Alishba pov:
I was listening attentively as Maher told me how he was planning to ask me to marry him and how he had to convince everyone to help him. By the end I was dumbstruck, my mouth hanging open as I looked Maher. He was smiling at me affectionately the one I used to thought about but now here it is. I snapped out of my thoughts when he held my chin and tugged it upwards. I blinked and looked at him.
"You will catch flies if you leave your mouth open." He chuckled making heat crept to my cheek. "So now that it's all settled, we should begin the ceremony." My father interrupted our staring contest. I stood up and walked to him. He pulled me in a hug which I returned. I looked up to him and smiled. "My little princess is all grown up. I can't believe you'll be getting married." He looked me with glistening eyes. I frowned and then smiled. "Papa, I'm not married yet. I'm just going to engage. I love you."
I gave him a quick hug and back away before I could burst into tears. "I wish mama would be here." I smiled sadly at my father. His face grimaced and his eyes darkened. "I wish that too. But there's no interfering in Allah's work. But she will always be there with you." I nodded and smiled at Maher who held my hand and guided me to the place of ceremony. Honestly, I was beyond happy. It was those moments when you give up and suddenly you get new hope. Yeah, you feel me. I was feeling it. Never in my dreams I thought of Maher loving me. And yet here I was with Maher by my side and getting engaged. It was the best feeling.
Maher held my hand and slid the ring on my finger. I almost fainted because it felt too good to be true. He smiled at me the one that made my heart flutter. I smiled automatically.
This was the best day of my life.
Later that day we discussed the wedding.
"So, it's done. You are going to get married next month." Papa looked me with glassy eyes making a tear ran down my eyes. I hugged him and heard him sniff.
One week before wedding:
There's only one week left in my wedding and things had been depressing and hectic.
Yesterday, I was sitting in the cafe with my best friend Fatimah and someone gave me flowers with a note that said:
For my bride-to-be.
I was really shocked for a moment. And honestly I was mad that Maher lied to me about his name. It was funny later when he told me it was his real name and his name doesn't start with R. I didn't tell him or anyone well except Fatima because she was with me every time, most of the time. I didn't want others to worry especially papa. But these few days he was kind of off mood like depressed and sad. I tried to ask him but he would just wave it of saying he is missing mom. Of course I didn't buy it. Because it was not the sadness he felt when he missed mom.
These whole prank thingy was getting on my nerve. Most nights I could feel a presence In My room and almost every morning there would be a rose with an annoying note with some name initial R. Today it said..
Few more days before I'll have you.
Good morning...
I really contemplated telling it to dad but seeing his mood this morning I choose not to.
"Papa, will you please tell me what's going on? You are acting weird. Is it because I'm getting married." I took a sip of my juice and fiddle with my hijab. The stuff keeps slipping off and I couldn't find a Damn pin. Remind me to buy loads of them. I always forget where I put them. Dad stared at me for a while having inner battle maybe thinking if he should tell me a real reason or lie. He looked away out of the window and nodded. "Then I won't get married." I shrugged saying it like it was the most common thing to say. His head snapped to me. "What? No. You are marrying even if it's the only way to save you from-." He stopped abruptly when he realized what he was saying. I raised my brow and gave him what-are-you-hiding look. He sighed and got up from the seat. He glanced at me once and mumbled. "I will always love and everything I'm doing is for you." With that said he left and left me staring at the spot he was once standing. What does dad mean.
I didn't see dad whole day and I told Fatimah about what happened. "He sure is hiding something big. What do you think?" Fatimah looked with her big green curious eyes. She was beautiful. From her black hair and green eyes she was taller than me. I was around 5'3. But I never said anything about my height. I personally love it. Anyways, I sat on my bed cross legged. Fatimah was staying with me from today until the wedding. I was really happy and relived because maybe I won't have that creepy uninvited stranger lurking in my room. I tried to find out a few times but I couldn't. Because once I tried to look a cloth was pushed on my mouth and I fell unconscious. That really scared me. Because anything could've happened. But then I realized if that was the case I wouldn't have been here. Maybe he was the R guy. Fatimah shook me to get my attention back.
I blinked. "Sorry what were you saying?" I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. Wedding sure is tiring. "I was asking about your wedding dress but since you are interested in something else I'll just call Maher and invite him." She crossed her arm and smirked. I looked her horrified. Not again. Few days back I spaced out like this and Fatimah didn't even shook me and called Maher. And Maher scooped me up in his arms bridal style and grew me in freezing cold water. "That's for zoning out." They both had Said.
