"You never touch me, William." I heard Lady Tracy whining. The door was closed but as I cleaned the passage, I could hear. "I'm a woman, I'm your wife.. I need to be touched. Liam is five, we ought to give him a sibling already."
"I will not be having kids like we're breeding chickens. Liam is enough." Master William arrogantly yelled back. I could tell he was aggravated. I could also tell that his wife was desperate.
"We said we would have five kids and I'm best fertile now. We planned on a big family remember? Now whenever you're with me... you never cum or you claim to be tired then roll over. Is something wrong? Would you like to see a doctor."
"Woman, don't disrespect me like that! It's not my fault you're as stretched out as a rubber band."
"Wi..lliam!" Lady Tracy gasped clearly shocked. I felt awful for her. I couldn't wait to be stretched out.. maybe he would leave me alone.
"I gave you a son." She said in a quivering voice.
"Yes, I'm grateful for that!"
"No, you aren't if you keep telling me that I'm not as.. skin tight as I used to be."
"Don't put words in my mouth.."
"Do you still love me?" She questioned. At this point, I was just holding my broomstick balancing my chin on top of it. Unashamedly listening in on their conversation.
"William.. is there someone else?" She paused. "That's it there has to be someone else."
"You're my wife, I married you. You live a moneyed life. Isn't that good enough for you?"
"I want you to tell me you love me.."
"You can't force me to say the things I do not wish to say."
"William, you're pathetic! Just admit that you're having problems down there. It's not my fault it can't even stand up..."
This made William burst out laughing.
"Oh darling.. it stands within seconds when I'm far away from you."
"I will report you to my father!"
"And say what exactly? Oh father, I can't be with my very rich, handsome husband because his willy refuses to get up. Your father is the most pastoral man I have ever came across and best bet he will send you back to this limping manhood."
I had to admit, William was always good with remarks. He always made me laugh even if all I wanted to do was clap him upside down.
"I forgive you." Lady Tracy replied.
"I did not ask for it."
"Please touch me.." she paused. "Please... I miss you."
They hadn't stopped since then.
I was jealous but it was her husband. I shouldn't care. It just made me a tiny bit jealous because did that with me. He made me feel that way too. The way she was screaming, I knew how he could be. She wasn't purposely doing it. At times, I felt she was. Maybe she always aimed for me to hear her. She thought of it as a warning on my part. I was glad Liam had went to his grandparents house.
"I want you go to wear the dress, I gave you. The presentable one not your shabby clothing." Lady Tracy demanded. "You know that when I go out with you... Panashe you ought to look proper. What will my customers think seeing the maid of a dress maker looking like an exiled negro with no roof over her head. I have a reputation in this town... now run along."
I mean Master William, tore the dress.
"Lady Tracy, it's stained." I muttered.
"Let me see the stain.."
"It's fine??"
"Go take it right now!" She dismissed me.
I went to my room and pretended to search long and hard. When I knew that I wasn't going to find it. It was partly true, I couldn't find the shreds. I needed to find them so I could hid??
I stopped in my stance when I saw Lady Tracy behind me holding the partly torn dress. I cleared my throat thinking of another lie.
"My father was right when he said you negroes are the most ungrateful people. We can't do anything nice for you without throwing it back in your face!"
"I'm sorry..." was all I could matter.
"WILLIAM!!" She called her husband totally ignoring me. Master William made his way down the stairs to the basement with an annoyed expression he huskily replied "What's the matter now?"
"She tore the dress.. the dress I gave her so she could look presentable."
"Honestly, it was hideous. I wouldn't wear that if I was in her position."
"No no, lady Tracy. I loved it. It was by far my favorite dress. I think the rats ate it.."
Master William burst out laughing. It seemed like he couldn't hold it in. His wife stared at him with distaste. His laugh made me want to laugh. It made the situation less tense but I was still afraid.
"You're starting to become a compulsive liar which I don't appreciate." She said sternly. "William you need to discipline her."
Master William abruptly stopped laughing.
"Uh.. what are you waiting for, whip her?! She has gone too far and needs to know her place."
"Certainly.."? Master William cleared his throat.
I was scared.
I can take this.
I can do this.
"Go on discipline her while I watch.."
"Won't you be late.. for your book club. Wasting time on a useless piece of waste like her is really not worth it. You're all dressed up and you look beautiful. I don't want to ruin that with her blood splattering all over.."
"...you're right!" She blushed.
"I'm not done with you!" She glared at me before walking up the stairs out of the basement as soon as the door closed. Master William smirked..
"The rats really?" He chuckled, I couldn't help but admire his looks but he was with her a few minutes ago and I still hate him.
"I told you not to." I voiced, afraid he was still going to whip me. I accepted my fate and waited for him to grab his whip from the far corner.
"Well I will need you to scream and cry.."
"What?" I was baffled.
"Scream, some violent crying.."
"Uhm.. Aaaaaah!"
"That was pathetic, Panashe. Do I need to bend you over to get you to scream?"?
"This is all your fault and I won't be blamed for it. I will not scream nor will I pretend to cry. You tore my dress so I do not know what excuse you will give her but I will not make a fool of myself."
"...nice, feisty.."
"It was hideous,? did you a favor!"
"Since when does it matter to you what I wear?"
"Since I know exactly what you hide under those dresses!" He smirked.
He always had a comeback for everything, it annoyed me.
I didn't respond.
"Let's do something fun while she is away.."
"You're funny, come here!"
"I said no. You're just coming from sleeping with your wife. That's disgusting!"
"I didn't sleep with her.."
"Why are you telling me?"
"Because I only used my tongue to please her up. This dick is all yours."
I looked away not being able to fathom how indecent this man was. He had the mouth of a sailor. Disgusting.
"I don't want it."
"I really love when you play hard to get because it really makes this so much more exciting. Don't you think so?"
"It's funny until she skins me alive." I said going to sit on my bed forgetting it now only had three legs.
Master William was quiet for a second before he muttered. "Let me grab my tools, I will be back!"?
To fix my bed, I hope! I wanted to say.
I didn't reply. Honestly I was getting too comfortable around him and he didn't scare me as much as he used to. I'd like to think it will be my downfall.
? ? ?? ?