This is when I made the suggestion that was going to forever change my life, Phillip's, Laura's and a whole bunch of other people. I almost felt sorry for suggesting it, but I knew, it was what Phillip wanted anyway. I was going to give him exactly what he wanted, plus peace of mind.
"What are you suggesting?"
"I'm getting my medical bill of health tomorrow. If you do decide to go forward with it, I'll come to your house when Laura has hers, so I can show you mine and Laura can show me she's medically cleared. I want you to invite me to stay at your house until we're sure she's pregnant. I'll need you to vacate your bed and let me take your place until she's knocked up, but any time I'm fucking her, you can watch. In fact, we might even fuck her together. If I'm living with you, and you can't perform, at least Laura won't have to look outside your home for what she needs, and since I don't want to marry her, you don't have to worry she'll ever leave you for me. She'll get all the fucking she needs from me, and all the emotional love, attention and devotion that you provide her. Laura will never want for anything.
"I'll continue having sex with other women, wearing condoms, so you know I'm not becoming emotionally attached to your wife. I'll encourage you to continue making love to her and give you lots of mental images to keep your cock hard when you do. We'll try to involve you in our sex so you can be part of the process of your wife becoming with child, as the romance novels call it. You'll be giving her the emotional support she needs to step outside her marriage and have children with another man; support I can't give her.
"I don't expect you to make a decision now. I know it's a big step for you. If you decide to go forward and we exchange our bills of health and you don't invite me to stay, we'll just proceed with her coming to my place for her breeding. If you do invite me, I'll know you feel that this is the best plan for all of us. I'll move in within a couple days of my invite, and we can get started on your child. Think about it and I'll know what your decision is when we meet, by whether or not you ask me to join you in your home. It may be you don't even want me giving you your child. The decision is totally up to you. You take care, Phillip, and go fuck that gorgeous wife of yours."
I hung up. I wondered if he'd be able to have sex with Laura, worried about the comparative size of our cocks, or the thought of me plowing his wife on a regular basis would be what he needed to put lead in his pencil. Seven times, that was a lot of orgasms, even for me, but they all were wasted, going somewhere other than where they should.
Monday morning, I was able to get into to see the doctor, because they'd had a cancellation, and I could fill it easily, once they knew all I wanted was to be checked for sexually transmitted diseases.
When the doctor saw me, he asked if I was at risk for an exposure.
"No, I still use condoms religiously, but a couple having trouble with conception is considering me to father their child. I want to assure them that in the process, I won't give them more than a baby."
"In vitro?"
"No, in vagina." I pushed my finger through a circle formed by thumb and forefinger on the other hand. "The husband is what he describes as a willing cuckold and he wants to watch."
The doctor paused. "Are you sure?"
"Asked him myself before I gave it a test run with the wife. She wanted to see how he reacted before giving him another man's child he'd be obligated to raise for eighteen years. He seemed to enjoy himself, although he was having difficulty maintaining an erection when he tried screwing her after I'd had my way with her. Performance issues, I suspect. Apparently, he's about half my size and I really made his wife scream while I fucked her. He listened to the whole thing on the phone. What do we need to do to assure them I have a clean bill of health?"
"Urine, semen and blood tests should do it, plus a visual inspection. Take off your pants and drop your drawers."
This was my regular doctor and he'd seen me often enough he wasn't surprised when I did. He turned on his light and checked my equipment thoroughly.
"Any burning during urination, any unusual discharge, or discolored urine?"
"No, no and no."
"Do you urinate in a steady flow, suffer from frequent urination, or have to get up more than once to urinate during the night?"
"Steady flow, what would you consider frequent, and once I hit the rack, I don't have to get up until I wake up in the morning."
"If you don't get up to urinate at night, we can consider that not frequent."
"Then no."
"Any pain during ejaculation and does your semen appear to be its normal color?"
"No and yes."
He drew a couple vials of blood.
"I'm going to do a PSA test to check for possible prostate problems."
"What's PSA?"
"Prostate Specific Antigens. The number should be rather low unless you've got prostate cancer or a prostate infection. It's unlikely to have prostate cancer this young, but it gives us a baseline for your normal antigen levels for when cancer is more likely to show up; anytime after forty."
He had me bend over, jellied up his gloved finger and prodded my prostate with an uncomfortable amount of pressure until some fluid appeared on my cock, which he collected on a microscope slide. He handed me some tissues to wipe off the lubricant.
"You've never done that before," I said when he told me I could dress again.
"It pays to be thorough and you should plan on that to happen annually once you reach a certain age. You need to be checked for lumps on your prostate, just like women need to be checked for lumps on their breasts. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among men. Once you hit forty, expect to have a colonoscopy regularly to ensure your colon and rectum don't develop polyps which can develop into colorectal cancer. Growing old is a bitch, my boy. A little prevention is worth a ton of cure. I want you to give me two clean samples of urine. The directions are in the bathroom there. You can leave the samples in the little window and someone will collect it shortly."
"How soon before I get the results?"
"You can pick up your paperwork on Wednesday afternoon. You don't need an appointment, just come in any time after lunch."
"Thanks, Doc. I'm surprised you didn't say anything about my plan to breed another man's wife."
"Would it do any good if I did?"
"Probably not."
"I know when I'm wasting my breath."