After an hour I had filled 7 notebooks while Reece, was just about done with his first. He was exactly like this at school then on the way home he'd copy my work, once he actually walked into a lamppost due to writing while walking.
This little study session had uncovered some interesting things, it's also made me kind of believe that the werewolf people are out there. Let's start from the beginning, werewolves live in packs like most animals, they have a leader called an Alpha. Each werewolf also has a mate, that is another person that is assigned to you by the moon goddess. The Alpha's mate is called the Luna and they both rule over the pack, but there are some wolves who don't have a pack. They're called rouges and from what the books are saying, aren't very nice at all!
Maybe Martha is Scott's mate, there's a few things I could look out for to really know for sure. The more obvious thing is that the male wolf will give the female a mark, it's located on the side of her neck and looks like a cool tattoo. It shows other wolves that she is taken and they need to back off, a little extreme way of showing it in my opinion! But you won't believe the way in which they give her the mark, with his wolf canines he bites into her neck! I know how terrifying! The more research that we're doing the more crazy the facts are getting, this fact has do take the cake right now.
Justin kept shouting our names but we were way to focused on this, I hadn't a clue how long we'd actually been sat up here but my 7 filled notebooks were giving me a good indication, that it was quite a long time.
"I think we've both come to the conclusion about Martha" Reece says snapping me out my writing thoughts, it was a pretty easy conclusion to jump to.
"What are you gonna do? Do we talk to her and tell her we know, or do we just wait until something happens?" I ask looking over at Reece who lay back on the bed thinking, I had no idea how we were going to go about this and it's become clear, neither does Reece.
"We have two options, either we totally ignore what we've just found out and pretend we don't know, or we go down and talk to Martha" I say but Reece shakes his head sitting up, which option is he shaking his head to?
"We have to be careful, what would your dad do if he found out Martha's dating a werewolf?!" He exclaims but within seconds the door flies open, Justin standing there with his arms crossed, please don't say he heard that.
"We're about to find out what her dad will do" is all he says before walking out the room, I take a look to Reece before running out the door.
Justin was already racing down the stairs as I reach the landing, he kept calling out Martha's name but got no reply. I actually couldn't see her anywhere in the house, if she did make a run for it now would be the best time.
"Justin please, we need to talk about this" I beg him as I reach the bottom stair, he had his walkie-talkie in hand as he walked around the house, I didn't know if he had already spoke with my dad through that thing.
"Yes, we're all gonna talk about it with your dad, Martha, we know about your werewolf boyfriend!" Justin shouts opening the front door, wait where exactly is Martha? I thought she would have been outside but she isn't, maybe she's Scott's mate!
I take Justin by the arm but that doesn't stop him, why in the heck is he so determined on getting Martha? He knows what my dad is gonna say when he finds out, I thought he cared about Martha as they're supposed to be friends, but he's totally throwing her under the bus on this! Before I could stop him he had put the walkie-talkie to his mouth, I reach to smack it out it his hand but he moves away too quickly.
"It's Justin here, we have just got intel that Martha Thompson has been helping the enemy, requesting Pc Richards for an urgent meeting" he says into the walkie-talkie, Reece comes running out the house holding his own walkie-talkie.
Wait one second, everyone can hear what is being said through them. Which means what Justin just said was heard by everyone in the town, knowing our town there's gonna be an angry mob after Martha. My dad responds telling us he was on his way, I knew this was gonna be so bad for Martha yet at the same time, I was still unsure if she was even involved.
"Why would you do that?! We don't even know for sure if she's involved yet?!" I ask well more like shout over at Justin, he still stood there with his arms crossed.
"You aren't an idiot Erika, we've all seen the way that girl has been acting and now it's all making sense" he says calmly like it was nothing, he is about to get his apparent friend in a whole heap of trouble and he's acting so cool and collected!
"Why were you even waiting outside of her bedroom door, were you creeping on us?" Reece asks annoyed over at Justin who just rolls his eyes, Justin's always been like that since we met him around ten years ago.
He moved to the little town with his parents years ago, when he first arrived here he wouldn't talk to anyone. No one in the town spoke to him either, we're all stuck in our ways and don't like outsider people coming in. Over the next few days I tried talking to him, but the guys all said they got weird vibes from him and would stop my every attempt. I saw him sat alone at school and had to do something, so I spoke to him and the rest is history.
In seconds my dads car raced down the road, before the car had fully stopped he ran out and over to us. I was still shaking my head looking down at the floor, I want no part to play in any of this.
"You said Marta has been helping the enemy, how?" My dad asks looking over at Justin, he went to speak but couldn't remembering he didn't have any of the information.
