“Would you like some help with that, Master?”
I look up from the sizzle of browning beef. “I don’t need any help, thank you Charlotte, but I’d enjoy your company. Why don’t you pour a glass of wine and pull up a chair.” I wave out of the room with my spatula. "You’ll find a bottle breathing by the fire in the lounge."
Her smile blossoms and she exits to returns a minute later with the bottle. “A glass for you too, Master?”
“I will, thank you.”
She doesn’t fetch a chair, instead perching on the end of the kitchen counter, her legs swinging as she tastes the wine. “What are you making?”
“Beef and mushroom casserole. There’s a chilly breeze out there. Michael will appreciate a hot meal inside him when he’s done.” I toss mushrooms into the pot then snap fingers at Charlotte for the bottle. A good glug of wine….
…. and maybe another….
I slide the pot into the oven and bang the door closed. “There. An hour or so and that’ll be done. Now….”
I straighten up to see Charlotte eyeing me. Her wineglass hovers just below her mouth and her teeth gleam just above the rim.
I know that look….
“Finished, Master?”
The question is innocence itself. The sparkle in her eye is anything but. Her legs are still swinging from the work-top, but are, oh, ever-so-slightly, parted.
A gentleman always takes a hint….
My palms between her knees, I push her legs apart, easing myself between them and leaning in close to my horny-eyed sub.
“And what can I do for you, Madam?”
More teeth show as the smile grows wider, so I take the glass from her hand, setting it to one side, then push her skirt back and up above her thighs. Her scent billows up….
Ready to be fucked….
“Would you like to wait for Michael?”
“He’s going to be a while yet, Master. He said he was going out for some supplies for the restaurant.” Those teeth gleam wider. "And I thought he might like me to help him later in the shower…"
There’s nothing more certain….
“…. So, for now….” Her hands curve around my neck….
My cock is doing pole-vaults.
No time like the present….
“Lift your hips,” I mutter, reaching in. The grip on my neck grows tighter and her ass rises a little, enough for me to pull her panties down. Backing off a touch, I tug them off, tossing them to one side.
Mmmm…. Table-ender quickie….
My shaft is making ungracious demands for release and I’m happy to oblige, undoing my zipper to liberate my erection. “Hands around my neck again,” I say, pulling her butt to the edge of the counter, and guiding myself into her already sopping and scented pussy.
With each palm cupping a warm cheek, I pull her close. With her fingers clasped behind me, it’s smooth and easy and oh, sooo….
I slide into her, with a tight and delectable stretch as my flesh opens hers.
Resting my chin on her shoulder, I murmur, “Are you missing your husband while I fuck you?”
“I’m appreciating my Master.” She reaches for my mouth with her own, her kiss passionate as I pump her and her hips piston to take me.….
Outside, the wind is rising. Windows rattle and there’s the bang of a door….
Should have locked it….
In a while….
…. But here it’s warm and safe, and I have everything a man could wish….
Twenty- Eight Years Ago - Klempner
Bech marks out an area on the top storey of the main building…. “…. And if we build internal walls here and here, we’ll be able to separate the men from the women and keep the minors in their own area.” He grinds to a halt, looking up to see my reaction.
“You’ve thought this through, Bech. You’ll be trying to take the lead yourself next….”
His laugh is desert-dry, devoid of humour. “I'm a tactician, sir. It needs a strategist at the head of an organisation. My talents are best fitted to back-room support. You provide the…. vision…. I’ll move the pieces around the board. Or see that they are moved.”
All true….
“Talking of strategy,” I say, “It seems to me that the unrest around East Africa and Somalia ought to provide some opportunities. Do we have anyone over there?”
“Nooo... Not as such.” Bech rubs his chin, his eyes unfocusing. “But the authorities over there are all corrupt as hell. It shouldn't take me long to find someone helpful.”
“Someone who will remain helpful if governments change?”
Bech waves a dismissive hand. “If we set it up, it’ll stick. They all want to see western currency flowing their way. If there was a coup or a revolution, all that’d happen is the money would end up in a different Swiss bank account. Leave it with me. I’ll see what I can do. Who were you thinking of sending over there to set it up?”
“I’ll go myself, at least to begin with.”
Bech pulls a long face. “That’s a dangerous part of the world….”
“I’ll be careful. But meanwhile, see who you might recruit that would be willing to handle the work long-term.”
“There’s always someone who’s finding staying here too dangerous. I’ll find someone.”