Lady Tracy was a dressmaker. She worked from home, she had a room where she did everything required. Master William also had his own office. There were two guest bedrooms and yet I still slept in the basement. Sometimes.. I thought Master William wanted me in the basement because of the things.. he wanted to do to me. These words kept ringing in my head.. 'Nothing can be heard from the basement.. you can moan as you please.'
My name was called.
I hurriedly went to the dining room where I met Elliot. He was smartly dressed in black worn out slacks and a brown dress shirt. His black 4c hair was smartly combed. He gave me a clean white smile. His teeth were so white, they were the highlight from his dark skin. He was a tad bit lighter than myself though.
"You could chat a little while I go fetch Mrs. Cunningham's possessions." Lady Tracy said with a hint of amusement. "Just don't do what I wouldn't." She warned.
I panicked, what if she told him that she thought we were having sexual relations. When we actually weren't and??
"Thank you, Ma'am." Elliot said with a full blown smile. I only felt uncomfortable.
Once she had went up the stairs and we were left all alone. "You look lovely, Panashe!" Elliot complimented.
"Thank you." I replied very unsure what he even saw in me. I was in rugs, how was this even lovely..
"You never wrote back.. did I offend you in any way? If I did, I'm sorry. I must have been too upfront about my feelings."
"N-no you weren't." I muttered. "I got really occupied and failed to write back."
It was quiet for a moment.
"It's awfully hot yet you're in a cardigan.." he attempted to make a banter but I just felt rather grim.
"I have a cold.." I lied, I didn't want anyone seeing the bruises. My face had healed up faster than I thought it would.
"I hope you get well soon."
"Thank you." I said awkwardly, honestly I Elliot was a nice man but I felt we didn't have a connection. I probably sounded stupid for believing in soulmates. I enjoyed reading and dreaming. I'd like to think someone out there was made for me and I just had not met him yet. Amongst slaves.. it was hardly ever about love. It was about marriage of convenience. Having someone to atleast live this hell with. To have a friend.. and I suppose sexual relief as well as a chance to produce. There were a few lucky ones who actually found love.
I honestly didn't want to bring a child into this horrendous world. I knew for a fact that they wouldn't be happy. I had no heart to do that to anyone especially my own future child. I loved children, absolutely adored them but I just didn't picture myself being a mother.
"Master William.." Elliot said abruptly which made me tense in my position.
"Elliot.." He acknowledged him.
I decided it was best I excuse myself. "You can not just arrive unannounced and solicit my maid.."
"I'm sorry sir."
"I read your letter and I do not appreciate the lumber you said concerning my family. If you feel that you're her shining amor then buy her off from my father... you can't even afford to buy yourself off. You're lucky, I'm a generous man if not be, I would have told the Cunningham's exactly what you get up to on your spare time."
"I apologize." Elliot looked utterly afraid, intimidated and ashamed. That's when I realized how much taller Master William was.. his blonde hair sleeked back. He always put a lot of effort in the way he looked. His eyes met mine, I immediately looked away out of fear.
"Here they are.. Elliot." Lady Tracy joined.
"Thank you Ma'am, I will take my leave." Elliot said respectfully. He then gave me a heartwarming smile. Which was disrupted by an angry.. Master William.
"Nice young lad isn't he?" Lady Tracy said cheerfully.
"A nuisance, I do not want to ever see him near my compound. I do not know how you will deliver to the Cunningham's but If I ever see him set foot here again. I will not be able to control the things I will do to him."
"He is her Fianc??, William. That's a bit harsh."
"Hold your tongue, Tracy!"
I shifted uncomfortably. Scrabbling towards the kitchen to get started on supper. Master William and Lady Tracy continued their petty argument. It was always that way.. soon they would be all over each other and this would be all forgotten.
Supper happened.
Liam happened.
While serving the table, Liam assuredly asked a question. "Dad, do you like Nashe?"
"That's nonsense. Don't speak with your mouth full." Master William immediately dismissed. I felt petrified. Lady Tracy didn't show much worry in fact she only continued to tell a story.
"William, you know that negro girl that used to serve at the Andersons home."
"I don't recall.."
"Well she died. Margaret found her with her husband in bed and she threw a bucket of boiling water right from the stove all over her body."
I gasped with fear.
"Nashe, That would never be you now would it?" Lady Tracy chuckled, cutting through her half done steak so callous blood oozed from it.
"N-never Ma'am!" I stuttered before scurrying around to the kitchen to catch my breath. Master William's eye had been on mine. I hated living like this, fearing for my life. I had to catch my breath so I could continue listening to what more she had to say..
"She had third degree burns all over her body. Her hair even fell off. It looked like her skin was slowly melting. She didn't get an medical attention and died on the spot. I don't pity her at all. The nerve of her jumping into bed with a married man."
"William, are you even listening?"
"I just lost my appetite, that's not something you discuss about on a table full of food with a five year old listening.." Master William hissed, immediately excusing himself. I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen, I immediately pretended to busy myself by washing the dishes. Strong hands wrapped around my waist.. my skin shivered. My body still hurt. I couldn't help but whimper when he fondled my breasts. I was glad nothing could be seen from the kitchen. Terrified.. I pulled myself away from Master William and quickly... moved away to clean the stove. He bit his lip...
I hated him.
His soft kisses and rough touch.
I loathed him.
His handsome face and chiseled chest.
He disgusted me.
His corky dimpled smile and his manhood that pleasured me and filled up void, I didn't know I had and left me dreaming of more committing sin.
I hated him.
For beating me to a pulp and thinking he could still have me.
I hate him!
Nothing will ever change my mind.
This seemed like a bit of fun to him but this was all in risk of my life. I couldn't continue doing this anymore. I didn't want to. Not anymore. He backed me up against the wall and made me feel how rigid his junk was... he laid his soft lips on mine.. gently biting my lip. I was already soaked. My heart thud faster that galloping horses.. his wife was just a door away.
"Tonight alright?" He whispered pulling back. I didn't answer. He roughly slammed me against his chest and asked me once more.
"Tonight, Yes?"
I nodded, that was good enough for him to let me go.. for now.?