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Chapter Two

We stay in the lake for hours, until it got too cold to stay in there much longer. I was laying on a blanket looking at the sky which was slowly fading into night. Jacob and Samatha were on another blanket doing the same thing, Martha was plaiting her hair while Reece was emptying the puddles from his shoes. I was looking up when I felt someone sit next to me, I look over smiling towards Justin.

"At least they've stopped arguing" he says looking towards Martha and Reece, the whole time they've basically been screaming at each other.

"That's because they're both doing different things, give it an hour the arguing will continue, this is just a rest period for them" I say laying my head back down looking at the sky, he lays next to me looking up too.

"Couldn't you just stay like this forever?" He asks I nod it was really beautiful out here, he turns to look at me making me look at him, before we could do anything Martha starts shouting again.

"Why have you put water near my blanket?!"  She shouts making me smile to Justin, but sit up to see what's happened.

"I needed to empty my shoe and your blanket seemed like a very absorbent piece of cloth" Reece says smirking towards her, wow these two really can't get along for even a second.

"Time to leave I guess" Justin sighs getting off the floor packing things up, as a huge argument broke out between Martha and Reece.

I get up helping Justin pack the stuff away folding up all the blankets, Jacob carries all the things to the car as my phone starts ringing. I walk over to see Ethan was ringing, I quickly pick up it being a force of habit.

"Where are you?" He says as soon as I pick up, in the background I could hear loads of talking and shouting.

"We're just about to leave the lake, why is dad okay?" I ask immediately my mind drifting to him, Justin walks behind me placing his hand on my shoulder sending me a questioning look.

"Dads fine but you need to listen to me, when you get back don't come straight into the centre of town, go the back roads so you miss all of the centre" he says but before I could ask why the phone goes dead, I stare at it worry filling my senses.

"Something bad is happening back at town" I tell Justin who quickly pushes me to the car telling the others to hurry, Martha and Reece finally shut up arguing and quickly get in the back of the car as we race out the lake place.

We drive for a while and were about ten minutes from town, I've been trying to ring Ethan but it keeps going straight to voicemail. I was starting to get a really bad feeling, the screams and shouts I heard in the background made me sick to my stomach, what could be happening?

"Ethan said we have to take the back roads to town, so try to get off the main road" I say looking over to Justin, he nods with a smile but I could tell he was also worrying.

He didn't hear the conversation but he could probably tell by my manner how the conversation went, I don't worry about little things so if I worry, you know it's bad.

We continue normally down the road, I was looking out the window at the passing trees when Justin, slams on the brakes the car coming to an abrupt stop. 

"That's gonna be a problem, all the back roads are blocked off for some reason" he tells me while still holding tightly onto the steering wheel.

I turn to look up ahead where the roads had huge rocks blocking them, okay what is happening? They weren't there when we left this morning. Another question though, why are they there?!

"Is there any other roads we could take?" Jacob asks from the back but Justin shakes his head, but kept looking at the distance between the rock and the trees, just in case we could fit through the gap.

I look out the window at the surrounding wood area, Ethan said keep away from the main roads there has to be another way.

"We're gonna have to go that way Erika" Justin says holding my hand, I sigh looking around but realise he was right.

I send him a nod sitting back in my chair as Justin directs the car onto the main road, a place I wasn't comfortable driving down. A few minutes go everything seemed normal, until a big explosion could be heard ahead of us making the whole ground shake. I grab onto Justin's hand as he makes the car go a little faster, as soon as we pass the towns sign it was chaos. There were people running around, fires and what looked like wolves, wait wolves, where the heck did they come from?!

"You girls stay in the car, guys let's go figure out what's happening" Justin says quickly getting out the car, I hold tighter onto his hand saying be careful, he nods before closing the door running towards the main part of town with Jacob and Reece.

We sat in the car for a few minutes just looking at the chaos in front of us, the car was silent but the outside definitely wasn't.

"We've been away for a day and this happens" Martha says from the back, her and Samatha were holding hands as I just stare at everything that was happening.

"We'll be safe if we stay in the car" Samatha says which is what Justin did tell us to do, but what if something tries to attack the car with us inside, then can we leave?!

While I was asking these weird questions in my mind, I spot Ethan running passed and towards the main part of town. Why is he running into the danger?! I can't loose anyone else! Without thinking, I jump out of the car and bolt towards town centre, emerging myself into the danger and didn't want Ethan in.

"Justin said to stay in the car!" I hear Samatha shout, but her shouts soon are muffled as I arrive in the thick of all the chaos.

The town centre no longer looked nice and happy, it resembled what a apocalyptic world would look like. Everything was growing dark, not due to the time of day alone but the ash in the air. Businesses were on fire, with the windows smashed, all the glass just laying in the street. People were laying on the floor, while others were trying to help some of the injured people.

I began to get lost in a town I've lived my whole life, everything looked the same, broken and on fire. I start to frantically look around for Ethan, but I never caught sight of him. I walk around aimlessly unknowing of how long I'd actually been in this chaos, minutes felt like hours.

A sound a few feet behind me, stops me in my tracks. I refuse to turn at first hoping I was just imagining it, I take a deep breath in before slowly turning my body. Where I come face to face with a gigantic wolf, it was growling while showing it's terrifyingly sharp teeth. In that moment I didn't know if I should run or freeze, there was no way I would be able to outrun a wolf.

It begins to take steps towards me which causes my body to actually move, I take steps backwards my eyes not leaving the bloodthirsty wolf in front of me, I lose my footing and end up falling onto the floor. When I take a look up the wolf was now inches away from me, my whole life flashes before my eyes as I look around for help.

