Corey's POV
My heart was pounding in my chest as I took my seat at the massive table. Mother is forcing me to sit next to Mr Lawson and I could feel my nerves spiking.
Oh god, please not now, not now. I kept repeating those words in my head, on the verge of a panic attack. I wasn't good at socialising at all, and now they expect me to sit next to this God of a man and I'm expected to actually have a conversation with him!
I couldn't do it and I felt my heart beating faster and faster, my hands twitching within my lap, till I felt a hand drop down on my own.
I would never be able to explain to anyone what I felt in that moment as the big hand covered mine. I could feel the reassurance radiating off of him and it seeped through my pores like a drug and I felt my hands stop twitching, my body calming down.
It was almost instant and I looked up at him in shock and wonder. How did he do that, how did he manage to do something that no one else has ever been able to do?
He smiles at me gently and I quickly lower my eyes to my hands again, but I couldn't seem to help the small smile that now refuses to leave my lips.
I look up and around the table, carefully avoiding those intense eyes. Everyone seems to be seated by now, and the extra kitchen staff Mother had hired for this function, comes streaming out through the kitchen door.
Out of my peripheral view, I see Father take his seat at the head of the table with Mother on his other side. I immediately tense when I see Father. Not wanting to get into trouble tonight, I straighten my spine and raise my chin, sitting up properly like they had drilled into my head since I was small.
The starters were put before us, a simple soup that I have to admit, was absolutely delicious. While I ate, I remained painfully conscious of the good-looking man seated next to me, but I still tried my best to ignore his dominating presence.
I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts, that I didn't hear Father address me, not until he cleared his throat rather loudly and managed to pull everyone's attention to our end of the table. I felt my face heat up in embarrassment, hating all the attention and I put my spoon down slowly, looking up at Father.
His face showed just how angry he was at that moment, even though he quickly tried to hide it when Mr Lawson looked up as well, but I think he was too late.
"Sorry Father, I got distracted." I tell him, cursing my voice for coming out so soft and shaky.
"I was telling Mr Lawson here, what a bright young man you are. Even if I do wish you had played at least one sport. Now, unfortunately, it's too late and you will be graduating soon. One good thing that came of it, was that you stand a very good chance of getting into some of the top Ivy League schools in the country." He says, with a proud look on his face, that I knew was fake. Father still wishes that I had been some kind of sports star in school.
"Yes Father, and thank you." I say softly, even though I know that I am pissing him off more and more by doing it. He wants me to talk louder and with more confidence, even though I have told him repeatedly that I am not like that.
"We'll Mark, you should indeed feel very honoured to have a son like Corey. He seems like a very well put together young man." At Mr Lawson's coldly spoken words, my head shot up and I quickly looked at Father. He was really not gonna like that at all.
I could feel the tension rise within the room and it had gone very silent, but I breathed a quiet sigh of relief, when the doors opened again and the main course was brought in. Everyone's attention was quickly diverted to the delicious meal placed in front of them.
I looked down at my plate, suddenly not hungry anymore. I picked up my knife and fork and cut my steak into small pieces, before I poked a piece and raised it to my mouth. It tasted like cardboard in my mouth, but I pushed on, while everyone else around me talked to each other. The conversations hummed around me, but I could also feel Father's eyes burning into my lowered head.
I got about halfway through my tasteless meal, when suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh. I jolted and my body tensed. The hand was on my right thigh, so that ruled out the sex god. I looked up to see who was on my my right side and saw none other than Reichardt, one of my dad's business associates. He was an overweight sleaze ball and he always left me feeling very uncomfortable, with the way he would stare at me.
I moved his hand off my leg and tried my best to ignore him, but a few seconds later, it was right back. I looked up at the offensive man and he just grinned at me sickeningly, before winking at me and going back to his food like he wasn't being inappropriate with me right now. My stomach turned at his touch and I quickly moved his hand again.
Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work, as a few seconds later his repulsive hand was back. I looked around desperately, to see if anyone had noticed what this disgusting man was doing, but everyone seemed to be caught up in their own world and I didn't want to risk Father's wrath by drawing attention to myself.
I tried once more to move the man's hand, but he clamped down on my leg tightly, causing me to let out a whimper of pain. Even though it was really quiet, it seems to catch Mr Lawson's attention as he quickly turned to me, ignoring Father who was talking to him.
I looked up at him pleadingly, and then looked down at my lap. He followed where I was looking and saw the hand on my leg, and Reichardt was too busy talking to the man next to him, to notice he was caught out.
Mr Lawson quickly leaned over me and harshly moved the offending hand off my leg with a snarl. "You dare sit there and try to touch your host's son like that?" His voice thundered through the room, causing it to fall dead silent immediately.
I couldn't look up, my heart was going to explode and I was very close to tears. Father was going to blame me for this, I just knew it
All around me, people started talking over each other, and I tried to tune them out, too scared to look up, till I heard Father's voice.
"What is going on here? Lawson, let go of Reichardt's hand, right now." He shouted, sounding and looking beyond pissed.
Mr Lawson seemed to squeeze the hand he was holding, harder, causing Reichardt to almost squeal in pain. Once his hand was free, he held it to his chest. "What the fuck is your problem man. He asked for it. I was only doing what he had asked me to do." He screamed and I don't know what came over me, but I stood up so fast that my chair fell back.
"How can you lie like that! I kept taking your hand off my leg and you kept putting it back, you filthy piece of shit!" I shouted back.
"Enough!" At Father's shout, I realised what I had done and my body started trembling. I was in seriously deep shit. I had embarrassed Father in front of all these people and I was accusing a very close business associate of his.
