Alishba pov:
My ears were aching with all the talking ishra done. For whole two hours she kept bickering about grandpa was. What could we do and stuff like that. Ryan on the other hand looked unaffected. Quiet, to be precise. I had fallen asleep after that and now I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and looked to see ishra eyes twinkling. "We're here." She literally squealed ' n my ears. Damn, this girl's loud. I covered my ears. "Calm down ishra." I told to which she sheepishly sat back in the seat. I looked in front of me. My jaw on the ground. It wasn't grandpa house. It was grandpa mansion. It was stoned mansion with stoned driveway. There was a cute fountain in the front of the mansion so you had to go around it to get to the front. It was beautiful. Even more beautiful then Ryan and I. (Okay, so I'm confuse here whether it's Ryan and I or me and Ryan or mine and ryan. Correct me please.)
Funny how I called it my place. Anyways Ryan parked in front of the mansion. Ishra was the first I e to get out and tap my window. I rolled my eyes and got out. She practically dragged me in mansion making me stumble a little on stairs. ONce in front of the gate she punched in the pincode. I didn't see it because I was buddy admiring my surrounding. I felt a presence behind me and presume it would be Ryan. The door opened and we went in. "Grandpa, we're home." Ishra yelled. It was a mansion for heaven sake. He probably couldn't hear it.
I was again in awe. In front of us wwre stairs with red carpet. The floor was spotless marble work. A beautiful chandelier was hanging above us. There were two hallways on either side but we took the stairs. I really wanted to see those hallways but I guess later. The stairs expanded into two one on left and the other on right. But they connected above so it doesn't matter which one you take. We went through left. There was a living room in front of us. And again two hallways. We turned right ishra stood in front of big wooden door. Ishra knocked and opened the door after hearing a faint come in. As we stepped in we were greeted by strong scent of lavender. I always liked lavender. It reminds me of old people like grandparents. I had non so the smell of lavender had always soothed me. As it did now, my stomach was in knots. I don't even know why I was nervous. When I know for a fact that I won't be staying here for long. Yeah yeah, I know I said I have no reason to escape but I pondered over it. I don't want a love less marriage. I decided that I'll runaway far and then send divorce paper. He'll sign it and ta-daily, I'll be free. I tried not to show the giddiness.
"Glad, you could make it." A deep voice caught my attention. I turned towards the voice and saw a man probably in his eighties. But his face doesn't show the the aging. Both ishra and ryan went to him and the oldman I guess grandpa hugged them. "Asslam o aliykum (peace be upon you), grandpa. How are you?" Ishra beamed. That girl is seriously looks like a grandpa girl. I mentally snort. Grandpa girl? Is it even a word. Grandpa eyes turned to me as he studied me. His face serious. "And you must be Maria." He motioned for me to come forward. I frowned. Maria? Who's she? I stepped forward glancing at both siblings. They were shaking their heads. My gaze landed on the elderman and I shook my head too. "You're probably mistaken, I'm not Maria. I'm Alishba."
His eyes widen and he nodded glancing towards his grandchildren. Who were standing with their arms crossed. The old man flashed them an innocent smile. And I felt like there's something huge I'm missing. "My apologies, this man's getting old." He gestured towards himself. I nodded and gave a small smile. "It's okay, sir." I didn't quite know what to call him so I called him sir. He chuckled and came closer. I was staring at him. Was it odd and strange that I find him like father. I mean they look quite alike. He had same eyes like my father and ryan. Light brown with red flecks. And they shared the same nose. And not to forget the hair colour. Same brown with a little grey here and there however, he has more grey than papa. I shook my head. They probably never heard of each other and Here I was thinking they looked alike. A lot of people looked alike. "Call me Grandpa, you're my granddaughter too." I nodded confused but decided to let it go.
"Why don't you take rest. You look like you needed it. There will be special guest in evening so you have to look your best." He turned towards ishra without waiting for my reply. "Ishra beta, why don't you show ma-I mean Alishba to her room." She nodded hastily and for a second I thought she might break it. She was by my side in no time and dragged me outside. We walked through the living room into the other hallway. "Ishra, why did uh-grandpa called me Maria?" I looked ishra but she was biting her lips. After a pause she smiled at me. "You know like he said old man. Haha. He uh-forgets names. Yeah, that's it." She stopped in front of a door. She looked me and gave me another smile. "This is brother room and now yours too. Go in and rest. I'll fetch you when your-I mean when guest arrive. Bye." With that she hurried away into the other room. Without waiting for my reply. You know I'm having a gut feeling that something is wrong. And this guest will be a great surprise for me. It's like instinct. And let me tell you my instinct are very strong sometime. Sighing I went in the room. What's with Ryan and dark room?

This time it was black and gold. He had, without doubt, good choice but dark colours. Honestly they made the room looked erotic. Sorry, Allah for my language. But that's what it is. In front of bed were black couches facing LCD. The wall behind LCD was gold with black designing. It was a peaceful room. I liked it. I went towards the closet and glad to find my bag. I quickly rurned into pjs and snuggled into the bed. Without wasting time my eyes were drifting close and I no time I was asleep.
(The end....haha joking...continue.)
"Alishba, psh wakes wakey. The Sun is up. It's a beautiful day. The birds are singing." I heard ishra voice but I was too comfortable to leave the bed so I stayed asleep. "Com on sleepy head. I'll count to three. If you don't wake-up I'll wake you ishra style." I smiled and snuggled deeper in my covers. I was almost falling asleep when the covers were torn from me and I was pulled on the carpeted floor. I fell with an oomf. My eyes widen as I landed on my rear. I glared at ishra who just shrugged innocently. "I warned you. Now get up. The guests are almost hear. Get change quick." I stood with a huff and made my way to closet. I picked up a pale blue skirt with navy blue blouse and hijab. I made my way to bathroom to fresh up. After changing I made my way back into the room. Ishra looked me and nodded in approval. She then dragged me out again. "Ishra, calm down. What's all this about?" I practically jog after her. She took us to the same hallway where grandpa room was. As we stood before the room ishra looked me and smiled. I smiled back and she gestured for me to enter. I took a deep breath and enter. The familiar scent of lavender filled me and I skilled.
But the scene in front me really took me by surprise. My father and grandpa were hugging while afan stood at side. I entered when they noticed me. Dad turned and I couldn't help but ran to him and hugged him tight. His familiar and soothing scent filled my nose making me relax. I started crying while my dad rubbed my back. "Shh. It's okay. I'm here now. I missed you princess." I stepped back and smiled. "I missed you too papa." I wiped my tears. "Hey, no one missed me. I'm hurt. Sis." I turned to the sound of my brother. He was standing there with a hurt expression but his eyes were twinkling. I grinned too and hugged him. "You are mean sis. You didn't even called me." I stepped back and looked him. I had to crane my neck. "Wow, you grew. You seem more taller." He puffed his chest proudly. "I know. I missed you sis." He hugged me again.
"Alishba." I stiffened at the familiar voice. Afan must have noticed this because he rubbed my back soothingly. Why is he here? I hesitantly stepped out of his embrace. Taking a deep breath I prepared myself for the upcoming. I held my breath and turned.
There he was standing calmly.
"Maher." I released his name in a breathy way.