I can’t help myself. As Ben bursts into the room, I shriek. It’s not exactly fear. Not exactly protest or surprise. I’m not sure what it is, but I shriek.
My Master reacts instantly, almost launching himself upright to face Ben. There is a clatter as, in his haste, he knocks over a side-table, taking a lamp with it which lands on the floor with a crash.
And in a move that, even in the emergency of the moment strikes me as sweet, he snatches at the sheet, tossing it over me and covering my nakedness.
“Get the fuck out of here, Ben! Who d’you think you….”
Ben is not listening, screaming abuse, fists curled tight. “You whore! You’ve barely been married any time and you’re already fucking my brother’s so-called best friend….”
Pulling the sheet around myself I tumble out of the bed, backing into a corner away from Ben. I’m screaming something back at him but he’s not hearing the words.
“… And you, you fucking bastard! I knew you couldn't be trusted. You’re supposed to be his friend. You were his fucking best man only a few months ago. What was that all about? Some plot to get your paws over a young girl, you fucking pervert?”
My Master was poised, I think ready to defend me. I thought, and I’m sure he did too, that Ben was about to attack us both. But Ben simply stands there screaming obscenities at first me, then my Master. “The pair of you…. just waiting for the chance. I'm putting a fucking stop to this. And that’s a fucking promise!” Teeth bared, he lurches forward, arms outstretched….
Again, the sound of a charge up the stairs. The door bangs open again….
Thank God….
…. also bursts into the room.
“Ben, what the hell d’you think you’re doing?”
And then behind him…. Kirstie appears….
What’s she doing here?
As Michael appears, apparently forestalling any actual attack, my Master takes the opportunity to snag his trousers, trying to pull them on, to zip up over his erection which is still at full post.
Kirstie is backed as far against the wall as it is possible to be. Her face white, she’s blinking hard, gnawing on a knuckle as Michael takes charge of the situation. Grabbing his brother by the shoulders, “What the fuck do you think you’re playing at, Ben?”
Ben whirls around, his eyes wide. “What am I doing? What about them? I’ve caught your wife and your so-called best-mate in the act, and you ask what I’m doing?”
Michael goes still, and when he speaks his words are slow and spoken carefully, almost individually. “As my brother,” he says, “you have many privileges, but bursting into the bedroom on my wife is not one of them.”
Ben’s mouth falls open and for a moment he stares at my blond, handsome, furious husband. But then, his voice rising again, he jabs a furious hand at me, “You can see what they were doing! And yet it’s me you’re angry at?”
My Master stands frozen, the image of white fury. And Kirstie….
What is she doing here?
…. watches the two brothers with a ping pong gaze…
Through the haze of my own anger, I wonder how Michael will handle this….
He’s been avoiding the situation for months….
What’s he going to say?
Ben’s so inflexible….
Michael’s tone is frigid. “If you believed there was a problem, perhaps you might have talked with me first? Let me handle it? This is your answer? To barge in, interfering in my family life?”
Ben gawks at him but then the look he casts at my Master is murderous. “Michael, your wife and…. and…. him, have been fucking behind your back. Why are you angry with me?”
My Master and I exchange glances as Michael stares at the carpet, one hand rubbing at the back of his neck….
…. And it’s Kirstie who speaks….
“Ben, not everyone lives the same way.”
She suddenly has the attention of the room, my Master’s, slit-eyed and furious, Michael’s expression almost of relief at the interruption. But Ben swings on her, the whites of his eyes showing. “What? What the fuck’s it to do with you, Kirstie? It’s none of your business.”
He’s an intimidating sight, but she doesn’t back down. Her chin raised slightly, she faces him off. “You dragged me here, very much against both my advice and wishes….”
Ben brought her?
“…. You made it my business. So, you can damn well listen to me.” Ben steps toward her, looming, and Michael stirs, starts to speak, then falls silent.
Perhaps it’s best to let her speak….
It’s too hard for Michael….
This is his brother….
Kirstie continues, “…. Not everyone lives the same way you do, or the way you think they should.”
Droplets of sweat trickle down Ben’s red forehead. “What are you talking about?”
“Ben….” She swallows, but keeps her eyes squared to his. “…. haven’t you noticed the rings they all wear?”
His head swings. “Rings? What rings? What are you talking about?”