"I don't know for sure, but Reece and Erika have been doing research and found it all out" Justin says pointing towards Reece and me, my dad then looks over at me and Reece but I shake my head.
"I'm not telling you anything" is all I say before looking back down at the ground, I wasn't aiding anyone who wanted to hurt one of my best friends, Reece also says he isn't helping either which my dad doesn't take very well.
"You don't need to talk to them, they have full notebooks upstairs" Justin says which just make my eyes go wide, he'll go to any length to try and hurt Martha.
I bolt into the house and up the stairs, someone was close on my heels but I was faster. I run into my room locking the door as the person runs into it, I needed to hide all of the evidence. I pick up all the notebooks and library books, my arms were quite full as I lug them over to the side of the room. My door sounds as though it's being booted in as I lift the floor board up, of course I have a secret hiding place for my things. My mum would always tell me where the best hiding places were, all the other places had been found apart from this one. My mum wasn't hiding anything bad that I know of, she'd just tell me it's good to have things for yourself and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm still unsure if the things she was hiding have ever been found, maybe I need to start looking for some stuff.
I carefully place all my books down in my secret hiding place before putting the floor back together, I could see the door was very nearly going to be kicked in as I walk back over and open it. My dad and Justin were stood outside looking annoyed, I smile walking out my bedroom door.
"I had to clean up before you went in, I have no idea what you're looking for but I know you're not gonna find it" I smile before walking down the stairs and back outside, Reece was just stood there talking with Sam and Jacob. As I walk over Sam wraps me in a hug, she was actually in floods of tears as she held me.
"Martha's been helping those things all this time, she could have got us all killed and probably wouldn't have cared" she cries pulling away as Jacob wraps her in a hug, I give her a look shaking my head at how ridiculous she was sounding, I don't know where she heard that from but none it that is true, well to my knowledge.
"Martha hasn't been helping anybody, Reece and I were the ones that have found out all the information and it's not that, she's just dating a suspected werewolf but that doesn't mean she's aiding them on any attack" I say where she just sobs once again "Martha has just got herself wrapped up in a sticky situation, but that doesn't mean she's a different person" I tell her as Justin and my dad walk out the house, both looking pissed off.
"You need to tell us what you know" my dad says crossing his arms over his chest, I just raise my eyebrow at him also crossing my arms to match the way my dad was standing.
"I'm sorry, we have no idea what this information you need to know is" I smile looking over at Justin, he really thought he won back there didn't he?
"You're putting everyone in his town at danger for not telling us, it is your duty as citizens of this town to tell us what you know" my dad says once again trying to force us but it wasn't going to work, I just look to Reece before looking over once again.
"The information we may or may not know, does not put anyone in danger, it just clarifies some things and actually would help a few people, but who knows if we know that information" I smile which causes Reece to laugh beside me, before anyone could speak my dads walkie-talkie starts to talk.
"We have located Martha, bringing her in now" a mans voice comes through and says, I take a look to Reece who was already looking at me.
"This is your last chance, if you really care about Martha you'll tell us" my dad says once again thinking he had won, but in actual fact he had not.
"You have no evidence that Martha is even working with anybody, all you have is what that backstabbing wannabe police officer is telling you and he actually doesn't know anything, you and I both know you're gonna need more than that to do anything" I smile sweetly at my dad, this is what happens when your daughter cleans the house and finds paperwork with information on.
My dad just gives me a look as screams and shouts erupt from behind us, I whip my head around to see most of the towns people where standing in a line. This is also when I see Martha being led down the path in handcuffs, she was full blown crying as everyone shouts at her. Here's the angry mob I was talking about earlier!
"Justin is going to be with me during most of the days, so Reece will be your buddy during that time" my dad says beginning to walk away, Justin close behind him like a joey.
"I'm Martha's buddy" Reece corrects my dad walking to stand in front of me slightly, my dad laughs a little turning around.
"Martha isn't gonna be needing a buddy anymore" he laughs before he and Justin fully walk away leaving me stood there gobsmacked, before I could speak everyone is instructed back into their houses by the remaining police.
They had mega-phones shouting at everyone to go back home, this was absolutely insane! I was going to protest but Reece shakes his head, he knows there would just be a huge fight between me and the police officers, one I would ultimately loose. I take a look to the end of the path where Martha turns to look at me, I send her a look before having to turn and leave to go back into my house. As soon as the door closes I just bury my face in Reece's chest, well that could have gone better.
"We will fix this, somehow we will get Martha out of whatever mess she's in, she'll be okay" he reassures me as I just cry, unknowing of the hard decision I myself was going to make.