Through the chaos, a guy somehow stands out to me. He stood in the middle of town looking extremely calm, everyone else was screaming and quite literally, running for their lives but he wasn't. He looks over our eyes meeting instantly, I somehow get lost in his ocean blue eyes. The chaos around me fades away, all I could do was stare deep into this guys eyes, which he was also doing to me.

A growl close to my face snaps me out of my trance, I turn to see the wolf was basically on top of me growling. My eyes soon go wide as I cover my face, I didn't want to see what was about to happen and just waited. But nothing happened, I wasn't attacked. I look up to see the wolf taking slow steps backwards, he turns before taking off running in the opposite direction. At the same time, all the other wolfs also run off in that direction, which now left the town wolf less but still destroyed.

I lay back with my head on the pavement just trying to calm my racing heart, it all happened so quickly but yet, so slowly. I open my eyes just staring at the night sky, I was very nearly eaten by a huge wolf. I lay there for a few minutes staring at the sky, the noise of the town was still loud but I couldn't move yet.

My view of the sky is blocked by Justin's face, he looked kind of relieved when he saw I was alive. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck, I hadn't cried yet but now I was wrapped in his arms, I wept like a baby.

"What happened?" He asks still holding me so tightly in his arms, I try to speak but no words wanted to make their way out my mouth.

"Come on, everyone's been called to the town hall " he says pulling me up while I continued to cry, he wraps his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him.

At the same time a huge growl rips through the air, the whole town goes silent for a few seconds before all chaos broke loose once again. Justin looks into the woods before he takes my hand and makes us both bolt towards the town hall, we ran passed loads of others going the same way.

As we run, out the corner of my eye I see a few people laying on the floor, motionless. It took everything in my power to not stop and help them, Justin continues to pull me to the town hall where everyone was pushing and shoving each other to get in.

Justin keeps a tight grip on my hand as he leads me into the town hall, we were getting pushed and shoved as we went but we finally arrive in. The place was still so loud with panicked voices, doctors were on one side trying to help the wounded that managed to enter the hall. Justin still held my hand as he leads me through the hall but off to the side, as I turn my head I spot the guys looking insanely worried. I'm immediately wrapped in a tight hug by Sam, she was shaking and crying uncontrollably.

"We were so worried, the guys got back but without you" Sam says pulling away wiping the tears from her eyes, I had managed to stop my own tears from flowing for awhile.

I hear my name being called from somewhere else in the crowd, I turn to see Ethan and my dad were in the middle calling my name. I shout I'm over here which makes them both quickly run over to me, also wrapping me in a hug.

"Are you okay?" My dad asks placing his hand on my shoulder, I nod as Justin comes behind me wrapping his arm around me smiling, my dad smiles before turning to talk to everyone else.

"Alright everyone listen up" he shouts which makes the hall slowly get quieter, the only sound was the few doctors trying to save some people.

"Now I know what just occurred was really scary and confusing, but we all need to try and stay calm. I want you all to quickly go back to your homes and stay there until you are notified to leave, I promise I won't rest until we have answers" he shouts looking at everyone,  I direct my attention up to Justin who rubs my arm, his parents were away so it would just be him at home.

"My dad will probably let you stay at my house,  you shouldn't be alone at a time like this" I say looking up at him, he smiles as people start to make their ways home.

I wave goodbye to Sam and Jacob who start to fight to get out the hall, Martha hangs back looking nervous probably waiting for the crowd of people to go down. That's what I thought we would do but my dad tells me to meet him by his car, Justin once again takes my hand leading me through the huge mob of people.

After a lot more pushing and shoving, we arrive back out into the night. The cold night air hitting me first, it felt great to be out of that stuffing hall. My dad walks by pointing to his car but I take another look to Justin.

"Hey dad, Justin's parents aren't in town, can he stay with us so he's not alone?" I ask as I open the car door, my dad looks to Justin nodding but gets called to the side by someone.

Justin tells me he'll just grab his car before he too leaves, this meant I was alone standing outside my dads car. I start to scan the area where I see Ethan was helping people get to their houses, at least I know he's safe. Reece starts to walk by but stops looking over at me.

"Are you sure you're okay Erika?" He asks rubbing my arm, I nod looking around at everyone "if you need me you know where I am" he smiles wrapping me in a tight hug, I thank him before he too walks away.

I spot Martha finally leave the hall where she sends me a nervous smile before walking away, the line of people leaving the hall begins to thin out. Where my dad soon appears getting into the car, I sigh climbing in where he wastes no time speeding out the centre of town and towards home.

"Do you have any idea what that was?" I ask as we get further down the road, he looks out the window then back at the road.

"I have an idea, I'll let you know when we all get home, but be prepared it's big" he says as we pull up at my house, wow that was fast!

Justin and Ethan were already there waiting outside, Justin comes to my door helping me out as my dad runs in shouting for us to follow. He instructs us to wait in the living room while he gets something from the basement.

I sat in the middle of the sofa with Justin and Ethan either side of me, no one spoke for a few minutes. It was the first time since the chaos began, it was quiet and calm.

"At least none of us were hurt" Ethan says interrupting the silence, I nod agreeing with him but he wouldn't believe how close it was.

A few more minutes go by until my dad walks out with what looks like photo albums, he places them on the coffee table but stands in front of us.

"What I'm about to tell you is gonna sound so shocking and not real, but it is" he says not really making any sense, I take a look to Ethan who was playing with his wrist band, he does that when he's nervous "the town was attacked by people who are half wolf, half human" he bluntly says, okay he wasn't lying when he said it would be shocking.

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