be looking for him. did he bewitched me? I think I'm going to be crazy!
Later, someone texted her, she look at the screen of her phone, and it was her older brother Dom.
"Younger sister, I have brought a gift, just get it in my room, I forgot to tell you earlier."
"All right brother, thank you!" she replied with a heart emoticon.
When she entered his older brother's room she saw a box, she took it and saw a dress when opened it.
"You're a devil brother," she said to herself.
Later, she received another text from his older brother, asking her to fit the dress and send it to him, just to tease me.
"No way!" she completely refused.
"Well, you don't have a choice because that's what you're going to wear for my birthday ... hahaha," he said in the text.
It turns out that his birthday is coming up next month at the same time as the fiesta in their place.
The party is often really pretentious when it's his birthday because the celebration is doubled, she will be dead meat by that, because she lost the bet.
Even though she didn't want to, she took the dress given to her by his older brother, she will do whatever excuse would take not to wear the dress on that day, and she left the room carrying the dress.
When she came out at the room she met her mother at stair.
"Oh, Isay where are you going and what are you carrying?" my mother asked with popcorn because she's going watch TV and brought foods every time she watches.
"Brother Dom gave me a dress, I'm being cheated on again," she replied with a frown.
"You know my child, you looked good when you wear a dress, why don't you want to wear that," her father interrupt their conversation, who was currently sitting on the sofa with his hand outstretched looking at her.
"I don't want to because it's hard for me to move," she reasoned with them.
"Haist, I really don't understand of your fashion sense my child," her mother said while shaking her head and then come to her father.
"I'm going to my room, I'll just take a shower," she avoided the conversation because it might take long to end.
She went straight to her room and took a bath, but she would still sleep at Nanay Mirna's house, she would only take a bath there because her belongings were there.
She locked the room and just undressed, she put on her clothes in the laundry bin then took a towel and went straight to the bathroom, after taking a bath she came out of the bathroom with just a towel, she came to her bed and stared at the dress. given by her older brother Dom.
"Hmmp, there's nothing wrong if I'll try it," but before she try to wear it, she first checked the door lock if it was locked, what if someone sees her and laugh at her because the dress don't suit at her, and when she make sure that the door was locked she started to wear the dress.
When she wear the dress she went in front of the mirror and hovered over herself, she smiled when she saw her own reflection in the mirror.
"Will he also like the way I look when he sees me," she said to herself when the image of him suddenly appeared in her mind.
“Oh! Sh*t, why did he suddenly appeared my mind,” she said and then slapped herself to make the his image disappear from her mind.
She also immediately took off the dress and threw it on the bed, she just took a short and light yellow shirt and wear it. if before she didn't like those kinds of colors, because her reflection getting dark, but now she already likes that kind of color but he's still selective and she still has a lot of dark color clothes.
She took the dress and just threw it in the laundry basket, then went out to sleep at Nanay Mirna's house