I didn't allow Laura and Phillip to fuck or suck the following morning. Phillip got the largest anal plug inserted in his rectum, then went to work. Tomorrow sometime, he would get ass fucked for the first time. The primary question was who. Laura hadn't earned the right, and I didn't want her in a position of Dominance over Phillip. Becca couldn't because of work rules, Brenda couldn't because she couldn't know about our overall relationship yet. That pretty much left Sharon. Not that Sharon didn't deserve to. She was a delightful slut, and coming home naked last night, brief though the trip was, had been a delight for the senses. If Roxanne were to become his Dominant, she was the perfect choice to take Phillip's anal cherry. It would go a long way to establishing her Domination over him.
After Phillip left, Laura underwent more cock sucking practice, but even bringing her to orgasms as she tried sucking my cock didn't get her past six inches, despite seeming she'd suppressed most of her gag reflex. Mmm, maybe I would finally have to ask for help from an expert. I sent Laura down to exercise while I made a call I wasn't looking forward to.
I wondered if she'd pick up when she saw who was calling. She did, surprise, surprise.
"Hello, Jeri."
"Rat Bastard. What do you want?"
"Your expertise."
"What expertise?"
"Your professional services and cock sucking expertise."
"You are fucking kidding me, right? You want me to suck your cock?"
"Not exactly. I want you to teach someone else to suck my cock."
Click. I probably deserved that. Maybe I could have phrased that better.
Before she blocked my number, I sent her a text.
A shopping spree at Nordstroms if you listen to what I have to say, without agreeing to anything. Call me if you'll listen.
My ex loved to shop. It wasn't a guarantee she'd call back, but it was an inducement. I went to the gym to work out with Laura. It took about two hours, and perhaps curiosity had more to do with it than greed, but Jeri eventually, did call back. I was panting hard when I answered the phone.
"Thanks for calling back."
"Are you fucking someone else right now?"
"Working out."
"With who?"
"Another woman."
"Of course you are, asshole."
"Jeri, did I ever lie to you? I told you before we got married that I was not husband material and you'd eventually regret it. I told you we'd be better off as friends and occasional fuck buddies than man and wife. I never hid what I did from you. Told you immediately when I strayed. I was never meant to be married. I'm sorry. I've said it a hundred times before and I'm sure I'll tell you a thousand more. I'm sorry. It was never a good idea for us to get married. I tried to tell you, but I let you convince me otherwise. I'm sorry."
"My best friend, asshole!"
"I know, Jeri. She came on to me. You know how I get when I have an erection. I have to put it somewhere. Ask Denise. If she's honest, she'll tell you she tried to seduce me."
"She did tell me, but that doesn't make it better. My best friend! Every time I look at her, I think of you behind her, shoving your fat prick into her, fucking her. I hear her crying out your name as she cums, in my dreams. I can't unsee it, and it's affected my relationship with her, you stupid fuck."
"If I could take it back, I would."
"What is it you want, exactly, but don't for a second think you're going to get it."
"I want you to teach a woman how you can deep throat my cock."
"So you can marry her and ruin her life?"
"I'm done being married, and I couldn't anyway. She's already married."
Dead silence on the phone for fifteen seconds before Jeri exploded. "What the fuck! What about the bros before hos mantra you preached? It was the only decent thing you ever did, not fucking other men's wives, or was that a lie too?"
"It wasn't a lie. If Denise followed the rule of Sisters before Misters, I wouldn't have fucked her. This is special circumstances. I'm doing it with the husband's approval."
"It's true. I'm putting you on speaker. Laura come here."
"Yes, Master. How can I help you?"
"My ex-wife, Jeri, is on the phone. Would you please tell her that I'm fucking you with the permission of Phillip."
"It's true, Mrs. Harmon. My husband is not able to give us children. Master has his permission to father them."
"It's not Mrs. Harmon. My marriage was annulled. It's Miss Tyson. Master! You found another bimbo to do that BDSM shit with you?"
"Not particularly by choice, although I do enjoy submissive women. I'm not really into submissive men and I've had to put Phillip into submission as well."
"It's true, Miss Tyson," Laura said. "My husband is a willing cuckold. He had asked me many times since we were married to have sex with other men. I'd refused him for several years, but when we found he couldn't father children, I agreed to take a male lover who could father a child. I chose Brick. I'm afraid my husband and I went a little overboard once we started. My husband liked to watch too much, and I loved fucking other men too much to stop. We actually considered my becoming a stripper or a streetwalker to satisfy our cravings. Master realized we were going to screw up our marriage, our reputations, my husband's career, and to stop us from behaving irresponsibly, put us in submission to control our worst impulses. He feels it's necessary to manage our base instincts."
"She doesn't sound like a bimbo."
"She's not. Laura is intelligent, college educated, and her husband is an attorney, but she is submissive, which might be part of the problem. Look, I don't want to have this entire conversation over the phone. I'd like to invite you to their house, where I'm currently living. I'll grill up some steaks and you can meet them, speak to them, figure out if I'm lying about the situation. If you're willing to help out, great. If you're not, I'll understand. Either way, I'll take you to Nordstroms tomorrow and turn you loose for a few hours. Look, I know I was a horrible husband. I knew before we got married I would be, and I told you that. But I always liked you, and even if we can't be married, I'd like to be friends, or at least friendly. Good steaks, good wine, meet nice people, maybe not tear out each other's throats, reach a detente."
"I'll give it a shot. What time?"
"Five-thirty. I'd like you to be here before the husband gets home from work. It's a test of his submission. I'll text you their address. Before you come, do me a favor; to make the explanations easier, read up on willing cuckolds before you come over. Fact, fiction, on-line forums. It will be easier to understand if you do."
"I'll do that."
"Thank you. I'll enjoy seeing you again."
"I'm not sure I'll feel the same."
"Understandably. Thank you anyway."
We disconnected. I looked at Laura. God, she looked incredible, naked, sweaty, flushed. Too bad I couldn't fuck her. She hadn't earned it yet. It's a good thing I had other people to fuck.