Eight years ago…
“ONE DAY, when we have families of our own, I want to be the second person or maybe the third, to greet you a Happy Birthday, a Happy Mother’s Day, a Merry Christmas, or a Happy New Year. Because the first will be your husband for sure, the second will be your son or daughter. But rest assured, I will still mess with you every special occasion. I will always be around, Ali.”
Jeremiah winked at me before he continued his speech. “I will make sure that our families will bond every now and then the way our families do now. And should your boyfriend or husband turn out to be a problem one day, don’t worry, we will beat him together. And as your ever supportive best friend, I promise to let you have the final punch. Happy, happy thirty-sixth birthday, sweetheart.” When the crowd laughed, my best friend just grinned. “Oops, sorry. I forgot that you’re only twenty-six.”
When Jeremiah handed the microphone to the host of the party, all the guests gave him a round of applause. He was still smiling when he bowed before going down the stage. He walked towards me with a box in his hand. I was still a little emotional as I embraced him after receiving his gift.
Jeremiah and I are still single until now. And it was the first time Jeremiah mentioned about having families. I used to be the one to tell him those things and he also used to cut me off every single time as if he was allergic to that conversation which only made me tease him more. But it was hard to make fun of Jeremiah right now because the sincerity and the promise written in his eyes was suddenly making me emotional, knowing that whatever happens in the future, I will always have his back, just as he promised.
Because Jeremiah always fulfills his promise.
“There’s no need to feel so touched, Ali. Did you think I did that speech for free? Uncle Sam asked me to do that. And in return, he would introduce me to the daughters of his business partners. The women are watching so I had to make a good impression.”
I giggled and smacked him on the shoulder before releasing him. I knew that it was just his excuse to hide the discomfort he felt because of what he said back at the stage. Jeremiah may be a womanizer but I knew that he meant every word he said. He had always been serious about our friendship.
I was five when we became neighbors, not to mention that our fathers were the best of friends, too. We clicked the first time we meet that’s why we’ve always been together. We were classmates from kindergarten to college since we took the same course which was Business Management.
When Jeremiah turned towards me, he softly smiled. “I was just kidding. I meant every word back there, Ali, no matter how mushy they sounded.”
I smiled back. “I know. I was just surprised. I thought I would never hear you say things like those anymore, since I know how allergic you are to marriage conversations.”
He shrugged. “I don’t have a choice. It’s your birthday. I had to make you hear things that you want to hear, hoping that next year, when my birthday comes, you will remember my kindness and do the same.”
We laughed. It’s impossible not to have a good time with Rem around. We were still laughing when our parents came. And once again, our mothers both had that same dreamy expression on their faces. Ever since we were kids, these adorable folks had been pushing Rem and I together, hoping that we would wake up one day and decide to put our relationship on a deeper level. And we often just laugh it off.
Jeremiah was also able to win over my only sibling’s heart. Jasper sings praises for him. And I can’t blame my little brother since Jeremiah spoils him a lot.
“I guess it’s time we stop hoping. You all heard what Jeremiah said earlier. The kids are really just friends. We’ve done the best that we could, but their charms just don’t seem to work on each other,” my stepdad said while shaking his head. He had always treated me like his own flesh and blood. But after a while, he smirked. “But no pressure, kids. You can change your minds anytime.”
“Right. It’s still not too late,” Aunt Ingrid commented. “Rem, son, do you still remember what you put on your year book when you were in elementary? While others dreamed to become the next president of the republic of the Philippines, to become an astronaut or a doctor, your dream was to become Alison Cabrera’s husband one day and-“
“Let’s just ask Alison once and for all so we can finally put an end to this,” Jeremiah said. He cleared his throat before facing me. Gone was the smile on his face, but his eyes were smiling mischievously. “Would you have me, sweetheart?” The sparkle in his eyes disappeared and he became completely serious. “Just say the word and I will be yours.”
I was taken aback. Our parents automatically turned their heads towards me. Anticipation was all over their faces.
I stared at Jeremiah’s face. Then and now, if someone would ask me about my ideal man, aside from my stepdad, my best friend’s name was the next thing I’d tell them. He was my only friend, my only best friend. No one else comes close. And sometimes, I’d think that it really would have been nice if I’d end up with him.
Because aside from my family, I doubt if there was anyone else who would be willing to accept and embrace all of me the way Jeremiah did. I can still remember the times when I became addicted to Korean dramas. There was a moment in my life when I wanted to experience the things I watched. But because I didn’t have a boyfriend, I’d turn to Jeremiah. There were times when I would suddenly ask him to meet me at the park early in the morning. I would bribe him with his favorite food and desserts to make him come. He would show up even if he was still sleepy and then I’d ask him to carry me on his back all the way to our mansion which was just a walking distance.
Jeremiah would complain, but would still carry me on his back anyway. And until now, whenever I get naughty, I would still ask him to do the same thing. Because with him, I could be a fool and he would not give a damn, he would not hold any judgment.
When we were in college and I went to my first date, it was Jeremiah who personally sent me to the restaurant. And every time we wouldn’t like our dates, we make it a habit to text each other to rescue each other. We’d make up different excuses just to leave the restaurant.
And now that we’re adults, whenever he had free time, he would still pick me up from the office to take me to my favorite restaurant. We’d also watch a movie which I’d choose. From the beginning, it was always about me. That was how selfless he was when it comes to our friendship. Even if he had flings here and there, he still makes time for me that’s why I make it up to him in my own way.
If Rem and I would end up together, I’m sure I wouldn’t cry. I wouldn’t even feel sad. Because I’m confident that he would never leave me no matter what. We would live the rest of our lives probably smiling and laughing around. That’s why to become his girlfriend would be like hitting a jackpot. Because aside from being good-looking, he was smart. He was kind, he had a sense of humor, and he was a brilliant businessman, too.
“Alison? Jeremiah is asking you something.” My mother reminded me after a while. The excitement in her eyes cannot be denied.
But in the end, Jeremiah was the one who answered for me.
“Ali and I are compatible in so many ways, Aunt. We won’t deny that. The problem is… we don’t make each other’s heart beat fast enough to risk our friendship.”
He was the best ‘best friend’ and as always, he knew exactly what was going on in my head. Those words were exactly what I wanted to say.
“Since you brought out the yearbook thing, then let me tell you about our classmates in elementary. The kid who wanted to be an astronaut was now a kite maker. The one who wanted to be the president of the country became a president, indeed, but a fan club president of a famous basketball player.” He smiled, amused this time. “The point is, not all dreams come true, ‘Ma. Some dreams can also change. And some people can be contented being close enough to their dreams. Let’s just accept things as they are… the way I accepted it.”
My brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“I’m just saying that I’m contented being this close to you, being this close enough to my childish dream.” He playfully pinched my nose. He then turned to our parents. “Now, please excuse me and Uncle Sam for a while. He promised to introduce me to some of the most beautiful girls he knew here.”