The walls started closing in on me and my breathing accelerated, my heart pounding against my ribs. I knew what was happening, but I wasn't able to stop it and before I knew it, I was on the floor, tears streaming down my face, and gasping for air.
"Get the fuck away from him. He's not some circus act for you to gawk at. Give his some fucking space." I heard someone shout, but it sounded so far away that I couldn't make out who it was.
I felt arms go around me and lift me up, then I felt movement, like I was being carried somewhere, but my short-circuited brain couldn't make out anything that was happening around me. All I knew, was that I felt so unbelievably safe, wrapped up in those strong arms and I never wanted to leave them.
I lay my head on the man's shoulder and felt him squeeze me tighter to his body. I honestly didn't know who this was, and I was far to emotionally drained to open my eyes right now, but he was so warm and comfortable.
Eventually I felt him put me down and it felt like a bed under me, so I opened my eyes, feeling a bit better now, only to see Mr Lawson standing over me and I seemed to be lying on my bed.
"How are you feeling now, little one?" He asked, his voice gentle and the cold mask gone. He ran his fingers through my hair and I felt the last remnants of the panic leave my body as I completely relaxed.
There was just something about this man that drew me to him and made me feel so safe, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.
"T-t-thank you f-for helping m-me Sir. I r-really d-didn't ask f-f-for that." I said softly, my face heating up in embarrassment, while I looked down at my hands.
"I know you didn't ask for it sweet boy, and there is no need to thank me. How long has he been harassing you like that?" He asked and my heart skipped a beat when he called me sweet boy.
"It w-was always j-j-just looking at m-me in a c-creepy way. T-tonight was th-the first t-time he t-touched me l-liked that." I stuttered out, feeling my face heating up even more.
"Shh, calm down sweetheart. You're safe now, no one is going to do anything against your will ever again." He said softly, causing me to smile.
"H-how did you f-find my r-room?" I asked him hesitantly, looking around to see if anyone else was around.
"Don't worry, your housekeeper showed me, and she left immediately." He told me, making me sigh in relief.
I was almost completely relaxed again when suddenly my door was shoved open, making it hit against the wall and causing me to jump in fright.
I looked up and there was Father, fuming and breathing harshly. "You fucking little imbecile, how dare you fuck everything up tonight. I warned you to behave, and you just had to ruin it all." He seethed between clenched teeth.
He seemed to be completely focused on me, not realising that he was saying all of this in front of Mr Lawson, who was looking at him in complete shock and disgust.
But before I could even say anything in my defense, Mr Lawson stepped in front of me, blocking Father's view of me. "I think you have misunderstood the situation Mr Reylan. Your son was the one being groped by that pig of a man." He said coldly and I felt the goosebumps raise on my skin at the tone.
Father looked over at Mr Lawson, who was towering over him and he seemed to rethink his approach.
"I'm sorry Mr Lawson, I think I have misread the situation then. I will go down and make sure that Reichardt gets escorted off the property immediately." He said and I wanted to throw up at the fake smile and slimy tone. He might be my father, but right at that moment, all I could feel is utter disgust.
Father gave me a piercing look, before he quickly left and I was once again left alone with the beautiful Mr Lawson.
"T-t-thank you Mr Lawson." I told him and I was rewarded by his beautiful smile.
"It was my pleasure, little one, but please call me Hayden." He told me, smirking at the blush that covered my face.
He dug in his pocket, pulling his wallet out. He pulled a card out and handed it to me. "I know we only just met, but please, if you ever need me, just give me a call. My cell number is written on the back."
I took the card from him and looked at it. It was matte black, with Lawson Tech written in embossed gold. It was simple and elegant. I smiled up at him and thanked him for everything.
"It was my pleasure, little one. Please, look after yourself and call if you need anything." And with those words, he leaned over and kissed my forehead, leaving me stunned, while he smirked and then left my room.
After he was gone, the panic almost set in again. I didn't want to say anything to him, but I knew Father. He wasn't going to let this go so easily. One way or another, I was going to have to pay for tonight.
And true to my thoughts, my door got slammed open about an hour later, Father still looking furious and my body started shaking again.
"You think you are so fucking clever, don't you?" He seethed and I cowered away from him.
"N-no Father. I s-swear, it was Reichardt's fault. I t-tried to m-move his h-hand, but he refused to leave m-me alone." I cried, then moved further up my bed when I saw Father taking off his belt.
"I'll teach you to lie about my fucking friends, you little faggot bitch." And with those words, he started beating me with his belt, the buckle cutting into me with every lash over my arms, back and legs.
I kept screaming for him to stop, but he was beyond listening and I think I passed out eventually, from the pain.
I came to, and I was surrounded in darkness, and at first I couldn't remember what had happened, but then the pieces started fitting together and the pain in my body made itself known.
I tried to keep in the whimpers of pain, but a few escaped, as I tried to get up, off my bed to make my way to my bathroom.
I didn't bother with the light, because I didn't want to see the damage done to my body, so I had a short shower in the dark, before stumbling back to my bed, dressed only in a pair of boxers.
I lay down and switched on my bedside lamp, then picked up the card that Mr La...I mean Hayden had given me and I let out a small smile. He was a really kind man, and I found him extremely attractive, but he couldn't help me, no one could. This was something I would have to deal with myself.
I wish I had someone like him to love me, someone strong and beautiful. But that was a fantasy that would probably never come true. People like me didn't belong with amazing people like Hayden.
With that depressing thought in my mind, my eyelids drooped shut and I was soon fast asleep, still clutching that little black and gold card like a life line.