I held my hand and shook my head. "No no. I'm sorry. I was just thinking about that creep." She got what I was talking about and her face faltered. "Don't you think you should tell someone. At least Maher, he's going to be your husband. He won't be pleased if he found it out later." I took a deep breath and released it with a sigh. "I don't want to worry him. And besides it's just some stupid notes. Now it's getting late and I'm tired. I don't want black holes around my eyes." I laid and pulled the sheets above me without waiting for her reply. I heard her sigh then shuffling. The place beside me dipped and I heard her mumble. "Shab-e-khair (goodnight)." I was too to red to say it back so I just replied it with a mmhhnmm.
A week had flown and it was my wedding day tomorrow. I didn't received any notes from then on and I was glad. And I didn't see much of dad. He seemed distant and whenever ever he saw me he had a guilty expression. I just prayed to Allah it was nothing serious. As I was saying I didn't received any flowers or notes I was really happy but today I found a parcel on my bed when I got out of the shower. I opened it and my happiness vanished into air. Pooof!! Just like that. There was a wedding dress in it. I didn't see it all just the body. It was boat neck and probably full sleeves. It the body was covered in lace and pearl. If it wasn't for note I would have jumped up and down to wear it. It said:
Good luck with your wedding. Wear this tomorrow. It will look lovely on you.
I had closed the box and put it aside just in time before dad came in. I was taken of guard. Of course I as wearing clothes. But I wasn't wearing any hijab. But that doesn't matter when he hugged me. I was shocked for a while. This past week he had been so distant. But regardless I hugged him tight. My dad was back. He kissed the top of my head and sighed.
"I've missed you, sweets. I'm sorry I avoided you this whole week. I was you trust me?" I got a little back and gazed at him. "If there's anyone I trust it's you." I smiled to confirm. He sighed and pulled back completely. "Then you will forgive me for what I will do?" He asked uncertainty and I frown in confusion. "What are you saying papa?"
He turned, "nothing . I have some work to do. Make sure your all ready for your wedding tomorrow." His voice felt pained and hurt. I put a hand on his shoulder but he slid it off and walked out of my room. What was happening in my life. My phone rang making me jump a little. Smiling at the caller I.d. I picked it up. "Asslam o alaikum(hi) um....uh..." I still don't know how to call him. Before the engagement I used to call him Maher. But suddenly I became shy. And believe me it was one thing that I didn't have in me, not until now.
"Waliikum Aslam (hi), and come on. We're getting married yesterday and you still can't say my name. Say Ma-her. Ma--her. Say it. It's not a difficult name. And beside you've been saying it before we were engaged so what now?" I blushed at his words. He was right why can't I say it. My stupid heart that's why. It was beating really fast. I closed my eyes. And took a deep breath.
"Okay, Fine. Maher." His name came out a little breathless. he groaned on the other line. "Forget it. Don't say it. We can wait until tomorrow. You're making my fantasies go wild. Damn. I shouldn't say it." He sighed and I could imagine him brushing a hand on his face. I turned crimson. After talking for a while we hung up.
The rest of the day pass in a blur. We went for shopping, spa and I went to bed super tired. And i didn't see dad the rest of the day.
I groaned as the floor met my rear. I opened my eyes and glared at the impatient Fatimah. She was already dressed. I looked her. And then got up rubbing my bum. "What do you think you're doing?" I glared at her and walked to my bathroom to shower. "It's your wedding in less than five hours. Get your lazy ass a quick shower." I rolled my eyes and got ready.
After about three hour I was ready. My hijab was set in Arabian style. My white dress flowed down my waist In different layers. The upper body was simple with floral patterns. All in all it was simple and elegant. I was sitting in my room waiting impatiently to see Maher. The door opened and my dad came in. I didn't see him since yesterday morning. And i was kind of mad at him. But I knew better. He was my father. And he surely had his own reasons for it. He looked me with a guilt expression as I walked to him.
He hugged me tightly blocking my air literary . "Ca-n't bre-a-the." I gasped when he pulled back. "I'm sorry princess I am really sorry. I hope you'll forgive me because of my behavior past week. I was not in my mind." I held her shoulder.
"Papa. Stop, I'm not mad at you. Just a little disappointed that you were not there but I know you had your reasons. I will still love you." I hugged him. He hugged back after a while. "I love you too princess. I hope you'll forgive me one day." I pulled back frustrated. "Papa, I already forgave you." He nodded reluctantly and kissed my head. He hugged me tight once more and turned to go out.
Before opening the door je looked back and muttered. "I'm sorry." With that he got out. I was going to tell him it ws nothing but my words died as two bulky man in suits came in the room. "Who are you? Papa?" I tried to call him but they were fast. One of them held my arms and the other held a piece of cloth to my nose. I felt dizzy and fell. The last things on my mind were..
Why dad? What will Maher do?