After mank completed his decorations with the surprise he made he went to shop and brought dress and some jewelry for nandu and went home
At home
Manik goes to his room and sees nandu crying he felt bad for that
He went near her and said to get ready in 10 min
Nandu said ok
After she got ready
They both left for the destination
Nandu was shocked seeing the decoration
Nandu: what is this manik why are doing this
He shus her by putting his fingers on her lips
Manik: dont talk
Nandu nods
Manik kneels down
Manik: I am sorry nandu I was so confused when u said that u r pregnant because we did not consume our marriage so I got angry but then I got to know one truth
Nandu: what truth
Manik: do u remember once when all went to a party
Nandu: yes we went to ur business party
Manik: do u remember what happened after that
Nandu: no I dont remember what happened
Manik: because we both got drunk
Nandu got shocked
Nandu: what
Manik: this was all done by my dad he got to know that we still did not consume our marriage so he took advantage of the party and made us drink and without knowing we have consumed
Nandu: how can dad do this to us I am not ready for child yet
Manik: I know but we have to accept the child now he is happy that u r pregnant
(Yes the person who did all this is raj malhotra)
Manik: do u want to abortion
Nandu: no manik I wont I will accept the marriage we cant look back so we have to be happy for what we got and he holds the stomach
Manik smiles
Manik: can u forgive me for whatever I said in the morning
Nandu smirks as something is going on her mind ???
Nandu: no I have to give u punishment
Manik: I will accept ur punishment
Nandu: u r punishment is u have to cook till my baby comes out
Manik: ok darling I will cook till my baby comes out
Nandu smiles
Manik: did u like the decorations
Nandu: I loved it
Then they had dinner and danced to the music and had some fun and left home as nandu is becoming tired
Nandu POV
I have to be happy for what God as given but I will not forgive my dad I asked manik to give me time he gave me what is so hurry for dad that I have to give him grandchild but now I cant look back
POV end
She goes down and was about to have
Drink water that time raj as come there to talk to her
She see him and was about to go
Raj: I know u r angry on me for what I have done
Nandu: I m so much angry I wanted this relationship to slowly what is so hurry dad what is so hurry I cant forgive u for u have I to want babies but I want time for I want to know manik well and accept this relationship but u ruined it dad I cant forgive u for this I would not
Raj: I am sorry nandu
Nandu: what are u sorry for I can't forgive u and dont try to talk to me if u do then I am going to leave this house and this is serious
She left before raj says anything
This convo was heard by a person
He smiles evilly and leaves the place
Person: yes so now 1 target down 2nd target manik but nandu is pregnant with his child how should i make him belive
He gets an idea and sleeps thinking about the idea
So how is the chapter