Kirstie nods towards me, apology in her eye. “Look at Charlotte’s ring finger. She’s wearing two sets of rings….” Then she nods around the room…. “….one set like Michael’s and the other like James’.”
That’s the cat out of the bag then….
I hold up my left hand, displaying my rings: red and gold from my Master, white and gold from my husband. Ben looks at it, then towards my Master, who takes the cue and also holds up his hand, his partner-ring to mine exhibited.
Then Michael does the same. Resignation on his face, nonetheless he levels a steady gaze at Ben.
Ben stares at his brother’s ring, then back at my Master’s and mine. No trace of understanding crosses his face. He shrugs, almost shakes off the evidence of what he has seen then turns back to Kirstie, violence still writ large on his face.
“What the fuck are you suggesting?” he hisses. “That my own brother would ignore it when another man fucks his wife? He’s only just married the woman….”
Kirstie already stands against the wall. As Ben advances on her, she presses backward. “No, I’m suggesting that what you think you see, might not be the reality.”
“And what else could it be?” he snarls. “One man making out with another man’s wife?”
Michael tries to forestall his aggression, laying a hand on his arm. “Ben…”
But Ben brushes him off, shrugging away the hand. His back to me now, all I can see is his rigid stance, the hunch of his shoulders as he towers over Kirstie. “What the fuck are you suggesting?”
But I can see Kirstie’s face very well, her eyes darting between the man threatening her, his brother and my Master, then to me. There’s a hint of pleading there….
Asking permission…?
And I give the smallest of nods….
“I don’t know what to say, Ben,” she says. “Look at what’s in front of you.”
“No, let’s talk about this.” His fists are bunching. “You can’t say something like that and then just pretend you didn’t. What did you mean, she’s wearing two sets of rings?”
How can he not get it?
Kirstie sucks at her lips then, “I mean, you wear someone’s ring because it…. it binds you to that person. Look at them, Ben….”
He jerks back, retreating a step or two. “That’s disgusting. How dare you talk about my family like that?” His knuckles are white.
Michael tries again to step in, “Ben…” And once more is ignored.
Kirstie looks him in the eye, refusing to be intimidated….
Got to give her credit for nerve…
“Different strokes for different folks, Ben,” she says.
“What the fuck’s that supposed to mean? You’re suggesting that my brother’s shacked up with some bitch that runs another boyfriend and he doesn’t mind? Is that what you’re saying?”
How can he be ignoring Michael?
But now Michael grabs him at the wrist, pulling him away from Kirstie. “Ben, stop talking to Kirstie. She’s nothing to do with this. Talk to me.”
I can barely believe it. Ben continues to ignore him, snatching away his hand and turning to stare out of the window. I exchange glances with my Master who shakes his head slowly.
Abruptly Ben swings, stabbing a finger towards Kirstie. “Hang on…. I get it. Are you saying that’s how you live? That you’ve got someone else out there? Is that it? Is that why you wouldn’t let things get any closer?”
Ah, crap….
Not the way she would have wanted to handle it….
Kirstie hesitates, but, “I’m saying, Ben, that there’s more than one way to live.”
He steps towards her again, flushing. “Answer my question. Have you got someone else? Besides me?”
Resignation flashes over her face. “Yes.”
His chest is heaving, his eyes wild. “You bitch. You’ve been playing me along, all this time. Who is he?”
With an air of ‘Let’s get it over with,’ Kirstie says, “It’s not one.”
My Master rolls his eyes….
“What do you mean?” demands Ben. “Not one? There’s more than one?”
“Yes, there’s more than one.” Her voice is matter-of-fact. “I’m seeing other men than just you.”
“More than one….” The pitch of Ben’s voice is rising. “How many men are you fucking? Is that why you’re saying what you are about Mike? You play fast and loose, so you assume everyone else does? I thought you and I had something special. I thought it was you and me; that we were an item?”
Her chin juts. “I never said that. I never said anything like that….”
“You slept with me. We made love together….”
Michael and my Master are exchanging surreptitious glances now…. My Master who had paused at getting his trousers zipped and belted, slips on his shoes.
Getting ready for trouble?
“Ben, we’ve had half a dozen dates; that’s all. And yes, I slept with you, once. But…. So what? I’m sure you’re a great guy, but I have never said that I wanted to be tied to you. You just assumed it.”
