Book TwoMeet 18 year old Corey Reylan, a shy sweet boy who could never be what his homophobic parents wanted, no matter ...
Chapter One
Corey's POV
"Corey, get your ass down here now!" I heard my father's voice thunder up the stairs and I let out a sigh. I really didn't want to deal with him or Mother right now. All I ever got from them was criticism and disappointed looks, just because I didn't live up to their expectations of how I should be.
They wanted me to be big built like Father, unfortunately, I took after Mother at 5'7. They expected me to be a ladies man or 'heartthrob' like Father used to be in high-school, but once again, I failed there too. I had never had a girlfriend and I never will have one. I was gay, although they didn't need to know that. I couldn't even bring myself to think about kissing a girl, never mind actually having sex with own. They also expected me to be some type of sports star like Father used to be, but I was completely useless at sports. I've tried football, soccer, basketball, even lacrosse, but I couldn't even make any of the teams. Father used to be quarterback for his highschool team as well as captain of the basketball team. The only thing I excelled at was academics, but that wasn't good enough for them. They just kept lecturing me and pressuring me about how I was not good enough for the family name and what a disappointment I was to them.
Father was probably getting ready for another lecture on how I need to try harder and push more to be more like him. I honestly wasn't in the mood for this, but I didn't have a choice in the matter. The last time I had refused to go down for one of Father's lectures, he came storming into my room and physically dragged me downstairs by my hair and threw me on the couch. I really didn't want a repeat of that again, so I quickly got up off my bed and headed downstairs to see them sitting side by side on one couch and Father indicated for me to take the one opposite them.
I sat down and waited for it to start. Father looked at me with a slight look of disgust, before he started, but it wasn't the usual thing, like I had expected. "We are hosting a very important Dinner party tomorrow night, here at the house. A very important person is coming, so I want you to be on your best behaviour for it. I'm trying to get a contract for my company to make some of the security tech that his firm makes for the Government. According to rumors, he is looking to partner up with another company to take over some of the smaller Government contracts, due to his current workload. So he has agreed to discuss it with me during tomorrow night's dinner party. I'm being fucking serious Corey, I want you to be on your best behaviour, and please, for once in your miserable fucking life, can you actually act like a fucking man."
I sat there dumbstruck for a few seconds from Father's harsh words towards me, then nodded my head, swallowing the lump that formed in my throat, before nodding. "Of course Father, I won't let you down."I say with a fake smile as I get up off the couch to make my escape, before the tears came.
As I got to the doorway leading out of the lounge, I heard him mumble to Mother, "Damn boy is a let down already, he just better not fuck up, or I swear to God, I will beat him till he toughens up."
With those words echoing in my head, I ran up the stairs to my room, closed and locked the door behind me and threw myself onto the bed, burying my face into my pillow to muffle my sobs. I was never going to be good enough for them. I was too quiet, too girly, too shy, too small. I'm never going to be what they want from me and the thought made me cry even harder. If they had to find out that I was gay, I would definitely end up on the streets. Father wouldn't think twice to throw me out if he thought I was something as disgusting as a faggot. I've heard the derogatory word come from their mouths too many times, to doubt how they felt about the LGBT community. Father might even decide to kill me if he had to find out. He would never accept that his sperm would produce something as filthy as that.
I must have cried myself to sleep eventually, because when I opened my eyes, it was already the next morning and my alarm for school was going off. I switched it off, before rolling off my bed with a groan. I really wasn't in the mood for school today, but at least it was Friday, so I would have a break from my other hell for a few days.
You see, not only was my home life shitty and miserable, but it was the same at school. I was bullied, because of my smaller size and the fact that I was a bit of a nerd and very quiet. The only good thing about school was the fact that the teachers liked me and my best friend was there as well. Tana was the sweetest, most amazing girl I have ever met. She was almost my complete opposite, but we somehow made it work.
She was lesbian, which is what drew us together in the first place and she had no problem telling anyone where to shove their opinions about her. She was beautiful, with long, chocolate brown hair to her waist and bright blue eyes. She was also about my size and she knew how to look good in whatever she wore, which made me a bit jealous to be honest. I never felt like I looked good enough and just went with baggy jeans and t-shirts. The only thing I liked about myself was my very pale blonde hair and light green eyes. Both of which I got from Father, which is all I got from him.
