Next morning
nandu wakes up
she sees manik sleeping in a very cute position
she smile seeing the position
she gets up and gets ready and wear a beautiful saree
manik sees that and was memorized by her looks
nandu see this and says
nandu: you got up go get ready we have to go to temple because I am pregnant right
manik: ok and he comes near her kisses her cheeks
he goes and gets ready
after an hour
manik and nandu gets ready and goes to temple
at temple
manik preys to god : god please take care of my nandu and please dont create the problems between us please take care of our baby
nandu preys: god please take care of my child and my manik and make us healthy and give us strength to go though the problems
after preying
they sit at temple and then they go to beach
this was all seen by a person she get so jealous of nandu and she wants to do accident to her so she calls someone and says
person: do accident to Nandini
caller: your work will be done
and when nandu and manik was walking they were having some romantic talks and was happy
manik: so nandu do you accept me your husband
nandu: not yet because you still did not propose me
manik: ohh so you will accept me if I propose you
nandu: maybe
manik: ok then your birthday is coming right
nandu: yea I totally forgot
manik: I still remember
nandu: hahaha funny even I remember my birthday
manik: you know one thing this time for your birthday one person is adding to our life
nandu: yea and she holds her stomach
manik: he smiles and bends down and say come fast baby your daddy is waiting for you
nandu: awww so sweet it is only a 1 week I became pregnant still 9 months are there
manik: I know
nandu smiles seeing his cute attics
when they were going to the car a car was coming towards her and she did not see the car it was about to hit her but manik saved her in fraction of seconds
manik: cant you see the car what would happen if the car hits you what would have happen to our child
nandu: manik I was walking with you and
I was in the sidewalk so how will I know the car was coming
manik thinks something because he know that it was not nandu fault
manik: I think someone is trying to kill you
nandu: what
manik: because seeing this I got to know someone is behind this
at the other side
girl: cant you even do the work properly I just told you to hit her and you ruined it
boy: I did what you said but manik saved her in fraction of seconds her else she would be dead
girl: I want her to be dead at any cost so I can get manik
boy: I forgot to say something
girl: what
boy: nandu is pregnant
girl: what
boy; yes nandu is pregnant
girl : how do you know
boy: I heard their convo
girl: Ohh then the game is interesting
then the girl smirks
so how was the chapter
so how was the chapter