Michael said he has a history of moving too fast….
…. Or trying to….
Is he any good in bed?
Kirstie would know the difference….
Kirstie falls silent, but she trembles, and her breathing is rapid and shallow. She waits as Ben eyes her.
His nostrils flare. “Have you screwed my brother?”
Kirstie’s eyes flick to Michael, then to me. “Yes.”
“Yes? You’ve fucked Michael?”
She’s losing her cool….
…. Cracking under pressure?
…. She stumbles as she speaks. “It was just once, a couple of years ago. They were at a club I go to….”
Ah…. Double crap….
Both Michael and my Master roll eyes to the heavens.
Ben stiffens. “They? Who’s ‘they’?”
Kirstie freezes, realising her error.
“Who’s they?” he repeats.
She doesn’t speak, staring at the floor. As the silence stretches out, her eyes lift, and she looks around the room, her gaze settling on Michael, then my Master.
But Ben sees it and finally gets it…. Swinging an arm wildly between the two men. “The two of them? Is that what you’re saying? You fucked with my brother and him together?”
And no-one says anything.
Ben turns back to Kirstie. His voice is a frozen calm. “Were you planning on telling me this at some point?”
She swallows then, “I’d already decided that I’m not being fair to you, that I should call a halt to this. We don’t live in the same world, you and I.”
Ben circles the room, his lips moving. Sweat trickles down his forehead. Finally, he turns back on Kirstie. “I don’t believe you,” he says….
Why would she lie…? With the pair of them standing there….
“…. Mike, tell me what the right of this is.”
Michael inhales then, his voice even, says, “Ben, Kirstie’s telling you the truth.” His arms folded, calmly he watches his brother.
Ben backs away, his mouth slack. “You’re seriously telling me that you married a woman, and you shared her with another man?”
Michael’s voice remains level. “No, I’m telling you that he shared her with me, and then I married her.”
Ben gapes. “You’re not serious?”
A part of me is screaming at the seriousness of the situation, but another part is laughing at….
At what?
Ben’s pig-headedness maybe. Or that Michael has finally been placed in a position where he must deal with this. He’s been avoiding saying anything to Ben for months. Now it’s done.
I tune back in. Michael is speaking. “Kirstie told it aright, Ben.” His brother’s lips whiten, but Michael waves an arm across to me and my Master. “Not everyone lives the same way. My family consists of my wife and my best friend.” He glances at James and I see something pass between them. “I’ve known him longer than her, but they both mean a lot to me and for the three of us, it works….”
Ben’s face is purpling, but Michael, calm as ever just says, “So, just think about that for a while, and calm down.”
He doesn’t. Ben’s mouth is a mere slit. His hands are knuckled white. With a snarl, he stalks from the room, slamming the door behind him. After a minute or so, there is the sound of a car starting up, the screech of rubber on gravel then the engine receding into the distance.
My Master, who has remained silent all this time, swings his gaze onto Kirstie. She blanches.
Her shoulders hunch. “Um, I’ll be going, shall I.” She scuttles out.
A gaunt hush falls over the room.
Michael presses hands to his cheeks. “James, Charlotte I didn't know how to apologise….”
My Master cuts him short. “Your fuckwit of a brother is no longer welcome here.”
“James, I….”
“And it's not for you to apologise for Ben's actions.” Michael hesitates, his hands held helplessly. My Master snarls at him. “I know that wasn't your fault, but you're likely to get caught in the crossfire if you stay here just now. Now go. See that Ben's left the grounds.”
“Just leave us.”
Shoulders drooping, Michael nods and leaves.
My Master turns to me, his face softening. “Charlotte… are you….” He swipes a hand through his hair. “Christ, are you alright?” He pulls me into his arms, rocking me.
“I’m fine, Master. But it's not fair to blame Michael. It’s really not his fault. You can't hold it against him for something he had nothing to do with.
“Really?” His voice hardens again. I am not being invited to argue.
“Really. It was bound to happen sooner or later. That someone…. inappropriate would realise. Ben just forced the pace. And Kirstie.”
“Yes, Kirstie…. What possessed her to….”
What was she doing here…?
I touch his cheek. “Master, she was under pressure.”
His voice is flat. “It shouldn’t have come to this. Michael should have dealt with this months ago.”