I wasn't out at school and neither was Tana, and because we were always around each other, the other kids thought we were dating, and we didn't deny it at all. It was safer that way for both of us, although the jocks sometimes gave Tana a hard time for having such a loser for a boyfriend. One guy from the football team, Jason, tried to hook up with her once, and started telling her how pathetic and worthless I was and that she should just drop me and go out with him. He told her he would be able to show her a much better time than I ever could. Well, let's just say that her knee connected with his groin so hard, that he was out of school for three days. She warned him to never bad mouth me again or tries to get with her ever again, or she would make sure his dick never functioned ever again.
He didn't really leave me alone though, he seemed to target me even more after that, just not where Tana could see and I was not about to tell her either. I felt pathetic enough as it was and didn't want to show her just how useless I actually was and that I couldn't even defend myself against my bullies.
I showered and went to get dressed, once that was done, I quickly styled my hair and went to put my shoes on, and grab my bag. I was starving due to not having dinner the night before so I went downstairs and hoped my parents weren't there yet. I really couldn't deal with them right now. I walked into the kitchen and saw our housekeeper, Susan, just about to dish out breakfast. When my parents were around, I had to call her Miss Susan, but luckily she told me one day that I am more than welcome to call her Susan, when the parents aren't around, to which I happily agreed. She was the only person in this house that kept me sane, and made me feel loved.
"Come in young man, the food isn't going to run away if you step closer to it." She chuckled out watching me, hands on the hips as I hovered in the doorway. I grinned at her and went to take a seat at the counter. She pushed a plate of food closer to me and handed me a knife and fork. I leaned over the counter and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you Susan, you're a superstar." I said, before sitting back down and digging in.
"O hush boy, just doing my job, besides if I don't take care of you, who the hell is gonna do it, hmm?" She asked, and she had a very valid point. My parents would never go out of their way to do anything for me, because I wasn't worth it.
I smiled at her softly in thanks and carried on eating. Just as I pushed my plate away and got ready to get up and grab my bag to head to school, Father came walking into the kitchen, probably to enquire when Susan will be serving their breakfast. They hated the fact that I preferred to eat in the kitchen, instead of the horribly elaborate dining room, but most of the time they kept quiet about it. They were probably relieved not to have to look at me so early in the morning.
I was just about to brush past Father, when he grabbed my arm in a tight grip, hurting me, and probably leaving a bruise behind. "Remember what I said Corey, none of your pathetic bullshit tonight. You will behave and I won't tolerate none of your mumbling and hiding away. You are a part of this household and you will do your part." He whispered in my ear harshly, before releasing me and making me stumble to the side a bit, before catching my balance.
"Of course Father." I said, trying to put some firmness as well as confidence into my voice, even though I wasn't feeling any of that at the moment.
"Good, see you tonight then, and make sure you are dressed appropriately for it." He said, not even looking at me anymore. I just hummed in agreement, looked back at Susan, who looked like she was biting her tongue to keep her quiet. I gave her a small smile, before making my way outside. I went to fetch my bicycle from the garage and started pedaling towards school. You're probably wondering why I'm riding a bicycle, when my parents seemed to be well off. Well, that's because they told me that I have done nothing to deserve one and that they weren't going to waste their money on a car for me. If I wanted one, then I would have to get a job and save up to get one myself.
Luckily there was only two more months left before I graduated and I couldn't wait. I had already applied to colleges and universities and knew I stood a good chance of getting into any one of them, due to my high marks at school. But the one I really wanted to get into, was Lincoln's School of Arts (made up). It was right here in our city, and they had dormitories, so I won't have to live with my parents anymore. I had two main passions in life, one was dancing, the other was sketching, but my parents didn't know about any of that. I've managed to keep it from them for the past few years and seeing how I was eighteen already, they had no say where I go to school after I graduate, especially if I get the full scholarship I had applied for.
My mind drifted as I was heading to school and I started thinking about tonight. I wonder who all was coming to this dinner party and I especially wonder who the man is that Father spoke about. He must be someone really important for Father to make such a fuss about him. Probably just another snob with his nose in the air and stupid, preconceived ideas of how people should be, like Father.
God help me if I stepped one foot out of line tonight, Father would be most displeased with me. I shuddered, thinking back to the last time I had accidentally embarrassed them. I had knocked my glass of water over and it had spilled everywhere. I was mortified, and hurriedly apologised for it, and cleaned up the mess. Father hadn't said anything about it at the time, but later that night, after everyone had left, he had come to my room and hit me with his belt, the buckle cutting into my back. That was when I was fifteen. I hadn't stepped out of line since then.
I sighed as I went through the school gates, this was going to be long day, and an even longer night.