Calvin’s POV
I wanted to do something simple for our first date, so we’re going out to the best pizza joint in our small town. I hope Miles likes pizza, who doesn’t ?
I just showered and am now getting dressed. I put on a black shirt with some dark jeans, not liking too much color. I told Jason and Jessica just to meet us there, so I can have some alone time with Miles.
Getting in my car, I think about the possibilities of how this will go. Will he like me ? I was bluffing when I said ‘I know you like me,’ so I don’t actually know if he does. He may just be going along with this to see Jason. What if he doesn’t even like me at all ? Surely he feels the bond, if he doesn’t, at least he feels a connection to me.
With all my thinking, I don’t even realize I arrived at his house. It’s only a 10 minute drive, so I’m not surprised I’m here already.
Knocking on the door, I hear Miles yell, « Coming ! » Oh he will be soon. Just kidding.
He opens the door, breathless. He must’ve run down the stairs to get to the door. « Easy there, sweetheart, take a breath please. »
« Can’t, » deep breath, « you see, » another deep breath, « I’m trying. »
I laugh right in his face, « Yes you are, my little rabbit. »
« Why’d you just call me rabbit ? You weirdo, » he laughs at me this time.
I explain myself, « You are always bouncing around with so much energy, like a rabbit. Therefore, I call you rabbit. »
« Makes sense. But now I need to call you something. I can’t think of anything, » he pouts, his beautiful hazel eyes looking up at me.
« You’ll figure it out, don’t worry. How about we get going ? »
He agrees and I lead him to my truck. I open his door, like the gentleman I am, and the walk over to the drivers side.
The drive was quiet, a comfortable silence. I reach over to grab his hand, wanting to feel his touch. He looks up at me and squeezes my hand, reassuring me that he’s there.
We arrive at the pizza joint, and Miles’ face lights up.
« I love pizza ! This is going to be so epic ! » He says excitedly, hopping around.
« Okay, rabbit. » I point out his jumping. He blushes and looks down. Getting closer to him, I put my finger under his chin and lift it up. Once he’s looking me in the eyes, my eyes flutter down to his lips, realizing our closeness.
Soon we’re both leaning in, but someone has to ruin it.
« What’s up guys ? Why are you guys standing there staring at each other ? » I hear my stupid little brother Jason say. I was about to kiss him ! Ugh, thanks a lot Jason.
Now Miles and I are both blushing, after being caught in that position. Miles gets the attention away from us when he says, « Let’s go devour some pizza ! »
Jason laughs and so does Jessica, and soon Miles is walking with Jason, Jason talking about how much I eat. I eat like a pig.
We sit down at the table, Miles beside me. I connect our hands beside us, resting his hand in my lap. The waiter come over and looks at our connected hands in disgust. Of course, on our first date we get a homophobic waiter.
« Got something to say ? » Miles asks out of the blue to the waiter, after we ordered a pepperoni pizza to share.
« Yes, fags are disgusting, » the waiter says straight to our face. I read his name tag, and it says ‘Max.’ I’ll be sure to report him before this date is over.
My hand clenches under the table, ready to hit him. I don’t talk out my problems well, I’d rather hit him than talk it out.
« How about you shut your face before I shut it for you ? » Miles speaks up. I look over to him in shock, not believing that he just said that. I’d expect that to be something I would say.
I smile looking at him. He is so strong, not physically but emotionally. He handled that bully so well.
The waiter scoffs and walks off, probably scared of my short little rabbit. He is quite bold when he needs to be.
I go up to report the waiter, and request for a new one. The owner is shocked at the waiters actions, and promises to fire him. This isn’t his first time doing something like this.
Happy with that, I walk back to the table to see Jessica and Miles talking. They are smiling and laughing like they’ve been friends forever. I heard from Amber that they had a little fight, but they seem to have made up by now.
Jason and I share a look, realizing that the date may just be full of them talking. The food comes, served by a different waiter, thankfully.
Miles and I share our pizza, talking about random things. The conversation takes a bit of a turn when Miles mentions my parents.
I clam up, hating to talk about this. « Our parents and little sister died in a car crash when I was 16. I had to raise Jason from then on. It’s been tough, but we made it through, » I say with tears in my eyes. I can’t cry ! This is a date, I don’t want to ruin it with my emotions.
Miles rubs my shoulder comfortingly, and then reaches over to hug me. I break down into his shoulder, never having really let out my emotions about the accident before. Sure I’ve been angry, but never this painful sadness that I needed to cry out. And now I’m crying in the middle of a pizza shop.
Once I feel better, I lean back and Miles releases me from the hug. He looks into my eyes, seeing if I’m okay. Giving him a nod, we continue on with our dinner, as if that never happened.